I know boxers get bored and miss the limelight, but I was wondering why after all these years he suddenly decided to lace them up again. Then the link said he was supposed to get a million for the other fight and chose Nelson instead (he's probably getting paid more). Has there been any rematch/rubber match in which the bouts were this far apart? That's a good 16 years from the 2nd match.
I just pray that the timekeeper keeps one eye on the time....and one eye firmly on where Fenech is, at all times.
I'm surprised to see Fenech shaping up so quickly, but I guess I shouldn't be. He's still got too much of the game in him to let go, and that includes determination and a good work ethic. Still, 2 bottles of wine with his wife PER NIGHT?!? Lok, does he train with you? ::
.. he is impressive that's for sure I shoudl update my training on the log thread.. I have changed some things around Buddy..