He hadn´t lost interest, he was out of shape, because he thought he was fighting the canadian whale. He still must have felt comfortable enough to take Vitali on two weeks notice, and he shredded his face with the side of his glove, which really was a freak accident. They happen, but don´t act like he destroyed Vitali or anything.
If you watch the sixth round, vitali was deteriorating and was holding on for dear life in the last 15 seconds. he got hit with some tremendous punches by lewis in that round, most notably a huge uppercut. Lewis would have KO'd him.
Lewis sat down on his stool at the end of the same round like he had just received some awful, shocking news about a member of his family. He didn't so much sit as he slumped onto his stool. This notion of a fresh keyed up Lewis getting ready to finish the job...ridiculous.
.... Actually both are right. LL did slump to his stool (he was very tired), but he did kick Vitali's ass in round 6.
Who Looked WORSE???:dunno: ... Lennox or Vitali w/Pieces of his Eyelid SPREAD Over the Fucking Canvas???:dunno: ... Fact is, Vitali DIDN'T look "Energized" til AFTER the Fight was STOPPED... If YOU Can't ADMIT that Vitali's WORST Round of the Bout was Round 6, then there's Really NO Point N Arguing Fuuuuuuurther... REED
Yes...they were both in serious difficulty, and while lewis had had the better 6th round, its fair to say he took Lewis shots pretty well. That Uppercut should have stopped him dead but it didn't. And, he could have had a second wind. Truth is it ended inconclusively.
Listen, 2 points that no rational fan will ever argue. 1. Klitschko took the fight on the shorter notice- having prepared to fight Cedric Boswell or something. 2. Lewis ended the fight better, but the fight ended inconclusively regardless. Anything after that is mere supposition.
Many guys now such as Chagaev, Maskaev, Ibragimov, Ibragimov, Wlad and Povetkin have been very good and some even great amateurs so I don't think they can be completely skilless. Fighting looks different these days though However this surely is the worst era ever for AMERICAN heavyweights but tht is not quite the same thing
That was the consensus opinion in their Gym in Germany back in the late 90's too. Sdunek always said Wlad was fluid, and that Vitali could resist pressure better. And it has played out like that.
Exactly. American cars are shit, that doesn't mean everyone elses cars are shit. Ford USA got its ass sued off over the Pinto but that doesn't mean Ford Europe are culpabale too. Now all of a sudden with European fighters dominating the HW scene, the division is "shit". I'm sorry, but since when did an old damaged Holyfield, a perpetually troubled/troublesome Tyson, a fat Tua, useless Ruiz and disinterested Lennox Lewis make for Halcyon Days??
Again, Vitali was holding on for dear life in the last 15 seconds of the round when Lewis hit him with a right hook to the temple (I have been rewatching the fight this week, thats why I am commenting). AND he took some powerful uppercuts. He was on his way out IMO. Lewis was tired himself, but he was taking Vitalis punches well himself. Lewis had the right strategy and it paid off.
The only thing that was paid off was that BLACK doctor who didn't give Vitali his 3 minutes. Rocky got 3, Gatti got 3, Vitali should have got his. And, in truth, Diego Coralles was having a really shitty 10th round against Castillo......he looked real bad....for a lot more than 15 seconds......