Can't say I blame Marquez. No way in hell he's getting a rematch...he's gotta drump up the noise while the fight is still fresh in our memories. And he's not beating Joan Guzman so I say he forgets that idea.
On 1 Hand, REED Doesn't Blame Marquez for Doing WHATEVER It Takes (Including FOLLOWING Manny & TRYING to Get Under his Skin) to Get a Fight he Wants... On the Other Hand, REED Can't Help But Recall how Marquez Wanted NO PARTS of an IMMEDIATE RE w/Pac, 4 Years Ago... Still, REED has a Feeling we'll See Pac-Marquez III B 4 they Retire... REED
It was a close loss against a bitter rival, so Marquez was allowed some time to crow about it. But Arum and Pacquiao are clearly not interested in an immediate rematch and have already got a least one fight already lined up. Marquez can't just continue to push for an immediate return match. He's made it clear that he wants the fight and Pacquiao doesn't, the point has been made. Now he simply has to decide if he wants to remain at 130 and go after one of hte other champions or follow Pacquiao up to 135 and try to force a fight with him there...the problem with that is all the main guys are already spoken for, so to speak. Casamayor-Diaz, Katsidis-Chavez, Diaz-Pacquiao, Santa Cruz-Pitalua are all on the horizon so there's not much room for him in the title picture in the near future.
True enough and it was a jackass move...but it was absolutely money related back then, and we can refresh ourselves on the details of that within the article. Marquez was the unified WBA/IBF champion, who gave Pacquiao the opportunity to challenge for those belts, and they stage a great, memorable fight 'for the ages' at FWT... And he gets offered only $100M more for the rematch ($750,000 total)while Pacquiao gets offered more than $1 Million? Then gets told he's not offered any more because there's no money left....while HBO put up $3million for the fight? And btw - it's on record that team Pacquiao wasn't happy with the money they were offered either; despite it being over $1 mil. Come on now...speaking objectively Team Marquez's reluctance to make the rematch happen is understandable, especially given the high risk. Still ultimately a bone-headed move, sure....but not without mitigating circumstances. Peace.
w/ OR w/Out the Belts WE BOTH Know Manny Pac was Considered "The Champ", Donny...1nce he Stopped Barrera he was THE Featherweight Champ for all Intents & Purposes... So It's NOT like Marquez was Doing Manny a FAVOR or Anything...& it's NOT Like Marquez was CLOSE to Being the Draw that Manny Is/Was Back Then... REED AGREES that Marquez's Motivation N Turning Down the Immediate RE was Purely FINANCIAL, but he WASN'T Really N a Position to Make Outrageous Demands N REED's Opinion... REED
Quit your violin act, Mullet Boy. Blockhead took a thre year vacation because Pacquiao put the fear of Flip into him. It was his fault for having that gnat looking motherfucker as his manager. He pays his salary. Gnat speaks for him. Marquez = el pussy
Pretty easy to call JMM's move bone-headed in hind-sight. Who would've guessed he'd lose to Chris John? Had he not, who knows what his position would be right now. Even having lost to John (controversially), he still managaged to secure a profitable fight with Barrera and numerous other TV dates. I'm not so sure a loss to Pacquiao, closely following his controversial draw with him, would've amounted to all that. The one thing I will say though is that his chances of beating Pacquiao were probably better back then than they are now.
Go wake up before posting, puppy dog. It's ok to call boxing "a business" when it's a fighter you are defending...but in other circumstances it's about "fear" and "fear" only. "Pacquiao lost his fire in '04." :: :doh:
.... Personally I don't see what the big deal is. Manny hasn't had the easiest of times making 130 so he wants to go take a fight at 135 and see how that will go. Hell he had already put off those plans to fight JMM the 2nd time, JMM doesn't run Pac's career. :: Maybe JMM gets a rematch after Pac beats Diaz. He already put off his plans 1 time for JMM. Does he need to do it until JMM eventually wins 10 years from now?
It is Maquez's fault the immediate rematch didn't happen. He wasn't in a position to turn down the fight. What did he turn down 750k for? So he can go through purse bids for the Chris John fight where his own promoter doesn't even bid on the fight? What did hey end up getting for that fight? under 100K to split? Smart guy!
He was certainly in a position to demand parity. And it's easy for FANS to say "with or without the belts". But the fact is those belts still mean quite alot to the vast majority of boxers, which is why they rarely 'drop them' like we demand/expect them to. Belts mean more money, period. Except for very, very few/rare cases. I don't think asking for parity....or simply why he was being offered only $750M of a $6MM pot - only $100M more than the first fight...when the opponent was being offered 50% more. Peace.
Well, he was an accountant for the Mexican government. This may help explain the unemployment and inflation figures. They employed a dunce :doh:
Based on what? Honestly, there was NO case for parity. As evidence by the fact where Marquez went after this fight; overseas. He didn't have a fanbase, or any significant wins on his ledger to ask for parity. Thats Winky Wright'esque.
WOW!!!:eeeek: We'll have to Agree to DISagree then, Cause REED just CAN'T See It... Barrera was THE GUY @ 126, Bar None...After he Beat Prince Naseem, Barrera was Pretty Much UNIVERSALLY Regarded as THE GUY @ 126, w/OR w/Out an Actual Belt... & Manny Pac WAXED him, Making Manny "The Guy"... Manny was MORE of a Draw & had More PRESTIGE than Marquez...By a SIZABLE Margin...Manny was the Guy HBO was Trumpeting, NOT Marquez... REED Can't See HOW Marquez had ANY Leverage to Demand PARITY...REED Can See Marquez Wanting MORE for the Immediate RE, but PARITY was an UNreasonable Request... Even NOW, REED isn't sure Marquez Deserves 50% of a Manny Pac Purse... REED
Yes he would beat Guzman. Guzman is not on the level of 'quez or pacman. He's one of the most overrated fighters of the moment, alongside Marge.
Marquez doesn't even deserve 30% (he didn't get it for the rematch). If Marquez's promoters were to try and sell a PPV right now, EVEN against a guy like Joan Guzman or Edwin Valero, the PPV card would barely do 50,000 buys. The only reason Marquez is following Pacquiao around is because he finally tasted what it's like to make a damn good purse and he likes it. Too bad he's 34, turned down the rematch 4 years ago, and Pacquiao doesn't need him. Marquez = Crying pussy on the outside looking in. ::
To even suggest that it was Marquez giving Pacquiao the shot in 2004 is laughable, Donny. You shouldn't revise history to defend your hero. :nono:
I guess beating Gainer and Medina makes you more of a champion than beating MAB. :warning: :doh: JMM should have taken what was offered he had no case for parity.
Marquez has less of a case now for another fight. Again I want the Marquez fanboys to answer why Pacquiao should give Marquez another huge payday when Pacquiao could make lots of money fighting Diaz, Casamayor/Campbell, and then Ricky Hatton eventually? Like I said before, while Marquez is busy begging for a fight from Pacquiao he has no fights lined up, he's getting older, and he's not making a case for the LONG line of people in FRONT of Marquez who want a payday fighting Pacquiao. Marquez should be looking to crush heads like Margarito did when he lost to Paul Williams. Margarito is only one fight away from a Cotto fight now after knocking some heads. That's how you get back into contention for a championship. Not by being a crying pussy. Marquez should call out Guzman, Valero, or even Soto to get himself back up to big fight status. Otherwise he's going to get old and just eventually fade away.
:::: maybe Pacquiao should fight GOLDEN Johnson....crushing heads..... Guzman,Valero, EVEN Soto deserve the next shot at Pacquiao...NOT bum ass D. Diaz....
Why would Pacquiao need to crush heads? He has the belts, the draw, and everything else. Fighters seek out Pacquiao, not the other way around. :: As for those other guys, let Guzman, Valero, and Soto move up to lightweight. Pac can't make 130 easy anymore.