Can Litzau Get it Done???...Can he Become a World Champion???... The Guys TALENT Level is OBVIOUS, but he Can he Exhibit the BOXING INTELLECT Required to Win a World Title???... REED:dunno:
I've only seen two of Litzau's fights, one of which was his KO loss. Although he has apparent talent, so far it seems to be more style than substance. This fight should tell us exactly where he stands.
Yeah, I've only seen him in a couple of fights, and from that I am thinking "the ghost" stops him in the mid rounds. The guy gets hit too cleanly...
Litzau's level of opposition has been really weak thus far. Now they're all of a sudden putting him in with Guerrero? Makes me wonder if his team is very confident in their man or foolish.
there's more to talent than apparent offense. Litzau is not very good, but with guerrero you never know what you're gonna get. Ikemefula willing, it will be a double KO
Litzau is Certainly QUICKER Handed & a Bit More MOBILE... & REED Thinks Litzau MIGHT have a Bit MORE Power... "No Chance" is a VERY STRONG Statement, DOUB...Kinda like the N.Y. Giants had "No Chance"??... REED::
When Litzau THINKS Defensively, he's Pretty Good @ It... N the Fight Where he was KO'ed, Litzau Got Dropped VERY Early, Went N 2 Defensive Mode, Racked Up the Next 7-8 CONSECUTIVE Rounds, then Got OVERconfident, Reverted Back to Norm & Got STRETCHED... It's ALL about Litzau's Ringsmarts & his Corner REMINDING him of what Needs to B Done... REED
i "knew" the Giants had a chance. i guess Litzau could possible knock Guerrero out. but failing that, i don't see how he could win.
I think Litzau has a decent shot in this fight. Guerrero is nothing special, but it would take a solid gameplan executed consistently over 12 rounds for Litzau to beat him. Litzau hasn't proven that he can do anything consistently for an entire fight, and that's why he is likely in trouble. To me, the result of this fight is entirely up to Litzau. If he can settle down and fight like a professional for 12 stright rounds, he can win this fight. If not, Guerrero likely wears him down and stops him in 8 or 9.
Wow. I've never seen anything close to this kind of talent and ability in Litzau. He's just another entertaining brawler, with a big left hook and the scent of hand speed. You can't miss him with a punch and he's suspect on that chin (thats so easy to hit). Gurrero is no huge puncher, but he's crisp and pretty accurate. Mismatch.
I agree totally. I don't rule out the possibility of him dropping Guererro in the "out pointing" scenario. Where is this fight taking place?
From what REED has Read, Litzau was a Pretty Good Ammy Fighter..."Brawlers" DON'T Do Well N the Ammy's, Generally... Litzau is VERY Talented N REED's Opinion...He's Got MORE than a "Scent" of Handspeed, he's Got GENUINE Lower Weight POWER N Both Hands, he's Got that Tommy Hearns PHYSIQUE, he Throws Practically EVERY Punch Effortlessly & he's Got a GOOD Set of WHEELS... The DOWNER is, Litzau Apparently has Tommy Hearns' CHIN as Well:: , but even Tommy Didn't CONSISTENTLY Fight as DUMB as Litzau has...Litzau has Tommy HearnsISH TALENT, but Wants to B Arturo Gatti ... But when he COMMITS Himself to DEFENSE, Litzau is a Pretty GOOD Defensive Fighter... REED
some of the "moves" Litzau does are Mayweatheresque - like when he leans on his opponent and then hits them as they try to bail out. it's clear he's watched a lot of Mayweather. that's probably why some people like him.
:: FUNNY, yet UNFAIR, Dog... Sure, like Litzau, Ebo is a CHINNY, ATHLETIC White Fighter, but he's Half a Foot SHORTER than Litzau (Despite Being HEAVIER)& he CAN'T Punch to Save his Life... Litzau has Waaaaaaaaaay more POTENTIAL than Ebo EVER Had... REED
I think Litzau has to get going early in this fight and make Guerrero feel his power. And by getting going early, I don't mean moving around and pot-shotting Guerrero hoping to drop him-- I mean Litzau needs to apply steady pressure and discourage Guerrero from merely walking him down. If he can't do that he'll lose the fight for sure. Guerrero is by far the stronger fighter and will benefit from the close quarters exchanges that are likely to occur once the later rounds come on.
I think he means kinda like the Cowboys had no chance. Litzau has, for me, no jaw. He appears bereft of strength in the neck and shoulder regions..... If Guerrero can crack a little bit and land I will give him the nod in this one.
Guerrero throws that mean left upper-cut to the belly. If he can land that punch on a regular basis, Litzau is in trouble.
Guerrero is better in every department. Imo, it's at least a 10-1 fight. . Litzau is not without hope, though. He hits hard, pretty fast hands and Guerrero doesn't always fight up to his potential. But, even the bad versions of Guerrero probably beat Litzau.
Agreed. Rbert is pretty inconsistent from fight to fight, but even on a bad night, I don't think Litzau can beat him. Cos even on those shitty nights, where his defense is a little off and he plods around a bit; he still lands his share of shots and works the body well. Litzau isn't built to hold up over a long fight.
While it WON'T Necessarily "Shake Up the World", I'm Going w/Litzau N the UPSET Tonight !!!!... REED:cheer:
That straight left is going to be a piston rod right down the middle on Litzau's face. Guerrero is better everywhere...except maybe Litzau can be a bit more unorthodox and unpredictable. But he's too open, too square, too chinny....and Robert is getting better and better. Guerrero KO 7. Peace.
You know you still have a few minutes left. Why are you putting in the pick so early, very confident on this one?