REED has Been Cool w/this Cat Since Late 04-Early 05 & He's Fighting N the FNF Main Event Tonight Against Kelvin "Concrete" Davis...NICEST Guy U'd EVER Wanna Meet, SERIOUSLY!!!... REED Mentioned the Name "Eric Fields" on 1 of the Last FB Radio Shows...He's a 2 Time National Golden Gloves Champ & 201lbs...'05 & '06 if REED is Not Mistaken... REED's Leaving ALL OBJECTIVITY Out the Window Tonight, Hoping the Fightbeat Masses Check Eric Out, AND that Eric Does WELL... Eric's Only had 10 PRO Fights (0 Losses, 7 or 8 KO's), yet he's ALREADY Stepping Up to Davis' Level...Davis Is a Former WORLD Crusierweight Champion, as Recently as '02-'03 or '04....On Top of that, Eric ONLY had like 10 Fights when he WON his 1st National Golden Gloves Title... REED Thinks Dude has the Potential 2 B a PLAYER...Hopefully he Does WELL Tonight... Good Luck, Brother FIELDS!!!.. REED:clap:
It's always great to see someone you actually know get their opportunity!:bears: Davis should be :bears: :bears: :bears: just for coming back from a broken back!!!ld:
yaaaa randall bailey knocked the shit out of mora. bring on malignaggi! mora should receive consideration in the bench press thread
It's a MINOR Step Up, yet Eric Fields went from an UNKNOWN to a PROSPECT N LESS than 3 Minutes... WOW!!.... NOBODY has WIPED their Ass w/Kelvin Davis like THAT!!!.... REED:eeeek: :eeeek:
I'd like to praise fields for picking the right punches and getting the W, however it appears he had a corpse in front of him.
REED Knows FOR A FACT that Kelvin Davis & his Braintrust PURSUED this Fight... THEY Called Eric Fields Out... Eric's Trainer was VERY NERVOUS,but REED Told Eric Personally that Davis was THE Name he Needed on his Resume, to KICKSTART his Career... They were TRYING to Fight Louis Monaco for the Last Year or 2, but Since Eric has a Few Kids, they Took a Fight w/Kelvin Davis as Soooooooon as it was Offered..... Fret NOT, Fightbeaters:nono: ...REED'll have an IN-DEPTH Article on Eric Fields N LESS than 2 Weeks... AGAIN, if U Research the Last Couple FB Radio Broadcasts, U'll Hear REED Making Mention of Eric Fields (& Marcus Johnson from Killeen, Tx.).. REED
That'll Probably Happen @ SOME Point, but REED GUARANTEE'S Eric Fields will NEVER EVER QUIT N a Fight... Or 2 Fights... Or 3 Fights... Or 4 Fights... REED:laughing: :laughing:
Maybe REEDiculous should become an advisor. In all seriousness, Very impressive showing by Fields. More than anything, I loved the way this cat kept the PERFECT distance throughout not only the fight, but ESPECIALLY when he had his man hurt. All too often, and even with the superstars of the sport, you see the guys jump all over their perceivedly hurt opponent while simultaneously smothering all of their shots. As a hard core fan, it's one of the most frustrating things to watch. Fields mastered the distance when he had his man hurt. What's more, and pretty much JUST AS IMPORTANT (in this fan's eyes), he picked the perfect punches. Like Tom Brady or an all pro quarterback, this cat read the field (how his opponent was defending/covering/trying to counter, and threw the appropriate counter attack - straight rights, UPPERCUTS, hooks. Watching in real time, I thought the ref jumped in to stop the fight AFTER Fields landed the final uppercut. Upon review, Davis was getting so wet up, the ref jumped in a split second BEFORE the final blow that floored Davis. God Bless Davis. Look, the guy battled back from some dire shit. Hell, when I heard he was fighting tonight, I was like "Holee shit, this nigga had a broken back a few months back". Next thing you know, that cat from the Buffalo Bills will be returning kicks. Kidding aside, I was kinda pulling for Davis at the beginning of the ESPN2 FNF broadcast beacuase of what he's been through, but man, after seeing Eric Field's performance, I am a fan, and will be tuning in. Peace.
Good call. I came into this thread to bitch about the ref stopping it too early. However, you are correct, the ref was going to stop it while Davis was on his feet. This is a good example of why I prefer the standing 8. The ref could have evaluated Davis and determined he was okay to go on. But, it wasn't a terrible stoppage without the standing 8 because Davis did eat a few punches in the final barrage. Oh yeah, since when is Kelvin Davis only 5'7"? Did they remove a vertabrae?