What Do U HATE about Boxing????... What Facet(s) of Boxing IRKS the Living SHIT Out of U 100% of the Time???... For REED, it's the "Lineal" Argument... Guys ONLY Cling to it to Prop Up their PERSONAL Favorites...Even Us Floyd Fans R Guilty...THE ONLY Redeeming Quality that Baldomir had was the "Lineal" Welterweight Championship... N Every OTHER Regard, that was a BULLSHIT Fight for Floyd...REED is MAN Enough to ADMIT it... If REED NEVER Heard a Fighter Called "The Lineal Champion" of his Division, REED would B FINE w/that... What is YOUR Pugilistic Pet Peeve??? REED:dunno:
Same. I don't need a writer or fan to tell me who the champ is... I would rather see them decide that in the ring.
Ring Magazine rankings. Pay per view. Unnecessary moves up in weight. Unnecessary rematches that do happen. Necessary rematches that don't happen. Pound for pound arguments.
Fights ending after 12 rather than 15. Fighters fighting so rarely. Change those two simple things and boxing would be 300x better.
Some do. The intellectual basis being that we live in more modern and advanced times, therefore champions of today are better than those of the past, because of said modernity and advancement.
1. Discounting the lower weight divisions and/or generalizing about them. I think it shows the utmost ignorance about the sport which is terrible for a supposed "hard core fan." 2. A fighter has to be willing to "die in the ring" - as if boxing was some kind of gladiatorial combat. 3. Automatically assuming that because a fighter is in the 'modern era' they automatically must be superior to other fighters of other "eras"....even when those "eras" are sometimes like 20 years apart. :: 4. "Old timers" who swear any boxer from the "golden era" of black & white film is automatically better/harder/tougher than modern ones...and from their descriptions in the stories, you'd swear these guys were perfect supermen. :: Peace.
Agreed. Definitely "newcomers" can sound just as biased and arrogant/elitist as "oldtimers." Both extremes are equivocated. I just posted that actually....shoulda read the thread. ::
20 years in sports is usually a pretty long period. For example it is very rare that a world record would last for 20 years in any sport. Of course, boxing is the lone exception in all sports:tease:
Absolutely contact sports are very different from other sports, and this has been laid out for you about 1,568,304 times...along with hard data disproving your assumptions about "size", power, speed and KO records and supposed "primitive/raw" styles...and the supposed progress of boxing 'technique'. But we won't do that again. :: BOTH extremes are wrong. It's that simple. If you agree, then we agree. Peace.
Something Else REED HATES about Boxing... Elite Fighters who Wear DIFFERENT Trunks Every Fight ... REED is "Old School" N the Sense that he Loooooooooooved KNOWING Ali would B Wearing the White Trunks w/Black Trim MOST of the Time... Or Larry Holmes would Wear the White Trunks w/RED Trim Most of the Time...Or Tommy Hearns would Wear the Gold Kronk Trunks... That's PART of WHY REED Looooooooved Prince Naseem...He ALWAYS Wore SOME Variation of Leopard Print... A Fighters TRUNKS is like his UNIFORM...His JEARSEY...It Gives Fans Something to CLING to...Imagine if Ali Fought Today...There'd B THOUSANDS of Fans Showing Up Wearing HIS Trunks... Todays Boxers Could MARKET Themselves Accordingly... REED
STFU. A million times you have defended Floyd for fighting Baldomir, because Baldomir was the champ and now you open a thread to dispute your stance, because the BS doesn´t fly on your other favourite pet Roy Jones. WhAt eGo. :: ::
agREED even as recently as Tyson with the black trunks, black shoes, no socks, no robe NAZ with his leopard trunks.. I think more should do this kinda stuff the one I didn't care for is Chop CHop with his skirt like get-up:doh:
Like REED Said, he's "MAN ENOUGH TO ADMIT" that the ONLY Reason he's DEFENDED Baldomir is Cause of his "Lineal" Title & Because Brian Kinney INCESSANTLY Referenced the "Lineal" Title while CRITICIZING Floyd... REED Called "Bullshit" on HIMSELF B 4 Anybody Else Did...The Question is, will THE REST of ya'll Do Likewise???:dunno: ... The "Lineal" Arguement is CRAP...No Matter WHO your Favorite Fighter is... PERIOD... It's Almost to the Point where U can Find a Guy N EACH Division who RETIRED or VACATED his Title w/Out Losing It IN the Ring... REED