He had fear in his eyes. I was nervous throughout the conference. You should have been there. I have a video clip I can show you where he looks scared. C
if you've read any of Cupey's posts on this subject, you'd know he's either out of his mind or spewing jibberish. i'm sure he knows his beloved tito will is shoto.
Yeah, I'm going to get the video tape. Fucking Don King spoke for about 2.5 hours. But while they were getting things off Roy just sat there with this look like he was either on drugs or the pressure was getting to him. Get the stretcher ready for Roy, it's the end for your hero. Cupey
Thats what was noticed, he was, worn and slumping in his chair as whe Tito was vibrant and bouncing around. Roy looked lifeless becasue as he told "tim smith" he had to lose alot of muscle to get from 188 to 170.ld:
Damn Tito and Papa Trinidad are confident as fuck!:bears: GREAT STUFF! Roy Jones looked in good spirits but damn he needs to shave! wtf:doh:
tito never had confidence issues. he's had 'i dont have plan B' issues tho. didnt his pops predict a 1st round KO over hopkins? ::