This dude is a beast! To me he's a better version of Margarita. He's not very skilled, but he's strong and tough as fuck, and hits hard with a high workrate. I'd like to see him fight Lacy. He'd beat the fuck outta Jeff. I'd also pick him over Taylor. For anyone who says Kessler never beat anyone... he shutout Andrade, who's proving to be a damn good fighter.
andrade is a tough SOB, I agree with you. It's just that Kessler is THAT good. I want to see andrade vs. taylor or pavlik when they move up :clap:
Andrade would a tough ass fight for Pavlik. Kelly doesnt have the speed, and skill of Kessler, and although Pavlik probably has more power than Kessler, its not by alot. Andrade would a live dog against Pavlik IMO. But I'd pick Andrade over Taylor with ALOT of confidence. He's too strong, and busy for Taylor. He'd kick Jermain's ass.
Andrade is very tough but very limited IMO. So he beat some skinny Ruskie kid from Germany...big deal. opcorn:
This is simply a way of you trying to discredit Kessler, whom you hate. Andrade would be a nightmare for stuttering Taylor. Andrade could take Jermain's best, and his rough n mean style would bust Taylor up badly.
How can you not love this Mexican?.. He's raw and as hard as fuck, with the soul of a sweet fucken pixie cherub, he has no skills but will always linger around the top of the division, presenting nothing but what he was born with, these types of fighters are the real proud soul of Mexico,... and yet you,........... it's just painful to see, very painful,... I think 'Tom' is the word...
I tell it like it is. I've already said he was tough as nails...but he's a limited fighter. Pavlik has the reach and punching power to dispose of the boner...and while Andrade is busy as heck, and throws decently, he's no puncher. I'm sorry, but the Ghost makes refried beans outta the Messican. :dunno:
Lacy, Duddy, the smurf(Abraham), Sturm, Miranda, Allan Green, Andy Lee, Tito. Taylor would beat all those guys.
:nono: This is a tad silly,.. Jermaine is improving, rapidly, he'll beat Pavlik in a rubbermatch, infact, Jermaine has the potential to beat anyone from Middleweight to Light-heavyweight, Dawson and Calzaghe would be his toughest tests, but we know he beats Bernard Hopkins, oh boy do we know!! :crafty: :cheer: and he defeats Tarver, Woods and Johnson with great ease.
You are a hilarious man.:laughing: Taylor aint improving. How he performed in the Pavlik rematch is the BEST possible version of Taylor, and he still lost 8-4. Plus Pavlik didnt exactly bring his A game. Dawson & Calzaghe would beat the living shit outta Jermain. As would Kessler. Jermain BARELY scraped by Cory, how the hell is he gonna deal with Dawson?
J.T.s not done by the long shot. Andrade beats Jeff in a fire fight with Lacy being over powered. Lacy is not a big man compared to Andrade. J.T would have to have a great boxing preformance to beat Andrade. If not Andrade would KO him late.
Pavlik would make Andrade into a vegetable. Andrade is a badass but he's not that good. Also Margarito is far more skilled than Andrade.
A lot of talk from Miranda on how he wants to fight Kessler, I say let Miranda fight Andrade first and see how he does. I think Andrade beats him the same way Pavlik did.
Andrade is a very good, 'B-Level' 168lb-er who is tough as boots and hits hard. He gives absolutely any SW a tough night, outside Mikkel (who completely outclassed him) and Joe, who would make him look a little foolish and a lot sluggish. Agreed on the 'Kessler' part. People (haters and revisionists, mainly) claim Kessler beat 'no-one' and then lost to Calzaghe. :nono: Kessler beat EVERYONE the haters tried to accuse Joe of ducking- Beyer, Mundine and Andrade, losing about five rounds total in the process. Andrade looking good only enhances the strength of Mikkel Kessler's reputation, IMO.
Nah...Miranda would knock Andrade out. Andrade is a sucker for the right hand, and thats Mirandas best punch.
AgREED. Miranda talks lots of shit, but he beaten absolutely ZERO elite fighters in his whole career. Kessler would cream him, and Edison might even be a level below guys like Andrade... Welcome to FB, btw :clap:
Don't worry guys. Next fight Andrade loses Explosive will be on here calling him an overhyped bum with no skills and a china chin. ::
8 by 10? You should be ashamed of yourself Noble. I usually sell artwork at 40 by 40 inches. The bigger the better.