Up just long enough to do it's damage ... Someone needs to slap the shit outta this punk. ==================== Author of Paul Hit Piece A 'Recovering Gay' From Devvy Kidd 1-8-8 Smelling a rat Drudge has pulled that blasting, all in red bomb shell about Ron Paul and old newsletters. I believe it was up for about four hours. This is a complete departure from his normal routine when it comes to scandal material. He leaves stuff up for days. The question is why? One of our best researchers and friends out there, David, has sent me some info on the author of the hit piece, Kirchick, below. Like Anderson Cooper (CNN), it appears Kirchick is a sodomite: http://www.indegayforum.org/news/show/31319.html "As a gay recovering leftist - to my eternal shame, I canvassed for Ralph Nader in high school - I have grown accustomed to having difficulties in the dating world." He's also written for some of the biggest propaganda rags in the country, which makes me wonder why, if he made up the stuff in his column, he would simply be cutting his own throat. I sincerely hope if he made up the accusations in that column Ron Paul goes after him. The damage four hours on Drudge can do should not be under estimated unless this Kirchick is caught out right lying, but it's still out there in cyber space and if someone google's Ron Paul, it will pop up. James Kirchick James Kirchick is an assistant editor of The New Republic, a columnist for the Washington Examiner, and a frequent contributor to the Los Angeles Times. He has worked as a reporter for the New York Daily News, the New York Sun and The Hill and has written for magazines including The Advocate, The Weekly Standard, The Boston Globe Magazine and Doublethink. His writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal Europe, the International Herald Tribune, The Jerusalem Post, USA Today, The Boston Herald, The National Post of Canada and other publications. He is the recipient of the 2006 National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Excellence in Student Journalism award and was the organization's 2007 Journalist of the Year.
This is complete bullshit, Pedro. Kirchick is an open homosexual, and a recovering leftist. I guess you don't have any problem posting completely false information. :doh: :dunno:
Here's an interesting allegation ... 00000000000000000000000000000000? New Hampshire District Admits Ron Paul Votes Not Counted Sutton township reported Congressman had zero votes, actual number was 31 Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, January 9, 2008 The head clerk of the New Hampshire town of Sutton has been forced to admit that Ron Paul received 31 votes yet when the final amount was transferred to a summary sheet and sent out to the media, the total was listed as zero. The fiasco throws the entire primary into doubt and could lead to a re-count. As we reported earlier today, an entire family voted for Ron Paul in Sutton, yet when the voting map on the Politico website was posted, the total votes for Ron Paul were zero. Vote fraud expert Bev Harris contacted the head clerk in Sutton, Jennifer Call, who was forced to admit that the 31 votes Ron Paul received were completely omitted from the final report sheet, claiming "human error" was responsible for the mistake. Two or three votes not counted could be a plausible mistake - but 31 votes for one candidate? "The classic method for rigging a hand count is to write the wrong number on the form," Harris told the Alex Jones Show. "They are counting everything in public real nice, they fill out a form in public real nice and then they transfer it to another form and they call that a summary sheet and then that is the one they send in," explained Harris. "What happened is she said they did not transfer the number correctly and put zero instead of 31 - that is unacceptable as an answer." With 100% of precincts now reporting, the map originally listed zero votes for Ron Paul as you can see below. It has now been updated to reflect the 31 votes Paul actually received. The remainder of the 31 people in Sutton who voted for Ron Paul need to go public immediately with the charge of vote fraud and make it known that they were cheated out of their right to vote. Harris estimates that it could cost the Ron Paul campaign as much as $67,000 dollars for a recount, but such a move could throw the entire primary into doubt, especially in light of the fact that Barack Obama appears to have been cheated out of a win by Hillary Clinton.
Maybe they rounded to the nearest hundred. Anyway, Ron Paul getting 31 votes isn't something to brag about.
Yes, the grand conspiracy has been uncovered. While lamely attempting to derail Ron Paul's charge to the #5 spot on the Republican Presidential candidate roll call, Sutton Township, NH has been busted for trying to subjugate the 31 votes cast for Paul.
Trplsec ... I know you're smarter than this but .... If it happened in that one ... and another that showed zero , a guy is reporting that he and his family all voted for Paul .... How many other towns did this happen in ? Do you honestly think our elections are honest? Do you think Bush won fair and square or was it bought and paid for like I predicted? Do you think Hillary's win in NH is not extremely suspiscious ? Do you think the establishment wants Ron Paul or is he their worst nightmare ? I don't expect you to openly agree with me ... but deep down , you know I'm right.
Now ... WE ALL SHOULD KNOW BY NOW HOW EASILY THE DIEBOLD MACHINES CAN SKEW/FLIP THE VOTE .... Look how many votes went to OTHER .... we won't even get into how many towns Paul was given a ZERO ... what we do know is what atleast 2 are reporting. =================================== Barrington - 1,530 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 149 votes = 9.74% - Huckabee = 208 votes = 13.59% - Hunter = 11 votes = 0.72% - McCain = 576 votes = 37.65% - Paul = 130 votes = 8.50% - Romney = 363 votes = 23.73% - Thompson = 28 votes = 1.83% - Other = 65 votes = 4.25% --------------------------------------- Bedford - 6,048 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 579 votes = 9.57% - Huckabee = 434 votes = 7.18% - Hunter = 16 votes = 0.26% - McCain = 2148 votes = 35.52% - Paul = 263 votes = 4.35% - Romney = 2479 votes = 40.99% - Thompson = 51 votes = 0.84% - Other = 78 votes = 1.29% -------------------------------------- Belmont - 1,261 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 96 votes = 7.61% - Huckabee = 180 votes = 14.27% - Hunter = 11 votes = 0.87% - McCain = 456 votes = 36.16% - Paul = 102 votes = 8.09% - Romney = 329 votes = 26.09% - Thompson = 30 votes = 2.38% - Other = 57 votes = 4.52% ----------------------------------- Concord - 6,439 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 565 votes = 8.77% - Huckabee = 781 votes = 12.13% - Hunter = 24 votes = 0.37% - McCain = 2684 votes = 41.68% - Paul = 601 votes = 9.33% - Romney = 1577 votes = 24.49% - Thompson = 49 votes = 0.76% - Other = 158 votes = 2.45% ------------------------------ Dover - 4,268 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 388 votes = 9.09% - Huckabee = 458 votes = 10.73% - Hunter = 16 votes = 0.37% - McCain = 1779 votes = 41.68% - Paul = 369 votes = 8.65% - Romney = 1102 votes = 25.82% - Thompson = 59 votes = 1.38% - Other = 97 votes = 2.27% ------------------------------- Gilford - 1,922 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 139 votes = 7.23% - Huckabee = 139 votes = 7.23% - Hunter = 8 votes = 0.42% - McCain = 740 votes = 38.50% - Paul = 78 votes = 4.06% - Romney = 735 votes = 38.24% - Thompson = 21 votes = 1.09% - Other = 62 votes = 3.23% ------------------------------- Goffstown - 3,561 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 308 votes = 8.65% - Huckabee = 417 votes = 11.71% - Hunter = 19 votes = 0.53% - McCain = 1212 votes = 34.04% - Paul = 260 votes = 7.30% - Romney = 1258 votes = 35.33% - Thompson = 30 votes = 0.84% - Other = 57 votes = 1.60% ------------------------------- Hooksett - 2,862 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 309 votes = 10.80% - Huckabee = 295 votes = 10.31% - Hunter = 14 votes = 0.49% - McCain = 994 votes = 34.73% - Paul = 169 votes = 5.90% - Romney = 991 votes = 34.63% - Thompson = 29 votes = 1.01% - Other = 61 votes = 2.13% ------------------------------ Hopkinton - 1,491 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 103 votes = 6.91% - Huckabee = 140 votes = 9.39% - Hunter = 10 votes = 0.67% - McCain = 616 votes = 41.31% - Paul = 80 votes = 5.37% - Romney = 365 votes = 24.48% - Thompson = 17 votes = 1.14% - Other = 160 votes = 10.73% -------------------------------- Hudson - 4,160 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 326 votes = 7.84% - Huckabee = 454 votes = 10.91% - Hunter = 21 votes = 0.50% - McCain = 1395 votes = 33.53% - Paul = 307 votes = 7.38% - Romney = 1518 votes = 36.49% - Thompson = 57 votes = 1.37% - Other = 82 votes = 1.97% ---------------------------------- Keene - 2,807 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 218 votes = 7.77% - Huckabee = 374 votes = 13.32% - Hunter = 19 votes = 0.68% - McCain = 1089 votes = 38.80% - Paul = 204 votes = 7.27% - Romney = 738 votes = 26.29% - Thompson = 48 votes = 1.71% - Other = 117 votes = 4.17% ------------------------------------ Lebanon - 1,681 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 122 votes = 7.26% - Huckabee = 212 votes = 12.61% - Hunter = 6 votes = 0.36% - McCain = 726 votes = 43.19% - Paul = 137 votes = 8.15% - Romney = 391 votes = 23.26% - Thompson = 34 votes = 2.02% - Other = 53 votes = 3.15% ------------------------------------ Londonderry - 5,685 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 418 votes = 7.35% - Huckabee = 544 votes = 9.57% - Hunter = 19 votes = 0.33% - McCain = 1757 votes = 30.91% - Paul = 288 votes = 5.07% - Romney = 1989 votes = 34.99% - Thompson = 52 votes = 0.91% - Other = 618 votes = 10.87% (WTF???) -------------------------------------- Manchester - 15,067 votes VOTE COUNT METHODiebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 1454 votes = 9.65% - Huckabee = 1640 votes = 10.88% - Hunter = 94 votes = 0.62% - McCain = 5119 votes = 33.97% - Paul = 1230 votes = 8.16% - Romney = 4935 votes = 32.75% - Thompson = 139 votes = 0.92% - Other = 456 votes = 3.03% --------------------------------------- Merrimack - 5,806 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 524 votes = 9.03% - Huckabee = 561 votes = 9.66% - Hunter = 41 votes = 0.71% - McCain = 2046 votes = 35.24% - Paul = 385 votes = 6.63% - Romney = 2075 votes = 35.74% - Thompson = 71 votes = 1.22% - Other = 103 votes = 1.77% --------------------------------------- Nashua - 12,195 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 992 votes = 8.13% - Huckabee = 1120 votes = 9.18% - Hunter = 62 votes = 0.51% - McCain = 4294 votes = 35.21% - Paul = 979 votes = 8.03% - Romney = 4447 votes = 36.47% - Thompson = 128 votes = 1.05% - Other = 173 votes = 1.42% ---------------------------------------- Plaistow - 1,516 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 124 votes = 8.18% - Huckabee = 97 votes = 6.40% - Hunter = 4 votes = 0.26% - McCain = 482 votes = 31.79% - Paul = 99 votes = 6.53% - Romney = 641 votes = 42.28% - Thompson = 15 votes = 0.99% - Other = 54 votes = 3.56% --------------------------------------- Portsmouth - 2,827 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 325 votes = 11.50% - Huckabee = 196 votes = 6.93% - Hunter = 10 votes = 0.35% - McCain = 1219 votes = 43.12% - Paul = 221 votes = 7.82% - Romney = 728 votes = 25.75% - Thompson = 26 votes = 0.92% - Other = 102 votes = 3.61% ---------------------------------------- Raymond - 1,829 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 160 votes = 8.75% - Huckabee = 241 votes = 13.18% - Hunter = 10 votes = 0.55% - McCain = 618 votes = 33.79% - Paul = 165 votes = 9.02% - Romney = 527 votes = 28.81% - Thompson = 18 votes = 0.98% - Other = 90 votes = 4.92% -------------------------------------- Rochester - 4,339 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 379 votes = 8.73% - Huckabee = 712 votes = 16.41% - Hunter = 31 votes = 0.71% - McCain = 1498 votes = 34.52% - Paul = 348 votes = 8.02% - Romney = 1123 votes = 25.88% - Thompson = 87 votes = 2.01% - Other = 161 votes = 3.71% ------------------------------------- Salem - 5,020 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 416 votes = 8.29% - Huckabee = 402 votes = 8.01% - Hunter = 17 votes = 0.34% - McCain = 1566 votes = 31.20% - Paul = 270 votes = 5.38% - Romney = 2245 votes = 44.72% - Thompson = 34 votes = 0.68% - Other = 70 votes = 1.39% ------------------------------------- Swanzey - 1,062 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 88 votes = 8.29% - Huckabee = 145 votes = 13.65% - Hunter = 7 votes = 0.66% - McCain = 413 votes = 38.89% - Paul = 69 votes = 6.50% - Romney = 248 votes = 23.35% - Thompson = 17 votes = 1.60% - Other = 75 votes = 7.06% ------------------------------------- Windham - 3,367 votes VOTE COUNT METHOD: Diebold Accuvote optical scan ; contractor: LHS Associates/John Silvestro - Giuliani = 266 votes = 7.90% - Huckabee = 233 votes = 6.92% - Hunter = 8 votes = 0.24% - McCain = 1065 votes = 31.63% - Paul = 148 votes = 4.40% - Romney = 1514 votes = 44.97% - Thompson = 28 votes = 0.83% - Other = 105 votes = 3.12% -------------------------------------
richmond is hand count 34% for Dr. Paul lyman is hand count 28.7% for Dr. Paul Orange is hand count 25% for Dr. Paul Harts location is hand count 25% for Dr. Paul wentworth is hand count 24% for Dr. Paul goshen is hand count 17.68% for Dr. Paul marlow is hand count 16.6% for Dr. Paul cornish is hand count 14.8% for dr. Paul Rumney is hand count 14.5% for Dr. Paul croydon is hand count 14 % for Dr. Paul dorchester is hand count 13.89% for Dr. Paul effingham is hand count 13% for Dr. Paul albany is hand count 12.9% for Dr. Paul antrim is hand count 12% for Dr. Paul south hampton is hand count 12% for Dr. Paul sullivan is hand count 12.61% for Dr. Paul troy is hand count 12.21% for Dr. Paul mason is hand count 11.88% for Dr. Paul newport is hand count 11.45% for Dr. Paul charlstown is hand count 11.3% for Dr. Paul Allenstown is hand count 11.16% for Dr. Paul bristol is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul warren is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul Strafford is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul washington is hand count 11.02% for Dr. Paul lancaster is hand count 10.9% for Dr. Paul springfield is hand count 10.6% for Dr.Paul wilton is hand count 10.37% for Dr. Paul Northfield is hand count 10.3% for Dr. Paul mont vernon is hand count 10.25% for Dr. Paul
I think 'other' can be a candidate that's not national. I'm sure 'other' will do well in South Carolina when people vote for Stephen Colbert, if he's still not doing that.
Obviously, you got that from www.dailypaul.com right? How trustworthy is that site, given that it falsely called James Kirchick a "recovering homosexual"? This is completely false. He's an open homosexual who calls himself a "recovering leftist."
This guy isn't the most eloquent by any stretch .... but the message is clear .... something very fishy happened with Ron Paul's numbers .... <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qV6qAGigGYY&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qV6qAGigGYY&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/moay6TFSVGg&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/moay6TFSVGg&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Ron Paul's count goes backwards ? <object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uDQNBD5DclQ&rel=1&border=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uDQNBD5DclQ&rel=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>
damn people find conspiracies anywhere...."IMO cnn knew who the winners were even before the votes were counted"...:::: McCain was the favorite to win in NH...so if he jumps ahead by a few thousand votes...with most votes counted..then declare him the winner...
Good. Then I hope you will refrain from posting articles from www.thedailypaul.com in the future, because they've been proven to post false information. You should delete 90% of this thread.
January 9, 2008 New Hampshire Election Fraud By Ron Corvus New Hampshire Election Fraud: Hillary LOST the paper ballot count but WON the optical scan ballot count. Obama WON the paper ballot count but LOST the optical scan ballot count. I knew there was something a bit fishy about Hillary winning New Hampshire. First of all, today, all the polls indicated a double-digit lead for Obama. Obama internal polls had him winning by 14 points. Hillary's camp had him winning by 11 points. Even the Hillary camp conceded virtual defeat early on. Even Hillary believed she had lost before the polls closed. I can't recall a primary where a candidate had a double-digit lead the day of the election, but finished several points behind. Even the exit polling showed no sign of a Hillary win. The exit polls showed about even. Exit polls have a history of accurate projections. Despite this, Hillary maintained about a three point difference the entire evening. AP called it for Hillary with only 61% reporting. CNN still refused to call if for Hillary, as they explained and demonstrated on an electronic map how several key precincts had not come in yet. But that didn't stop NBC calling it for Hillary. With 94% reporting, those key precincts STILL showed zero per cent reporting. NONE of the TV pundits could explain the differences. Here's one pundit's excuse: "Maybe it has to do with the voting curtain in New Hampshire (private voting) whereas Iowa was public voting." Today, pundits are still scratching their heads trying to figure out how all the polls were wrong, the Clinton camp projections were wrong; the Obama camp projections were wrong - it just doesn't add up to anything other than election fraud. Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government Jan 2008 http://www.legitgov.org/ http://www.legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news Where Paper Prevailed, Different Results By Lori Price 09 Jan 2008 2008 New Hampshire Democratic Primary Results --Total Democratic Votes: 286,139 - Machine vs Hand (RonRox.com) 09 Jan 2008[/size][/font] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hillary Clinton, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 39.618%[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Clinton, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 34.908% [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Barack Obama, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 36.309% Obama, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 38.617% Machine vs Hand: [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Clinton: 4.709% (13,475 votes) [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Obama: -2.308% (-6,604 votes)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][URL="http://ronrox.com/paulstats.php?party=REPUBLICANS"][B]2008 New Hampshire Republican Primary Results[/B][/URL] --[B]Total Republican Votes: 236,378[/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000]Machine vs Hand[/COLOR] [/B](RonRox.com) 09 Jan 2008 Mitt Romney, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: [COLOR=#ff0000][B][COLOR=#660066]33.075%[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Romney, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: [B][COLOR=#660066]25.483%[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Ron Paul, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 7.109% Paul, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 9.221% Machine vs Hand: Romney: 7.592% (17,946 votes) Paul: -2.112% (-4,991 votes) [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][B][URL="http://www.democracyfornewhampshire.com/node/view/5307"] [/URL][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][B][URL="http://www.democracyfornewhampshire.com/node/view/5307"]NH: "First in the nation"[/URL] (with corporate controlled secret vote counting)[/B] By Nancy Tobi 07 Jan 2008 81% of New Hampshire ballots are counted in secret by a private corporation named Diebold Election Systems (now known as "Premier"). The elections run on these machines are programmed by one company, LHS Associates, based in Methuen, MA. We know nothing about the people programming these machines, and we know even less about LHS Associates. We know even less about the secret vote counting software used to tabulate 81% of our ballots. [[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]See also [B]CLG[/B]'s [URL="http://www.legitgov.org/coup_2004.html"]Coup 2004[/URL] and [URL="http://www.legitgov.org/index_hot_April5.html"]Yes, Gore DID win![/URL].][/FONT][/FONT] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff0000][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][B]Please forward this update to anyone you think might be interested[/B]. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff0000][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff0000][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list can sign up: [/SIZE][/FONT][URL="http://www.legitgov.org/#subscribe_clg"][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]http://www.legitgov.org/#subscribe_clg[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]. Please write to: [/SIZE][/FONT][EMAIL="signup@legitgov.org"][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]signup@legitgov.org[/SIZE][/FONT][/EMAIL][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] for inquiries. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
Here's my first ! :bears: Although actually, Devvy writes for News with Views. =================== Hand Count Shows 15% For Ron Paul From Devvy Kidd By zooamerica 1-10-8 Ron Paul needs to get his attorney to file an injunction today to stop certification of the vote. This would have placed Dr. Paul in 3rd place, just as the polls were showing before the primary [link to www.dailypaul.com] The computer counted votes are the problem. Not a single hand count township showed less than 10% (for Ron Paul) Supposedly, Ron Paul got 8% - this does not make sense. richmond is hand count 34% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting lyman is hand count 28.7% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting Orange is hand count 25% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting Harts location is hand count 25% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting wentworth is hand count 24% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting goshen is hand count 17.68% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting marlow is hand count 16.6% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting cornish is hand count 14.8% for dr. Paul - 100% reporting Rumney is hand count 14.5% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting croydon is hand count 14 % for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting dorchester is hand count 13.89% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting effingham is hand count 13% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting albany is hand count 12.9% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting antrim is hand count 12% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting south hampton is hand count 12% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting sullivan is hand count 12.61% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting troy is hand count 12.21% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting mason is hand count 11.88% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting newport is hand count 11.45% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting charlstown is hand count 11.3% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting Allenstown is hand count 11.16% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting bristol is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting warren is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting Strafford is hand count 11% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting washington is hand count 11.02% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting lancaster is hand count 10.9% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting springfield is hand count 10.6% for Dr.Paul - 100% reporting wilton is hand count 10.37% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting Northfield is hand count 10.3% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting mont vernon is hand count 10.25% for Dr. Paul - 100% reporting [link to www.ronpaulwarroom.com]