Remember Ahhhhnold's roundtable "non-debate?" "I haven't thought about doing a 4th Terminator, but if I did, I know who I would cast as the female villian."
Ron Paul Vows to Take Campaign to NH 17 hours ago DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Republican Ron Paul vowed Thursday night to continue his presidential campaign into New Hampshire and other states. "This is not the end. This is the beginning," the Texas congressman told a boisterous gathering of about 150 people at a downtown Des Moines hotel. The crowd interrupted Paul at times, chanting "Live free or die" and "Ron Paul." "I am more encouraged than ever before," he said. Although Paul finished in fifth place, he noted that he was ahead of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. "We the people, who care about the country and the constitution," Paul said. "I don't think we're going to let it die." Paul, a 10-term member of Congress, has waged an unusual campaign that matched his libertarian views with events involving a blimp and the re-enactment of the Boston Tea Party. Paul opposes the Iraq war, opposes the federal income tax and urges Americans to push for a fiscally responsible government. Much media attention has been focused on his Internet-based fundraising, which drew more than $18 million in the final three months of the year.
Ron Paul Hits Huckabee on Taxes A Ron Paul mailer. By Matthew Mosk Apparently, there's only room in the Republican presidential field for one candidate who wants to abolish the IRS. At least that seems to be the message in a new Ron Paul mailing in New Hampshire. The glossy flyer from the Texas congressman and maverick presidential contender does not target the two Republicans who lead in the polls there (Mitt Romney and John McCain); it instead goes after Iowa caucus winner Mike Huckabee, calling him a "habitual tax hiker." Paul has been putting to use his $20 million fourth-quarter fundraising haul with a series of mailings, though this is the first to go negative. The piece also carries two photographs -- one shows two former Arkansas governors -- Huckabee and former President Bill Clinton -- in a frame together. The other shows Paul with Ronald Reagan (though does not mention that Paul eventually criticized Reagan as a "failure.") The latest polls in New Hampshire show Huckabee charging further ahead of Paul, with Huckabee fighting with Rudy Giuliani for third place, and Paul stuck in fifth.
Thank you! (1/4/08) Yesterday was a remarkable day for Ron Paul, and it wouldn’t have happened without you. For those of you who haven’t yet heard, Ron Paul took over 10% in yesterday’s Iowa caucus, handily beating Rudy Giuliani and finishing right behind both Fred Thompson and John McCain. This despite that Rudy Giuliani made more visits to Iowa than Ron Paul. And, entrance polls showed that Ron Paul took first place (29%) among independent Republicans! This campaign is just beginning, and we are starting off better than anyone in the “mainstream†media imagined. Back in February 2007, no one gave Ron Paul any chance to succeed in this race. Ron Paul did not have the name recognition of other candidates, nor the financial resources. Essentially, Ron Paul started at a level of 0% in all 50 states. But then, as we know, something started to happen. Americans started to hear this message of freedom, and began to galvanize behind the cause. It’s no small feat that we brought in 10% yesterday in Iowa, a double-digit turnout that has brought a lot of commentary – even from Fox News! Just last night, Greta van Sustern had this to say: "Ten per cent is not insignificant - that's a huge number. Here you have a candidate that 10 per cent of the people caucused in his party really want him and it's not like he's an insignificant player. He didn't just drop in yesterday to the process, he has been running for president for a long time, and certainly many of the issues he's raised are rather provocative and certainly stimulate the debate; that's not a bad thing." This election is just getting started. It’s time to mobilize and do what needs to be done. It’s time to win the most important election of our lifetime.
congrats to ron paul, that was a good showing last night imo this is proof that paul deserves to be at that fox roundtable, they used the excuse they only wanted guys who had a chance of being elected, well paul came in 4th (there was a tie for 3rd) and he BEAT guiliani, by alot i might add :bears: also :bears: huckabee!
Basically, Ron Paul is tired of the national debt being so small, and he wants it to become a respectable number, no?
I have read that some now say this line is out of charachter for Paul ... but IMO it's right in line with it . He's simply telling the truth like he always does. :clap:
BTW ... I find it a bit odd that the entrence polls which usually run pretty close to the outcome ... had Paul winning with 29% but when the "official" numbers came in (tallied by a third party) Ron Paul places 5th. :dunno:
if you like paul so much petre why dont you offer your money and services, fly out and help organize and spread his message? dont just talk about it, make it happen!
On the Irish news, they told me that Obama won the Iowa thang. Somebody came second. The whore came third. And That Romney/Huckabee/Huckabee/Romney came 1st or 2nd for the Reps. I didn't hear about anyone called Paul.
Ron Paul Narrowly Misses Third Place Finish Posted in: European American News — @ 3:11 am Romney and Huckabee spent months and millions in Iowa. by James Buchanan There wasn’t much chance of Ron Paul doing better than third place in Iowa, and he came within just a few percent of that goal, finishing right on the heels of Fred Thompson and John McCain. Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee had spent about four months each in that state. Romney spent about $10 million and Huckabee spent much of the $5 million he rose in the fourth quarter there. The mainstream media also showered Mike Huckabee with a flood of positive reporting for the last two months. Mike Huckabee is a closet liberal, and the media wants him to rise up as the Republican candidate. Still, what sort of victory was Iowa for Huckabee? How proud can a candidate be when he spends four months of his time in just one state and “wins†the state with a third of the vote (not even a majority)? Any news about Ron Paul has been virtually blacked out by the mainstream media. The media totally ignored the blimp Paul’s supporters got him –even though it would have been a big story for any other candidate. The media gave only reluctant coverage for the two big fund-raisers which Ron Paul supporters staged, even though one fund raiser set an all time one-day record. The media and the pollsters have endlessly insisted that Ron Paul was in the low single digits. Maybe it was good that they set the expectations for Ron Paul so low. Now that Ron Paul finished with ten percent in the Iowa caucus, maybe more Americans will see him as a viable candidate. The New Hampshire Primary is coming up soon, and the Republicans in New Hampshire have traditionally voted for candidates who believe in freedom and the Constitution like Ron Paul. If Ron Paul does well in the New Hampshire race, it will be a huge boost for his campaign, and the mainstream media will have an impossible time ignoring Paul from that point on.
Ok, this is just wrong on your part. When you check the demographics of people going to the polls Ron Paul won 29% of people who identified themselves as INDEPENDENT, not total amount of voters. Check the poll demographics. That 29% is actually 13% of the total people who participated in the Republican Caucus. If 100 people went to caucus, 13 of them said they were independents. Of those 13 people, 29% of them said they liked Paul. This means that the amount of votes he would get from people claiming to be independent would be 3.77 per 100. Simple math. Maybe you misunderstood the data, but it's right there for everyone to see. edit- And just for the record, I think 10% is pretty good. He kicked Guiliani's ass, which is funny although Guiliani didn't campaign in Iowa at all. In any case, the media isn't giving any press to Biden or Dodd either, except for the fact that they dropped out. The press doesn't care unless you come in at least third. 5th place ain't special. If he does a 3rd or possibly 4th in NH then you can expect press. As of yet, there is no foul.
I quoted an article and gave the link. Can I have your source for this ? I'll be sure to send it to Ron Pauls campaign office so they can fix the article.
BTW ... if you're referring to the article I posted it refers to them as independent REPUBLICANs. Not Independents. But please correct me and I will definitely send the info to the proper people to correct the story.
Yeah, it's a bad bit of writing to tell you the truth, what is an idependent republican. It was just clever wording to provide a clever spin. In any case here is a link... scroll down to PARTY ID. I think a reasonable person would be able to see that to make the distinction of an independent republican would most likely mean independents at a republican caucus. Otherwise why make use of the adjective "independent" to distinguish one republican caucus goes over another?
well i assume since your on here posting ron paul stuff 22 hours out of the day you dont have time for anything else ::
Show me an "Independent Republican" Show me data that supports the 29% you speak of is the entirety of the people who participated in the (R)Iowa Caucus (republicans and independents). Paul never had 29% of people on his side in the caucus.