Watch FNF. They are actually counting how many times he looks down at his shoes:: More looking down than punches landed, I'll tell you that much. I hope he ends up looking up at the lights. I was a fan but he is disappointing me big time right now, not to mention the millions of viewers.
i live in canada, not hawaii. I am stuck with some junior hockey thing, where Canada is kicking USA's ass.
Chris Byrd used to open up his mouth during fights. Then Ike Ibeabuchi caught him on the ropes with his mouth open. If Ibeabuchi'd been able to punch, Byrd wouldn't have made it to his feet in ten days, let alone ten seconds.
Teddy Atlas needs to shut his yap about it. Obviously he only does it when he's well out of dangers way.
Exactly what I thought. Every time Green did it, he was way out of punching range and definitely aware of what happened. Atlas made it sound like he was pulling a Mayorga continuously
Hey, at least it's better than watching Lamont Peterson fight and having to hear him say "BOP!" everytime he throws a fucking punch. :doh: ::
From an interview with Greg Leon: GL: Where do you go from here? AG: "We're talking about doing something with Lucian Bute. They called me for a bullshit fight to fight him off TV in Canada. Yeah right. If they can get a network to pick it up we'll do it. If Ward still wants to fight, I'll gladly fight him. Other than that we're trying to see what we can do with Lucian Bute."