Bank was KO'ed...half his body was inside the ring..the other half outside the ring...while the middle ropes held him up.... something like this.... but laid the fuck out...i think the people outside the ring woke him up...he almost beat the count 2...
As I said numerous time, Jean Pascal has all the talent in the world but he seems weak mentally and has a bad attitude about boxing, kind of like he thinks his talent will alway's carry him through. If he fights Miranda this june, he's gonna get clocked.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, so Indiana was THE ONLY Boxing Commission that Tested for Steroids During that Part of Roy's Career... AND CONVENIENTLY, the ONE Time Roy Tested Positive, his Opponent ALSO Tested Positive... But Yeah, like YOU Said, he's ALWAYS Done it.. REED
cmon REED, Bonds and Sosa and McGwire and Clemens and.... were never caught. Most professional athletes (if not all) are either on steroids, or at least have used in their past. I think that test must have been administered either at a different date then the fighters expected or something. I just wish testing in all sports was more randomized so that people would get caught more often
This Miranda cat got some serious fucking POWER! I would love to see him against Pavlik now! He was drained @160.
True. Athletes, especially in the US, are NEVER tested during their training season which is when the steroids truly help you out. It is naive to think that Jones hadn't been on steroids for most of his career
Credit where Credit is DUE...EXCELLENT Win by Miranda...He DESTROYED David Banks & REED Doubted if that was Possible... Just the Type of Win Miranda Needed to Get his "Groove" Back... REED
It is true, like it or not. In track-and-field, most European countries these days do surprise tests during winter. The US never does that and thus the US athletes usually make their best records early in the spring before the season (and testing) starts. If you followed the sport, you would know that. Also European athletes are on roids of course and the ones who come over there to play in NBA, NHL or fight take roids just as much as the Americans. Clean sports are long gone