Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by PetreTG, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. Arben

    Arben "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 1, 2006
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    So what's stopping him from a recount? He has the $67,000 for it.
  2. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    Then you've been copying from sites that copy from it. :doh:
  3. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    According to what I've read about it , they're just not worried about it enough to bother which IMO seems odd as their is no doubt something funny happened.

    Oddly enough Dennis Kucinich is going after a recount for the Demoncrats.
  4. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Yeah, that's right ... because all Ron Paul articles are written there.

    The harder you try to be a jerk with these lame ass posts , the dumber you make yourself look.

    Keep up the good work! :clap:
  5. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Kucinich Asks for New Hampshire Recount in the Interest of Election Integrity

    DETROIT--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, the most outspoken advocate in the Presidential field and in Congress for election integrity, paper-ballot elections, and campaign finance reform, has sent a letter to the New Hampshire Secretary of State asking for a recount of Tuesday’s election because of “unexplained disparities between hand-counted ballots and machine-counted ballots.â€

    “I am not making this request in the expectation that a recount will significantly affect the number of votes that were cast on my behalf,†Kucinich stressed in a letter to Secretary of State William M. Gardner. But, “Serious and credible reports, allegations, and rumors have surfaced in the past few days…It is imperative that these questions be addressed in the interest of public confidence in the integrity of the election process and the election machinery – not just in New Hampshire, but in every other state that conducts a primary election.â€

    He added, “Ever since the 2000 election – and even before – the American people have been losing faith in the belief that their votes were actually counted. This recount isn’t about who won 39% of 36% or even 1%. It’s about establishing whether 100% of the voters had 100% of their votes counted exactly the way they cast them.â€

    Kucinich, who drew about 1.4% of the New Hampshire Democratic primary vote, wrote, “This is not about my candidacy or any other individual candidacy. It is about the integrity of the election process.†No other Democratic candidate, he noted, has stepped forward to question or pursue the claims being made.

    “New Hampshire is in the unique position to address – and, if so determined, rectify – these issues before they escalate into a massive, nationwide suspicion of the process by which Americans elect their President. Based on the controversies surrounding the Presidential elections in 2004 and 2000, New Hampshire is in a prime position to investigate possible irregularities and to issue findings for the benefit of the entire nation,†Kucinich wrote in his letter.

    “Without an official recount, the voters of New Hampshire and the rest of the nation will never know whether there are flaws in our electoral system that need to be identified and addressed at this relatively early point in the Presidential nominating process,†said Kucinich, who is campaigning in Michigan this week in advance of next Tuesday’s Presidential primary in that state.

    [link to]
  6. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    You can't deny that you've copied and pasted blatant lies on this topic.

    Fact. :nono:
  7. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Nothing but an unfounded accusation without sighting any fact to back it up.
  8. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    Okay, the complete falsehood in this post is highlighted in red:
    Just read the article you posted, shithead. It says the following:
    He's not a recovering homosexual; he's a recovering leftist. If he was a recovering homosexual, how would he have won Journalist of the Year from the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association in 2007? Look at the original article cited:

    Independent Gay Forum. Dumbass. He's not a recovering homosexual. He's an open homsexual, and he always has been.
    There. Your article was a blatant falsehood, and I have proven that. Now apologize to the forum for being such a lying douchebag.
  9. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Wow you got me ... Devvy Kidd mixed 2 words up that were irrelevant to the actual point being made.

    Man you have issues :notallthere:
  10. Black Market Baby

    Black Market Baby International Degenerate

    Dec 1, 2002
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    I don't know where you got the idea that many precincts weren't showing votes but I watched the race online from about 13% votes in to about 83% votes in and it was a detailed list of precincts. They were all shown on a map, republicans on the right, democrats on the left. I mainly watched the democrats and I don't recall any precincts being barren after 60% or so. Even then, many places weren't calling it for Hillary until about the time I stopped watching. You understand that if Hillary has a 1200 vote lead in a precinct that is 87% finish then it is very unlikely that Obama will make up that total of votes when Hillary has 8k and Obama 6.8k. Right?

    That's not to say that it doesn't seem odd that Hillary won the digital and Obama won the hand count, because it is very odd and I do believe something is up.
  11. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Well ... it wasn't my idea , but indeed I agree , Hillary's big comeback is bogus .

    Where we probably part ways is that I do indeed also believe that Ron Paul was robbed of many votes.

    At least 2 towns have changed the initial 0 to 31 and 25 (i believe respectively for Sutton and Greenville) The numbers were also off for Paul , hand counted vs electronic.
  12. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Message from Ron: Onward!


    Did you see that funny YouTube where Mike Huckabee's young Iowa spokesman endorsed me, "by mistake"? We know what was in his mind! Indeed, I am amazed at the friendliness of the supporters of other candidates. Many Obama voters, for example, in Iowa and New Hampshire are reading our literature, and studying our ideas. It's just one of the reasons I am so optimistic about what we are doing, and where we are heading. And so were the 500 or 600 people at our New Hampshire rally after the primary. I talked to everyone there, and they are rightly enthusiastic about our movement.

    This does not mean we will have an easy time of it -- just the opposite, of course. After all, we are seeking to reverse more than a century of big government, of the warfare-welfare state, of Federal Reserve's dollar manipulation, of a fat and happy military-industrial complex, of the subversion of our Constitution. So all the media and other "second-hand dealers in ideas," as F.A. Hayek called them, who have a vested interest in the current order, will do everything possible to smear me. They will do and say anything to try to block our movement. Even vote fraud is not beyond these people.

    And we have been successful. This movement has always operated on two tracks -- intellectual and political, and must. The first and most important is the intellectual. Such heroes of freedom as Ludwig von Mises, Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Murray Rothbard, and so many others like Rose Wilder Lane, John T. Flynn, Isabel Patterson, and Garret Garrett, have helped build the foundations of freedom, prosperity, and peace. We carry on their work, to change hearts and minds.

    The other track is political. Here too, we have touched millions with our ideas, and recruited many, many thousands -- not only in Meetup Groups and as voters, but as sympathizers and future voters too. Walter Block was kind enough to call this effort the most important in the long history of libertarianism. I don't know about that, but I do know that even if we place a solid fourth, rather than the higher place we all want and are working so hard for, that is huge progress.

    But we can never forget that this is a long struggle. Many great men and women have lived and died in this cause. I have been deeply involved in it all my life. It is a matter of educational work, and elections. We may not accomplish all we want, in one or even two elections. But we will accomplish it. Young people now living will see the free society that you and I dream of, as their everyday reality, an America at peace, prosperous and free, with the federal government chained down by the Constitution, as Jefferson said.

    Does this mean our campaign has done everything right? No! We have made mistakes, and will make them again. Not only because errors are to be found in any human endeavor, but because an effort like this, to repeal a hundred years and more of evil, is brand-new on the face of the earth. But now is the time to stick together like the brothers and sisters we are, to stand side by side in this fight against the media toadies, warmongers, and Wall Street rip-off artists who stand against us, and who always remind me of Tolkein's Orcs.

    If you have suggestions for me to do better, I want to hear them. But beating back the enemy, teaching so many young people and others about liberty, that is our victory, and it is real and permanent. Won't you link arms with me? We will have more vote victories too, if we stick together and do not let the enemy divide us.

    As you know, and as our neocon enemies try to cover up, we are in a financial crisis. It may chug along at this pace, slowly into recession, or it might drop off a cliff, like the dollar. In that case, we will have the only coherent solution, and we must get our message out.

    All my life, I've been working to make sure that when the Fed had done its work, and the special interests had looted the system to their hearts' content, and there was a crisis, I would be in a position to speak the truth about why, and what to do about it. In this fight, I need your heart, your mind, your time, and your financial support. I also need you to become a precinct leader . What a fight we are in. What stakes there are. Together, we can build a new America faithful to the values of the framers. Bother the enemy, help the good cause: make your most generous contribution, and let's roll up our sleeves and get to work, together.

  13. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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  14. Black Market Baby

    Black Market Baby International Degenerate

    Dec 1, 2002
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    No, I actually agree with you there. Voter fraud is something I've been pissed about for quite some time. Every bark doesn't lead to a bite, but I do figure it happens quite a bit on the campaign trail these days.
  15. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Well looks like Kucinich will get his recount if he can PAY for it :doh:

    Whether or not at this point it will uncover anything is doubtful as , you can be sure the tracks are covered on the electronic side of the vote. :cool:

    Kucinich Granted New Hampshire Recount
    Under N.H. Law, Kucinich Will Have To Pay For Recount

    POSTED: 7:25 am PST January 11, 2008

    CONCORD, N.H. -- The New Hampshire secretary of state will conduct hand recounts of Tuesday's Democratic and Republican primaries, reported Manchester, N.H., TV station WMUR.

    Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich and lesser-known Republican Albert Howard asked for the primary recounts.

    Kucinich, who received 1.4 percent of the New Hampshire primary vote said that he is asking for the recount because of what he says are unexplained disparities between hand-counted ballots and machine-counted ballots and rumors online of counting errors.
    Kucinich said he doesn't expect the recount to affect the results.

    He alluded to online reports alleging disparities around the state between hand-counted ballots, which tended to favor Barack Obama, and machine-counted ones that tended to favor Hillary Clinton. He also noted the difference between pre-election polls, which indicated Obama would win, and Clinton's triumph by a 39 percent to 37 percent margin.

    "It is imperative that these questions be addressed in the interest of public confidence in the integrity of the election process and the election machinery," Kucinich said in a written statement.

    Howard received 44 votes in the Republican primary, according to unofficial results released by the secretary of state's office.

    Secretary of State Bill Gardner said that Kucinich and Howard must pay for the recounts. State law allows a candidate to request a recount, but if the difference between votes received for the winner and the candidate requesting the recount is greater than 3 percent, the candidate must pay for the recount.

    If the candidate asking for the recount is then declared the winner or loses by less than 1 percent of the total votes cast, the cost is refunded by the state.

    Gardner said the last time New Hampshire did a statewide recount of the results of the presidential primary was in 1980.

    Deputy Secretary of State David Scanlan said his office had received several phone calls since Tuesday, mostly from outside the state, questioning the results. New Hampshire's voting machines are not linked in any way, which Scanlon says reduce the likelihood of tampering with results on a statewide level. Also, the results can be checked against paper ballots.

    "I think people from out of state don't completely understand how our process works and they compare it to the system that might exist in Florida or Ohio, where they have had serious problems," he said. "Perhaps the best thing that could happen for us is to have a recount to show the people that ... the votes that were cast on election day were accurately reflected in the results. And I have every confidence that will be the case."

    [link to]
  16. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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  17. Arben

    Arben "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Those 2 words were mixed up on purpose to turn this into a stupid anti-gay smear piece.

    Whatever, that's politics.
  18. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    It was the title of the article! Heck, the whole article centered around Kirchick's sexuality, and had nothing to do with politics. It was purely a political smear piece, calling Kirchick a "sodomite." You should apologize for posting such garbage.
  19. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 1, 2003
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    CNC Manager
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  20. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Actually , recovering gay would put his agenda LESS against Paul then being fully blown openly gay.

    What's sad is this idiot is bashing one of the few Republican candidates that will fight for his right to be openly gay if he so chooses. :doh:
  21. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    No agenda there huh ?

    Fox is gonna get their message out one way or another.

    Fortunately Ron Paul smokes that asshole.

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  22. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Yet another attempt to hit Ron Paul .... He handles it the best way possible.


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  23. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    Jun 18, 2004
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    SO answer the bigger question Petre. If Ron Paul doesn't think the government was complicit in the 9/11 attacks, are you as a Paul supporter ready to abandon your conspiracy claims to help his campaign??????
  24. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    Is that an excuse for you to post a lie-filled smear piece about him? What the fuck were you thinking when you posted that?
  25. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Do you think all is above board on 9/11 ?

    Secondly ... do you see me talk about it at all anymore . IMO it's done the results are what we now see happening around us .... no point talking about it , time to move on and fix the results.

    What they did was , handed him a loaded gun and tried to get him to shoot himself in the head.

    I'm surprised you didn't fairly highlight that obvious attempt to defame him.
  26. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Rubio, shut the fuck up with your stupid nonsense. Go try to get a rise out of someone else.
  27. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    That was nothing but an anti-gay smear piece, full of mistruths and accusations. Now, you're saying that you didn't lie, and that you just had bad information.Isn't that what George W. Bush said about the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?

    In fact, you're a lot like George W. Bush; you're a petty, wannabe' dictator who lies and attacks your enemies, only Bush is the leader of the free world, and you're the powerless moderator of a small part of a boxing forum.
  28. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    OK .... let's break this childish arguement down since Rubi has decided to champion the Gay Cause.

    DID I LIE? .... NO because I didn't write the piece. Rubi on the otherhand works hard to distort truths, smear, attack, provoke and outright lie.

    Did the writer lie? .... NO they called him a "Recovering Gay" rather than a gay recovering leftist simple flip of words where the actual meaning of the piece was to show why the kid had a reason to be biased against Paul.

    Am I the wannabe dictator that is attacking anyone ?... NO Rubi is the one that is constantly attacking everybody and I am currently his pet project. If anything I should be given an award for the patience I've displayed as Rubi plays his baby games.

    Am I the one that's about to get banned for the 3rd or 4th time here? ... No Rubio is ... I've never been banned from any board for my own actions.
  29. Rubio MHS

    Rubio MHS Undisputed Champion

    Sep 14, 2005
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    Aaaah, so your source was wrong? So when George Bush said, "The CIA says that Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction," he wasn't lying because he was simply quoting what the CIA said? I'm glad you believe that Bush didn't lie about Weapons of Mass Destruction.
    The piece didn't even mention Ron Paul! Here it is, in fact:
    Nothing but speculation and accusations about his sexuality and the publications he's written. It's pure bullshit, and you should apologize to the forum for posting such slander.

    You just posted an article attacking James Kirchick, and you posted a stupid list saying that Barak Obama was more corrupt than Dick Cheney and Alfredo Gonzales. You constantly post slanderous, argumentative and hate-filled pieces attacking whoever doesn't agree with your insane, right-wing ideology.

    You were banned from here, for being a douchebag. And here's the funny part. You've begun referring to me in the third person, as if legions of people will read your useless drivel and rush to your support.

    Fact: You post articles full of slander, hate and lies against people who disagree with you.
  30. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Petre, you should go into politics.

    The way you answered that question, without actually answering it...that was Politics 101.

    On behalf of Trp, I'll ask his question again. This time, try and answer it with an actual answer, you know, like a 'Yes' or a 'No'. Answering questions with other questions is not answering a question.

    So once again...


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