Don´t play Dummybrook. :nono: :nono: He unified three belts against Virgil Hill and defeated the real WBC champ Rocky in the ring. As for the topic I don´t consider Hopkins to be a champion of titleholder, because my toiletpaper says so. Hopkins can call himself the MAN (without balls) at LHW.
yeah WOODS you british clown because Erdei beat a "Prime" :: drunken monkey who beat DM and Woods had a tough battle with the version who lost to Reggie fucking Johnson... that's why Woods should win... Ah you were the guy that said Woods is p4p right?? :laughing: :doh:
Absolute and UTTER nonsense! Bernard Hopkins is the man to beat at 175lbs, no IFs or BUTS about it...
You have nothing of interest to say and you say it too loudly. Fuck off and stop following me around, ignorant 'tard...
As Donny said, it's a subjective thing. IMO, Dawson is better than Hopkins, and would win if they fought. That makes him the man to beat at 175 IN MY OPINION. That's all I said, and if you disagree, then fine, that's up to you. Unless you have the rare situation of someone streets ahead of everyone else (ala Calz at 168), then there will always be conjecture. That is the problem with lineal titles and numerous belt holders et al. As someone once said, opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one...::
If Calzaghe Wins, REED'll Rate him 1b @ Lightheavy & 1b Lb 4 Lb... Chad Dawson's 1a @ Lightheavy & Floyd's 1a Lb 4 Lb... This ONE Win can ERASE All the Pre-Lacy Years for Calzaghe... REED
if calzaghe wins without any controversy, i'd consider him the best fighter in the world p4p. who cares about being 'the champ' at any weight classes these days.
Erdei is about as "Legit" as Carlos Baldomir was...LESS "Legit", Actually... & the INSTANT Floyd Whipped Baldomir, NOBODY Cared... REED
The Thing is, Bernard ISN'T DEFENDING his Title Against Lightheavy's... He Beat Tarver, Took a YEAR Off, Beat a BLOWN UP Jr. Middleweight (the Wink), Took Another EXTENDED Layoff & Now he's Facing a Natural Super Middleweight... Bernard BECAME "The Man", but he's SAT on his Laurels Since then... REED
Really? I'm quite surprised by that. Maybe I just don't hold Bernard in the same esteem as some others... :dunno: Who you picking to win, Mister REED?
You are wrong. Erdei's claim is legit and goes further back than Baldomir's, I believe. I'm guessing quite a bit further back.
NOBODY has Decisively Beaten Bernard Since 1993...If Calzaghe Does that, it's THE Crowning Achievement of his Career, N REED's Opinion... Besides that, Bernard has an EXCELLENT Record vs Southpaws & Joe is Fighting N America for the 1st Time...That's ALOT to Overcome... This would B a HUGE Win for Calzaghe...HUGER than Huge... REED is Still Going Back & Forth on WHO will Win...REED'll have to Watch Some Tapes N the Next Couple Weeks & Formulate an Opinion...The SAFE Pick is Calzaghe by Decision... REED
He Beat "The Guy" that Roy Jones WIPED his Ass w/SEVERAL Years AGO...Yet N this SAME Thread, U've Badmouthed Roy for NOT Facing the Guy who LOST to Gonzalez .... This Whole Linear/Lineal CRAP is NATHAN More than a Way for Guys to COMPLICATE Matters... N YOUR World, a Guy can WIN a Lineal Title, then Fight HOMELESS Guys for the Next 10 Years, but as Looooooong as he Remains UNDEFEATED,he's STILL "The Man"... REED
FYI... Baldomir's 4 Fight Run (Zab, Gatti, Floyd, Forrest) SHITS on Erdei's ENTIRE CAREER... WHOlio Gonzalez is Arguably THE BEST Guy Erdei's EVER Fought:: ...Erdei EMBODIES EVERYTHING that's WRONG about the Linear/Lineal Arguement... He's a "Lineal" Champion that DIMINISHES the Credibility of that Arguement... REED
Your arguments smell like the worst of an armchair qb, REED. And the points you make that aren't revisionist, aren't relevant.
:: Actually, I legitimately didn't remember the lineal progression @ light heavy and didn't have time to think beyond Michalczewski's first title fight. :laughing: :doh: Sorry, it happens. Got it....unified and beat Hill who had beaten Stewart, blah blah....though you could argue Barkley is the true lineal champ because he vacated back after he beat Hearns who beat Hill, right?! :: Sorry, I don't put much stock in "lineal champs" nowadays when they are so fragmented and vacated and multiplied. Peace.
So what R U Saying EXACTLY??? Erdei's Resume is Actually BETTER than Baldomir's 4 Fight Stretch Consisting of Zab, Gatti, Floyd & Forrest???:dunno: ... AND, Roy Jones DIDN'T WIPE HIS ASS w/WHOlio Gonzalez, who BEAT MichalSHITski & GAVE Erdei the FLIMSY Ass "Title" U're Bolstering???... REED
AMEN!!!:clap: Somehow, Erdei is the "Linear" Lightheavy Champ, but WHO Beat Archie Moore for his "Linear" Lightheavy Title???...Who Beat Michael Spinks for His "Linear" Lightheavy Title???:dunno: ... According to Steve-Dave, Casamayor is the "Linear" Lightweight Champ, but Who Beat Duran, Whittaker or Floyd for their "Linear" Lightweight Titles???... Who Beat Aaron Pryor for his "Linear" Jr Welter Title???...Who Beat Marciano for his "Linear" Heavyweight Title The Whole "Linear/Lineal" Arguement is NATHAN More than an Extra Sanctioning Body, as Far as REED is Concerned...That "LINE" has been BROKEN Countless Times, which Renders that Arguement USELESS... REED
Don´t play stupid. The lineage gets interrupted all the time and re-established. Dariusz won the vacant WBO title and beat the reigning and legitimate IBF champ, WBA champ and WBC champ in the ring. How many light-heavyweight champs did Roy beat in the ring? Johnny Vacant, Billy Vacant, Micky Vacant?
YOU'RE the 1 "Playing STUPID", Not REED:nono: ... By DEFINITION, "Lineage" is a DIRECT LINE Connecting 1 to Another... Sorry, but when a Guy NEVER Loses his Title then VACATES it, that Line is BROKEN... FOREVER... "Interruptions" & "Reestablishments" SHIT on the ENTIRE PREMISE of Being "Lineal"... The ONLY Reason U Subscribe to that BULLSHIT Argument is Because U're a MichalSHITski NUTHUGGER... REED
RJJ may have been the best lt. Heavy for many years, but he was NEVER the lineal champ. Darius was, he beat Hill before Roy, and then didn't lose for years. Lineality is something people used to justify Floyd fighting Baldomir (some of the same people in this thread) So lets not go bullshitting and using this idea only when it suits you.
The ENTIRE Premise is BULLSHIT... REED Admitted as Much N Another Thread... Bullshit + Bullshit = MORE BULLSHIT... REED
Good point. I will do so. :: That said...I don't live and die by lineal titles, frankly. And in this case, I have a hard time considering Erdei as ANYTHING over Tarver or Hopkins. Peace.
Baldomir was 100% legit. He beat the welterweight champion in the ring, the same year he lost to Mayweather. :dunno: