Mitchell is my boy. I felt my two cents was required. You're a big lad. Red name and all. You can handle your own stuff :nono:
Ducking a fighter because he is not a "draw" or not exciting enough. Eventhough he is clearly an elite fighter and a challenge for anybody in his division. Bob Arum hides behind that bullshit when he wants to avoid a good fighter. Example: avoiding the Winky fight for Pavlik but it wasn't a case where Pavlik moved on to a bigger fight. Uless you consider Lockett a bigger fight than Winky :: he also pulled that shit when he promoted Oscar against WInky. :doh: He also told Guzman at a presse conference that he would never give him the pacquiao fight regardless of weight or what Guzman did with his carreer. fucking pussy ass excuses. :doh:
PFFFFFFFFTsssplaaatttttttttttt,.. I remember you bashing Margarito over the Fraud debacle, you've contradicted yourself like a true groupie. Congratulations.
that was different, Margarito went from being underrated to the most overrated fighter in boxing. Simply because Arum decided to finally promote the guy instead of letting him rott in the Top Rank stable. All of a sudden he was the man at 147?
All of these ABC sanctioning bodies are very much my pet hate. The bottom line is that none of this 'lineal' shit would count for a damn thing (or exist, for that matter) if there was only ONE world championship belt. Others: Don King PPV Boxing 'politics' Woeful refereeing/judging The idea that to be a boxing 'somebody' you have to fight predominantly in the States. Insane rankings by sanctioning bodies Frank Werren Audley Harrison (this schmuck is making another 'comeback', btw...) British TV boxing Commentary (especially ITV/Werren fights. The bias is disgusting) MTF opcorn:
Common myth. Many more 'robberies' happen in the U.S. than in Germany, honestly. Funky things happen with refs, that is true....but it's often over-stated.
That's because far more world championship fights happen in the US than Germany. Percentage wise, more robberies happen in Doitchland. In America, you get robberies, but not poisoning etc, and really low down dirty tactics, which is a regular feature of boxing in Doitchland.
maybe Robberies happen here but not the poisen in the eyes or food poisening and crazy stuff like that
Can you prove that proportionately on a %age basis, this is true, given ALL of the fights that happen in Deutschland? I knew someone would bring this up. :: And please, I am not looking to 'defend' any geography....I just think it is LUDICROUS how Germany (and others) are so villified considering the vast majority of inept decisions and/or 'robberies' - especially the biggest "historical" ones - happen right in the good ol' U.S. of A. And England's got some funky referee stuff going on, too. :: As to the "poisoning" stuff....please. Peace.
thank you! we might have people get shafted here sometimes but I have not seen the crazy poisen stuff happening in the states like it does in "DOITCHLAND" ::
The rediculous hate on hate Mayweather gets right now for doing a great job marketing himself. Fans complain that boxers are not mainstream, but as soon as Mayweather breaks through people still bitch about the situation.
I think it is stupid to say Margarito ducked Cotto. In his mind he figured he could beat Williams then move onto the Cotto fight, which he did in fact have a contract for if he beat Williams. Obviously he lost and blew his shot at Cotto last November.
As well as every single other post I've made on this thread, mod-boy, and don't you forget it. :nono:
You are a Fraud groupie, you are!, you are!, you are!, even Reed has come out of the closet and admitted that Scrubdomir and his linear monicker was all a blown up farce, but you rallied hard about "Da real champ" ..and that you "Would rather he fight Baldomir coz he's da real champ"....:doh: Oh Latinking please, how deeply it hurt, I was counting on your racist arse to attach yourself to Margarito the Mexican by default, just for some meager support, but instead, you proved you were not a racist , well good for you, kumbay fucking yar, that helps.
Well Said, Brother EANER:clap: ... Hopefully Kauki (The Occupant of Tony's RIGHT Nut) REEDs this... REED
1. Fighters who go into a ring with on their backs or something. Seriously, have some fuckin self respect, who wants to see that shit on anyones back? 2. Fighters who fight bums to pad their records. Fair enough if the division is shit and you fight the guys who are contenders but turn out to be bums (RJJ) but when your division has top contenders and you continue fighting BUMS it makes me want to see you KILLED IN THE RING. And I mean KILLED STONE DEAD. Hatton/Calzaghe/Bernard Dunne/etc. This is mainly the new generation who do this, trying to milk everything for all its worth. 3. Annoyingly arrogant fighters. There is a certain way to be arrogant.
REED Wouldn't Say "Predominantly", but he Thinks ALL "Name" Foreign Fighters SHOULD Fight N the States @ Least 1nce... As BIG as Hatton Already was, American Exposure Made him BIGGER...Coming to America was the Final Touch that Calzaghe's Career Needed... On the Flip Side, Look @ How Guys who NEVER Fought N America R Perceived??? (MichalSHITski, Ottke, etc.)... REED
I agree with you, even though I am a Euro myself. The fact is, boxing was invented in England, but I think it's undeniable that for some time America has been the boxing capital of the world. And of course Vegas within America. It would be like a tennis player never playing wimbledon.
So? I turn this sh*t on its head and say boxing wouldn´t be where it is at, if the american superstars took their sh*t on the road and promoted boxing globally like Ali did in the 70´s instead of locally in some bingo hall city in the desert. Can no American draw a crowd like Ricky Hatton, because they have no fanbase outside of casino owners.
The Deal Is SITE FEES... Casino's Pay TOP Dollar to Host these Fights...From there, they Charge $100 for CHEAP Seats...Sometimes MORE, Depending on the Level of the Fight... The Prices for a Euro Based Hatton or Calzaghe Fight DOES NOT Approach Vegas Ticket Prices:nono: ...It's EASIER to Pack N 35,000 Peeps when they're Paying "Common Man" Rates...But There's NO Such Thing as a "Common Man" Rate N Vegas.... If DeLa-Floyd I was held N California @ the Rose Bowl (Seats about 100,000), Charging the SAME Rates as a Typical Euro Hatton or Calzaghe Fight, they'd have SOLD that Shit Out N about an Hour... Don't Get REED Wrong, Euro Fans R MUCH More PASSIONATE...They CARE More than American Fans Do...REED has ALWAYS Admired the Fandom of Euro Fans & Hopes to B Part of Euro Fight Crowd Someday... Moreso, REED Wishes Every "Name" American Fighter Traveled @ Least 1nce...It would have Been Cool to See Roy Fight MichalSHITski N Germany or Floyd Face Hatton N England... But Again, SITE FEES... REED
Exactly... Broadway is the GOAL for Most Stage Actors...Los Angeles is the Destination for Most Aspiring Screen Actors...EVERY Race Car Driver wants to Drive In the Indianapolis 500 or Talladega... Most ELITE Level Soccer/Football Players AVOID America:: ...American Soccer SUCKS by Comparison...Most Elite Level Foreign Basketball Players Make their Way to America & the NBA Eventually... Most Professions have those 1 or 2 Countries where that Particular Profession is Held N HIGHER Regard...Where the ELITE from that Profession MIGRATE To... Boxing is No Different... REED
Huh? Calzaghe has completely cleaned out 168 by beating the guy who beat all the other guys. It might have been belated, but Joe did step up eventually and has proved his quality...
I kinda threw that one in to stir a little, I must admit, BUT... ...I'm with El Terrible. I know boxing is a money game at the end of the day, but the one guy who truly transends the sport (Ali) took his show all over the world. I know he had reasons, and that a major one was finance, but look at the results of his world expeditions. He is known and revered almost universally, because he took his shit to the corners of the globe. You couldn't imagine Floyd or any other leading US fighter doing this, which I think is a real shame. Your last paragraph proves my point. If you don't come to the US, you are almost automatically stigmatized. Calzaghe would have gone the same way but for his finally going across the pond. Vegas may be the boxing capital of the world, but it's simply a money thing- no more or less than that. You know yourself how much better the 'fight atmosphere' is on a big Euro fight night. It makes the Vegas fights look like picnics in comparison. I find it annoying that money dictates in that fashion... MTF