Sky Sports had their annual collage of 2007 KO's today, and among the hilarious Gatti v Gomez and Witter v Harris moments they finally plumped on... Pavlik v Taylor: KO of the Year 2007 opcorn: Anyone disgaree?
It was perhaps the best KO in a big fight. Arthur Abraham, Nonito Donaire and Junior Witter had some impressive KO's...I might've gone with Abraham's overall. Darnell Wilson and Andy Lee also had some really good KO's.
Well, the winner of the poll on BWBS was.... Wilson v Nwodo. I do certainly agree.
if the criteria is sheer brutality then there's no doubt wilson waxing that african on espn should win
I'll tell ya , that sloppy slob was almost stopped himself and IMO he was losing the fight when he got lucky ...
:: :bears: yeah, that was pretty nasty. I did like that Lucian Bute ko also, where he hit that guy with three unanswered shots in the corner.
Yeah, that was a great knockout. It's amazing that he didn't go down. One of the best standing KO's I've seen...ranks up there with Tua-Izonritei and the like.
Sure, the Darnell Wilson KO was NICE, but REED Thinks Tooooooo Many Peeps Pay Attention to THE WAY Nwodo's Legs Folded from UNDER Him, when they Rate that KO... To Each his Own, but REED Thinks the Cintron KO was Better... REED
Kali Maheen KO of T.O.S is one of the best ones this year. This was a Ike Byrd type of a KO where even though the guy got up before the count of 10 he was so out on his feet he didn't know what's going on for days..
Sprott vs. Harrison: Llinares vs. Ddiaz: