From Brad Cooney, Boxingtalk: "Boxingtalk has been informed by a reliable source that current IBF Featherweight world champion Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero will take on Jason Litzau on February, 29th, 2008."
Good fight. Kim reported this the other day. They had been talking about it for a while. Litzau has a chance to pull it out, but I think he will lose a UD.
People are too high on Guerrero. Litzau has a chance. This should be a good scrap for as long as it lasts.
litzau definitely the bigger guy and harder puncher. i think he has a chance too. guerrero certainly isn't perfect, nor is he a "great" puncher.
You act like Litzau is fighting Pacquiao. Guerrero is beatable. Just put up a decent workrate and you will be competitive.
I don't think Guerrero's perfect, but I think part of his problem is that he's gone through a lot of trainers. It appears that issue is settled it now, and I expect that will show in his future performances.
You act like Litzau has, he doesn't have what it takes to beat Guerrero, don't confuse excitement with skills..
litzau is a club fighter. he has some power, but a shitty chin and marginal skills. guerrero should beat him handily.
Agree. Litzau isn't winning this fight without getting very, very lucky. Whatever level you put Guerrero on, it's at least 2 levels above Litzau.
Hasn't Guererro had a few slip ups of his own? I don't like Litzau, but Guerrero isn't all that either.:dunno:
that's all I've been saying. I favor Guerrero and pick him to win, I just think Litzau has more than a chance. If he doesn't get hit clean he could out work Robert, who is lackadaisacal at times to say the least.
Litzau has pretty fast hands he ill at least give Guerrero problems. Its not like Guerrero has Pernell Whittaker defence.