Although I think Chambers has more skills than Guinn, will he become that guy who's just doesn't let his hands go enough to compete on the big stage? I was frustrated as hell during the second half of his fight with Povetkin. Btw, I wasn't overly impressed with Povetkin either.
I don't know about Chambers' chin, but often when guys fight as defensive as he does it turns out that their whiskers aren't that reliable. Anyone know the reliability of his chin? I have only seen fight 2 times.
dsimon writes: Give the Russian some polish, some head movement, some angles, stick him in inner city Philly for a week, let him tap Dr Hammer's chin a few times.... there might be hope yet. :: ::
Doesn't let his hands go? You mean the next Tarver, Guinn, McCline, or Gainer don't you? By the way, what is this heavyweight division everyone keeps talking about? What is that?
Tony Thompson has been the best american heavy for a while. And he's good. But I suppose he's not next, he's current.
I thought Chambers looked good. He has very nice skills and he's only 25. He fought just like James Toney at heavy. Hopefully, he'll be better.
What's MOST Frustrating about Chambers' "Performance" is that he DIDN'T Look that Bad EARLY... For the 1st 3-4 Rounds, he was CLOWNING Povetkin... But Carrying Toooooooooo Much Weight, Looking FLABBY, LACKING Passion & Literally IGNORING the Pleas of his Corner Led to Chambers BLOWING the 2nd Half of the Fight... He Didn't TRY to Win & Honestly Didn't Look Terribly Concerned when he LOST... It's Bad Enough he's Tooooooo LAZY to Campaign @ his OPTIMUM Weight, Crusier, but the Fat Fuck DIDN'T Give Any Effort as the Fight Slipped Away from him... REED
I'm amazed Povetkin didn't straighten out his left hook just a tad and catch Chambers when he kept moving his head back. That's the worst habit he has of leaning back like he did, and i couldn't believe Povetkin couldn't figure out how to exploit it with feints. Chambers has some good instincts in there, and some of his counter-punching showed flashes of James Toney, but he's gonna get hurt if he doesn't tidy up his bad habits. Also, his body punching was pretty impressive. Thing is, most heavyweights don't throw 90 punches per round the way Povetkin did. So when you judge Chambers bear that in mind. Most guys he'll face won't control the action so much. Also, most heavyweights are slower than Povetkin. I think Chambers will surprise people in his next fight, depending who he faces. Then again, a lot of guys Chambers faces will probably be bigger too. So maybe he gets KO'd?
If only Zab fought the way he did for the first 4 rounds against Fraud, Zab just "blew it", he could've beaten him if he only tried. ld: Reed please.
How did Doug Fisher put it: FEAR OF GETTING HIT BACK. It´s always the same and it has gotten D. Guinn more TV dates than Amnesty International should allow. It´s always what they didn´t do, instead of what their opponent did. Povetkin jumped in fired a combination and jumped out, taking away Chambers counters, which are quite difficult from the backfoot, when your opponent is out of range. Maybe Chambers can only fight that way, he can´t take the initiative behind a jab and maybe he always gets countered if he does. Usually fighters have a reason they fight the way they fight. Throw more punches is really a great advice, similar to just knock him out.
If Only Margarito Could Make One, JUST ONE Meaningful Fight... Instead, Daniel Santos is his DADDY & he LOSES to Sparring Partners... REED:stir:
When REED Said Chambers Needed to B BUSIER, REED WASN'T Just Talking about "Throw More Punches"... Use your LEGS More, Attack from ANGLES, Move your HEAD,etc...& Yes, an INCREASED Punch Rate as Well... For the Last Half of the Fight, Chambers Stood FLAT FOOTED N Front of Povetkin Throwing NATHAN, Retreated when Povetkin Fired, Blocked Most of the Incoming w/his Gloves, then Walked Back to Povetkin Throwing NATHAN... He RETREATED N a Straight Line & would Walk Back to Povetkin N a STRAIGHT Line... REED
What about "slip the jab and land five-punch combination"?:: :: :tease: I agree with your take completely btw. I think it was those body shots Povetkin threw early and the landed punches through Chamber's guard that upset his game plan. I don't think he gave up for nothing As said before, it is easy to look "impressive" by waiting for the perfect opportunities to land a good-looking shot. It won't win you the fight though
I think its a shame that Chambers has "Guinn disease". He seems to have great speed, good defense and a decent chin. A little dedication and hard work and he may be good.
note: povetkin is better than anyone guinn has faced. there is hope for chambers. a comparison to guinn is unfair based on one performance. guinn never beat anyone as good as the boxing banker.
I hate when guys have no passion for their sport. The dude cheated not only himself, his fans, but everyone that put faith in his ass. Why fuken compete if you ain't gonna bring your "A". I mean boxing is about trying to knock a muthafukas head off. If you ain't trying to do that then why fight. Not to mention he was putting himself in position to make some nice money. Can't understand that shit. I'll Holla 5000
How 'meaningful' is Ricky Hatton on the welterweight landscape?...-----"fighter of the year" ,...:doh: ...Reed please.
I think the comparisions to Chris Byrd are very apt for Chambers. Chambers fought like a prime Byrd for the first 4 rounds or so.............but either got discouraged or didn't have the stamina to stay in the pocket, dodge and quickly counter like Byrd for the full fight. His lack of power doesn't give him the option to take breaks or be lazy for very long during his fights. Once Povetkin figured he could throw his flurries and then pop back out of range with no repercussions the fight was in the bag for him.
don't expect acknowledgment here. there will be nothing but redirecting arguments, now and forever from reed. it's all that's left for him.
I watched the fight on youtube....these fights are one point you could hear a girl giggling in the crowd. Povetkin needs to come to the States- and remember- he only has 15 fights.
The Hatton Fight was EXTREMELY Important... Hatton is THE Jr Welterweight Champion & he WAS Undefeated...Peeps JUST LIKE YOU Bitched when Floyd Neglected to Fight Hatton, so Floyd RECTIFIED it... & Please DON'T Harp on the Weight they Fought @, Cause it's NOT like Floyd is a LEGIT Welterweight Himself:nono: ... There was NO Size Advantage on Fightnight...If Anything, Hatton Weighed MORE & was STRONGER... But Guys like U & DOUB ALWAYS have to Have an Angle to BITCH From, as it Relates to Floyd & U'll GLADLY ContraDICKt your Greivances just to Have SOMETHING to Complain about... REED
Ever Since Roy Jones SHITTED on your Julio Gonzalez & John Ruiz Predictions, Ever Since Floyd Mayweather SHITTED on your Jose Luis Castillo & DeLa Predictions & Ever Since Ricky Hatton WIPED HIS ASS w/Castillo, YOU have been "Redirecting Arguments"... N Other Words, U've been Doing the Shit for like 7 Years Now... REED
Uh,! :nono: ...I never made one post, pre-fight, bitching about him fighting Hatton? I was interested to see the styles clash, but it would have been more 'impressive', had 'lil Floyd' melted his body down to 140lbs and fought him there, (if 'lil Floyd' even can?? as that frame of his is mighty high and rangey :crafty: )...Sure Hatton's a 'challenge', but he still loses to the top 7,..let's not get it twisted, he's a good junior-welterweight, who was on most peoples p4p lists, but that doesn't make him 'the man' to beat?,....:dunno: hence the importance of this fight at 147 Reed please?... How does this compare to Cotto's victory over Shane Mosely for example?..:dunno: ld: "fighter of the year"?