I was merely listing punches that were better than Ibeabuchi-Byrd. Also, I was thinking of it as more of one of the "greatest" knockout punches than as one of the "hardest" knockout punches. It goes against the title of the thread, but I feel that given my knowledge of boxing, I should be able to post about whatever I feel like at any given time, and that you should be glad to read it.
Oh, don't be that way. We're just havin' a little fun. You got to learn a bit about boxing, and I found a reason not to do the inventory on my theremin kit. You can't get upset about this sort of thing; it's just the internet. You have any kids? My son'll be three in March. His grandfather got him a drum for Christmas, and he loves playing it.
You consider the knockout of a middleweight by a heavyweight one of the best knockouts ever??? Pffft.
It seems that you have an 8th grade reading comprehension level. Let me give you something more visual:flip:
Definitely. Have you seen it? Brutal. Anyway, Chris Byrd debuted at a lighter weight than Ketchel weighed that night.
20 stitches =/= hardest shot. Casamayor put a hole through Diego's mouth. Lewis ripped Vitaly's eye off with a punch that didn't hurt him. And on and on. Foreman's shot on Moorer didn't look that hard and the effects were on a chinless opponent. That said, the stitches are good evidence that Moorer wasn't faking or anything. Look at Ali Liston 2...if you believe that Liston wasn't faking (and I don't think he was), it still doesn't make that a great KO punch, only an unusual one.