Even if he doesn't win another fight in his career? He's basically made his name off his colossal upset victory of Roy Jones. He is also the two time light heavyweight Champ, and has a decent resume. I think he is a borderline HOF, maybe not first ballot, but he will get the vote basically on his 2 victories over Roy alone. What y'all think?
Not for me, but I suppose he might very well get in, as you say, on the basis that he was the first man to KO Jones Jr :dunno:
No chance. Look at the guys who came before him Conn Charles Conteh Franklin Bob Foster Stribling Spinks Fitzsimmons Thats rarefied company, and getting beat by Jones, Hopkins and Harding is not the way to get into that line of company.
Of course not! There is no chance he gets in even if the standards have dropped. Tarver was an ok champion nothing more. FAr from a hall of famer.
He doesn't really deserve to be in the HOF (at least, not once he got whupped by Hopkins)... but given the level of fighters that have been allowed in the Hall lately (Lew Jenkins?????), he probably will get in eventually.
imo he needs to do more before he can - don't forget - he's still active and has some serious equity and can attract some big matches - depends how he does in those
Didn't say he deserved it but the truth is he has a great shot of getting in. He beat some solid contenders at 175 and then smashed Jones.
hell no. Beating shot all time greats does not make you an all time great. Might as well put Uriah Grant and Omar Eduardo Gonzalez in if Tarver gets in.
Roy was coming off of the best win of his career when the series with Tarver began. And he was shot. Hmmm.
It's arguable, of course. For me, since it's the only fight I picked against Roy (up to that point), I consider it (Ruiz) to be his best. In retrospect, the juiced up Toney/Ruiz fight really hurts it, I admit.
Braddock is in based on beating Baer Norton is in based on beating Ali Randy Turpin is in based on beating Robinson Jess Willard is in based on beating Jack Johnson Tarver is also not a one and done guy like Buster Douglas, Leon Spinks or Primo Carnera, so yeah............he has a pretty good shot of getting in eventually.
Franklin - one of my favorite fighters of all time but he had a very short prime and has almost half as many losses as wins. Conteh - ehhhhh Stribling - Never won a title of any kind and only fought white guys