This shit is getting stupid :: All the nutthuggers coming out of there hole in every MMA forum I step in. Give it up UFC nutthuggers beating a shot Silva(He ain't been the same since 05) doesn't mean your back..back?! from What?! LMAO He can't beat Jackson,Machida or Jardine and there might be a few others.The UFC will hype him up anyway to the ignorant masses till he loses again.....I"m just curious how they will match him up with
True Grave but you have to also understand marketing. In this case, Liddell was the face of the UFC during the 'boom' period and he has a huge fanbase, especially amongst the TUF fans who'd never watched MMA until the reality series on spike came about. It was guys like Franklin, Hughes, Ortiz, Liddell, and Couture whom the new fans took a liking to. I guess you could say that these guys were in the right place at the right time by the looks of it. All those guys save Liddell are either gone or going. The UFC is going to do all it can to keep it's biggest star around. Makes sense to me. Look at how many rebirths and revivals we had to endure with Tyson. Every fight was a "The Return of....." or some silly crap in order to get fans to order ppvs of Tyson fighting some handpicked journeyman. Liddell is 38 and I doubt he has much time left. If I owned the UFC, I would put Liddell on a streak of complete fodder and cans just to milk the fans of every penny while I possibly can. LOL!!!
I don't like Liddell, but when he starts quitting in the middle of the ring or on the cage of the Octagon and then quits in his next fight, then he's the MMA Tyson.
It's funny how MMA works. People are bashing Liddell as washed up, never any good in the first place, etc, etc. Many of those same people are calling for a Couture\Fedor fight, saying Coutore is Fedor's only real challenge, etc, etc. And it wasn't too long ago that Liddell was beating the hell out of Couture in back to back fights. TFK
The thing about fans is that 99% of them are bandwagoners. They jump onto the next hot thing. As for Couture/Fedor, I personally could care less if the fight happened or not. I don't think it's that big a fight, it's just being marketed that way. Hell I personally think an Arlovski/Fedor, Tim Sylvia/Fedor or Barnett/Fedor is as much if not more appealing. And with Liddell, I think many fans weren't impressed with Chuck's comp over the past few years. Chuck was outstriking wrestlers like Randy, Tito, Horn, Babalu, etc. Everybody wanted to see Chuck try to strike with a top striker. When he did, look what happened. I won't discount Vitor Belfort but Vitor is relatively a joke. He hasn't beaten anybody worth a damn in years. The win over Wanderlei was good for Chuck's career but how good is Wanderlei? The guy got laid the F out in his last 2 fights and looked every bit as shot as I imagined he would.
I agree that the bandwagon jumping in MMA is ridiculous. It wasn't long ago that Arlovski was the greatest ever, then Brandon Vera, then Houston Alexander, etc. Trust me, if GSP gets beat down by Serra again, or anyone else for that matter, it'll be the same with him. TFK
I'm with Hanzy on this one, if I'm running UFC, I'd have Lidell fight some total bums.. I'd find them on the street, trashmen, dishwashers and bus drivers and pay them like 10k to fight lidell, But... the key is to come up with story line I'd take a bus driver and explain how he lost his family at an early age, went to prison and was known as the BADDEST MAN in the PEN... just really hype it up.. then Chuck KO's him and looks like the king!
:eeeek: :bears: Damn, that's a pretty solid marketing plan LOK. It actually could work if you think about it. It's all in the marketing. I'd grab some school bus driver and hype him as being a guy who showed up in Chuck's sparring and KTFO Chuck with 1 punch. Chuck lovers would be all over that crap.::
when Chuck got ko'd by Rampage Jackson, some Liddell groupie in the bar was like "he was getting up...he was getting up.":laughing:
Chuck was actually knocked into unconsciousness after the first 3 punches, then the 4th punch woke him back up.::
Are you nuts. Dana would never allow his boy's glass jaw to meet up with the fists of Alexander.:: Way too much risk!
Jeremy Horn is not a wrestler. In fact it's the weakest point of his fighting ability, he even admits it. Anyways, Couture is a pretty good striker. Lidell knocking him the fuck out twice in a row was pretty impressive.
Randy far and away outstruck Chuck in the first just goes to show that power is a hell of an equalizer, esp with 4 oz gloves Unless MMA switches to 12oz gloves sometime soon, Chuck will continue to win alot more than he loses..... I think Chuck and Shogun are next
Anybody remember Dana's quote where he said at a news conference after UFC 71 that Rampage Jackson's KO victory over Chuck Liddell was as big an upset as Buster Douglas' victory over Tyson? :: Seems Dana conveniently forgot that Jackson had torn Chuck apart in their first fight 4 years prior in Pride where Dana was sitting in the front row with 250K plunked down on Chuck.:laughing: Amazing how manipulative some promoters try to be to market their stars. It works too since most of these fans are clueless and just buy into whatever bullsh*t most of the promoters put out there. Can't say I blame 'em. I'd pull the same sh*t as a promoter.
LOL at your gif..anyway,what I mean by him being the MMA Mike Tyson is how his fans look up to him more than how he presents himself.
Might as well,most of his fans won't know the difference anyway.He could beat my ass and his fans will think he beat a top contender,there fucking clueless
seriously.. we should all start a MMA organization.. I'll be a fighter.. just match me with total bums and let me KO them in 30 seconds.. I bet within a year of doing this.. just ko'ing like 10 bums in a row in 30 seconds or less.. people will think I'm great! we'll see tons of tickets::
i'm just saying, I'd like to see it happen. Now that Thierry Soukudju (sp) lost as well, maybe he and Alexander can get it on. That would be an exciting fight.