This should be an awesome fight! Who do you pick? How does Adamek look at 200 pounds? Is his power still there? Also, does anyone know exactly "when" this fight is taking place? I read some where that it was going to purse bids, but that they'd been post-poned.
Purses have been pushed back. Nobody knows when it will be. No networks are interested in the fight, so it could find itself in Poland. Winner fights Steve Cunningham.
why in God's name would no networks be interested in this fight? man! this fight has no chance of NOT being great.
This fight is definately not HBO worthy, and Showtime is now trying to react to the harsh criticism that they've been getting recently. It's a non-title fight for a "who cares" division.
As far as the matchup goes, it's better than a number of fights HBO and Showtime have screened in the past 12 months. Should be great. Neither one is ever in a bad fight....and Adamek carries the weight well. Very well, actually.
Agree. I saw the Pineda fight at cruiser and Adamek looked like a cruiser. Considering how friggin huge he was at light heavy, it isn't a surprise.
Its criminal how the Cruserweight division hasn't gotten more air time. Calling this fight meaningless is rediculous. There both top 10 fighters and former champions.
:clap: What the hell is going on here- I agree with RJJP4P?????? The snobbery towards the Cruiserweight division is ridiculous. Right now, there ARE about half a dozen equally matched guys at the top all vying for the right to beat the shit out of each other. Not only this, but the top guys ARE actually fighting (and beating the shit out of) one another. What with this fight, and the much anticipated (by me, anyway...::) Haye and Enzo fight next month, the division is one of the most exciting in boxing right now. The winner of this should fight Cunningham, with the winner fighting the winner of Haye and Maccaranelli (presuming Haye doesn't just step up to heavyweight come what may). But no-one's bothered, because it's a 'nothing' division... :dunno: MTF
The cruiserweights really had a chance to make a lot of money a few years ago when you had Jirov (undefeated), Gomez (undefeaed), Braithwaite (undefeated), and Nelson (371 defenses). A good case could be made for each guy being the best and there weren't any great, obvious challengers to get in the way of a unification tourney. But Gomez going up, Jirov losing to Toney, Nelson retiring, and Braithwaite losing changed the scenery fast and not for the better. You need to make hay when it rains and they didn't. Haye almost screwed up the same way looking to go to heavy. Maybe fighting Macc will help. But it will take a full unification, I think. Even Bell Mormeck didn't do it and that was a good and televised fight.
Cruiserweight has been more action packed than the heavyweight and light heavyweight division if you ask me. Even more than that 168 division!
No shit:bears: Hell,I can't even think of the last time I even saw a Cruiserweight fight on TV??:dunno:
Eric Fields against Kelvin Davis, ESPN2, 1/18/08 and TyC showed a 4 round cruiserweight fight on 1/5/08. I've got a few dvds to enter, but that might be it for 2008 so far.
These guys get paid to good to be on ESPN. Not that they get paid a ton or anything but more than the ESPN budget.