Bye Stinger, I hope you finally earn enough money there, so you can get out of the bouncing business. :bears:
dsimon writes: Keep in touch Karl. All the best. When I make it down that way I will stop in. You Hairy and Lok are all a stone's throw... and a half from Lafayette it seems::. And be safe on the bouncing gigs!:nono:
Thanks alot Karl for the personal shout out, we never really got to discussing shit, basically because you annoy me too much. But good luck in your new position. ::
I need to learn its hard to convey sarcasm over the internet :: Or maybe this is just jealousy on your behalf?
He will be working in Hell, covering Don King undercards, and being escorted from the building before the main event and locked in a small box. He will be paid, however. $0.01 per millennium.
Thanks, vato. I enjoy bouncing, tho. It is exciting as dsimon can attest to, keeps the adrenalin flowing. Most of you guys are the best.
I guess he didn't get the sarcasm, either. Karl, does this mean you won't be posting here anymore, either (crosses fingers)?
How about I get you a free pass into my club with free well brand and free food, and you get so drunk that I roll you and your rusty wheelchair into the Houston sewer system, Gimp?
I'll twist your crippled self from that four wheeled "motion machine" and shove you into the Pacific Ocean, you know nothing, 98 pound weakling paraplegic.
Hey dude, if you are really leaving, I just wanna say that nothing I said to you was personal...I just like to shoot the shit, if you know what I mean. So for all its worth, good luck and take care. Now beat it!!! ::
The Pacific Ocean? That's quite a ways from that gay bar in Houston you work at. In fact, it would take months for us to get there. I'd need to get a wheelchair, and then you could push me something like 20 miles per day. By taking the most direct route, we'd have to pass through Mazatlan, Mexico, about 800 miles from Houston. We're talking about at least a month under the best of circumstances, probably two. Would we camp every night? You'd have to pull a trailer or carry a backpack, and that would slow us down even more. Maybe they could make a Disney movie about us, like that one about the guy who rode his tractor across America to see his dying brother. StingerKarl and Rubio MHS: A Journey of E-Oneupsmanship, coming to a theater near you, 2008!
Brother Karl, I'm happy and I'm sad. Happy cause you will be writing and doing stuff that you really like to do but sad that you will be leaving. Good luck and hope to see you around. PM me the website so that I can check yo stuff out. I'll Holla 5000