Well it was from the Boxingscene site. I posted a thread like a month ago with the article but no link. I can't find the link anywhere but i mean who is a more credible source then 1 of the guys at the negotiating table considering the article is a direct quote from Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Never heard a boxer stretch the truth or lie about what happened during negotiations. That said, I wanted some proof and you gave it to me. Good enough for me. Thanks.
Floyd could make 140 if he wanted he walks around at 147 are you honestly saying that Floyd could not lose 7 pounds and still be effective ?
Excellent post. :bears: I am a certified Hatton groupie, but the ONLY fight worth a whistle at 140 IMO now is Hatton v Witter (I suppose either fighting Paulie would be worth an interest, but he beats neither IMO). And Hatton has to fight exclusively now at 140, because the Floyd fight conclusively proved that Ricky really has no business fighting any of Williams/Cotto/Cintron/Mosely/Margarito at 147, unless he wants to earn more millions for being beaten. Badly, in the case of some of the aforenamed. I remember watching a repeat of the Hatton - Floyd fight on BBC1 a week afterwards, and that bald dude who does the summarising (somebody or other Dunce?) suggested, in all seriousness, that he thought that Hatton (and only Hatton, not Billy Graham or the others in the camp) had underestimated Floyd. Like really, arrogantly underestimated him. To the point that Hatton thought that Floyd didn't have the power to hurt him and, at worst, he would drop a decision but score a moral victory for effort or something along those lines. If that is true, then Hatton must have been NUTS, but moreover, it would go someway to confirming, as you say, that he has 'swallowed his own hype'. MTF :dunno:
In amongst all of the hate and jibberish, this single point holds very true indeed. Hatton's style is such that, even though he walks around heavier than most Welter's, he loses his natural edge in strength when he fights them, and this negates his single biggest advantage in the ring. Hence he can push around and punch with great effectiveness at 140, but he can't do either when fighting the bigger fighters at 147. I honestly can't think of any other current fighter whose strengths and talents are so completely negated when they step up in weight as Hatton's are. :dunno: MTF
I wish that fight would happen. I would like to see him fight Margarito as well. Them guys put Fatton in ER for a long time.
No I don't. For once, I agree with RoyJoneswhatever. Cotto, along with all of those other guys I listed before, would fuck Hatton up. I repeat- Hatton has NO BUSINESS WHATSOEVER fighting anyone again at 147.
Hatton is agressive and would come to fight! SO would Cotto.. it would be exciting!! just cuz your sexual fantasy would get destroyed and KTFO doesn't mean it would not be an exciting/entertaining fight man...
N NO Way was REED Trying to Detract from the FACT that Ricky Hatton is INDEED a "Fat Fuck"... REED:nono:
steve bunce i was a a hatton nut-hugger since 2000. maybe he will become the new naz - undefeated & super-hyped for so long, the bitterness is just eating him up now (it may take a while...). this is what happens to brit hype-machines - they're so full of air, one loss punctures and completely deflates them.
Hatton lost one fight at an unnatural weight for him to the P4P best fighter in the world. On it's own, I can't see how or why this should necessarily see him go the way of Hamed. :dunno: The way I see it, Hatton will go either one of two ways. Either you are right, and he will simply vanish into the night getting very very fat, in which case his legacy will take the same battering as that of Naz, or he can have a tune up or two at 140 and fight and beat Witter. If he does that, I think he could then retire to count his money with a legacy very much intact. It's really up to him though... opcorn:
REED REALLY LIKES U as a Poster, Mr. FEEBLES, but it's this ONE Point U Persist N Clinging to that REED Takes Issue w/... Considering Hatton ALWAYS BLOWS Up btwn Fights, HOW Do we KNOW 147 is "Unnatural" for him???:dunno: ...Cause he STRUGGLED w/the 2 Opponents he Faced there???:dunno: ... What if he had Faced 2 EASIER Opponents, THEN Faced Collazo & Floyd???... The FACT is, 147 ISN'T Floyd's "Natural" Weight EITHER:nono: ...Even Collazo is CLEARLY BIGGER than Floyd is... agREED that Hatton SHOULDN'T B Relegated to "Hamed Status", REED is just Taking Issue w/your "Weight" Issues... & YES, if Hatton BEATS Witter, there's Really NATHAN Else for him to Prove @ 140... REED
This answers your own question for you, Mr REED. opcorn: Hatton hasn't struggled in ANY fight at 140 like he did in both of his fights at 147. The fact that he WALKS AROUND as a big, fat b*stard isn't really relevant- his moving up in weight negates his natural FIGHTING advantages- namely that he punches harder and is significantly stronger than almost all 140lb-ers, but ELITE 147 guys like Floyd punch as hard (or harder, perhaps) and are as strong as Ricky. And without these (and his quick footwork), Hatton can't be regarded as an ELITE guy at 147. I didn't want to think this was the case, but IMO it would be FOOLISH to ignore the lessons of his ventures into 147 territory. Bottom line is that Hatton is an ELITE 140 fighter, but a B-Level (i.e would prob beat a decent, but will ALWAYS lose to a) Welterweight. Honestly, I cannot think of ANY other fighter who struggles with a move up in weight as much as Hatton does. This should NOT take anything away from Floyd's win over Hatton, which was as comprehensive as it could be, clearly showed that Mayweather is the better man and was very, very impressive, but equally, I would be VERY surprised if Floyd was able to do the same to Ricky at 140. Floyd would win, no doubt, but it wouldn't be another one-sided domination, because Hatton's strengths wouldn't be so completely negated. MTF
There would be no change if they fought at 140. Ricky might be more comfortable but Floyd would beat him just as easily regardless. Ricky may have an advantage over natural 140 lbers but Floyd is definitely not that anymore than RJ was a blown up middle at LHW.
His comp at 140 has pretty much beeen a joke though. The refs let him get away with alot of cheating too.
zoo (especially), castillo, tackie. yes, we can retrospect about "past-their-prime", but at the time, those guys were favoured as dangerous opponents. true about the cheating.
:bears: Hatton looked good at 140 but he cheated all the time and he did fight some bums as well everyone was talking about how strong he was and he had too much pressure for lil Floyd but Floyd Raped him a new asshole:: now the hatton dick suckers are trying to say it was cuz it was at 147? :: Floyd was a LIGHTWEIGHT!!! He is the one of the two really that is above his natural fighting weight. Floyd simply is a better fighter and he treated Hatton like a bitch, he told the world he'd whup him and he did, whupped him and stopped him and now bitch ass Hatton is on tv crying and complaing... what a bitch...
I mean, I am sure Roy Jones walks around at 200lbs, and had a fight at Heavyweight {albeit against a former Cruiser} but that doesn't mean Roy should have stayed at 200 and fought heavyweights all the time. Reed is simply wrong, and needs to STFU about weight.
As USUAL, your Opinion is RUBBISH... Roy Jones "Walks Around" @ about 180-185...The Heaviest he's EVER Been is when he Bulked Up for the Ruiz Fight...He OFFICIALLY Weighed N @ 193 & was 199 on Fightnight... Saying Roy "Walks Around" @ 200 is Complete & Utter BULLSHIT... REED
In your opinion, Reed, which one of Ortho's statements is bullshit-ier.... "Roy walks around at 200" or "Ricky is going to destroy PBF, because he punked him out during pre-fight hype"?