Someone help me understand 1 thing. We all knew Cintron couldnt knock out Margarito. He simply has one hell of a chin. So why the fuck was Cintron still trying to take his head off? If I was Stewart I would have devised a fightplan to Margarito's body not chin.:dunno:
Actually not everyone on here knew Cintron couldn't hurt Margarito. I had a discussion with a couple people who still felt like Cintron's punching power was extrodinary dispite no proof whatsoever of it. Funny how far those boxing myths can go.
I was right there with you saying he couldn't hurt Tony. Cintron hit him with his best shots and Tony laughed at them.
cintron fought a DUMB fight. at times he was outboxing margarito but then getting involvd in a fight. to be honest, if he stuck to his boxing, he could have won that fight. he has fallen in love with his power and his hyped strength and was dumb enough to think they would be enough, even though he was proved wrong already with that. DUMB CUNT. stewart is a clown too
No matter what his gameplan was, I don't think he could've kept it up for twelve rounds against Margarito.
Most likely. He's just not that good as a boxer. Even though I had money on margarito, i was kinda cheering cintron on. it was a gutsy effort and i liked it. a few times hed be outboxing margarito and margarito would just come all the way in with a long right and be on top of him. so easy to just move out of the way and keep countering and boxing from distance. however, cintron reverted back to what he instinctively does under pressure and loaded up. id like to see cintron against cotto, who doesn't have margaritos chin.
dsimon writes: Cintron is so unpolished. Once again here we are with Tony. I know he has to pay the bills but until he beats a guy who is top notch there is not much to say. The Judah fight would be a good start. He will no doubt have the spaz rolling around in agony.
What power? I actually felt Stewart was a huge omen in Cintron's corner. Stewart has been on such a long beautiful losing streak you just knew it wasn't about to stop with these odds.
Judah didn't want the assignment. BTW, Judah is an appropriate name to mention when talking of guys who've never beaten a top notch guy. Frankly, a win over Judah doesn't prove a whole lot, IMO. He went 1-1 against Cory Spinks. That's his great accomplishment.
dsimon writes: He is a good gatekeeper. He hasn't won against a lot of top notch guys but he has fought at the elite level in the division and been a tough fight in the first few rounds at least to the top guys. You just can't accept the reality that Margarito has to take this step can you Mitchell? :dunno: Cintron and Stevie don't cut it. I don't think Margarito would disagree. I am not blaming him, but he needs a top guy. Like I said he needs to pay the bills.
I'd agree with that. Cintron put a lot more punches on Margarito than Judah would, IMO. I think Cintron may have wanted out earlier than he lasted, but he still competed. The problem with both is that they'll show some "give" in them and they will go south - literally, when you consider how much Cintron was ducking down and then complaining about being hit on the back of the head - when they're pressured.
dsimon writes: Thats not true. Just on natural ability alone it is untrue, But Judah is shit, but he is A level shit that has fought good comp. Is this really a difficult point to make? I mean actually how good Judah is is in a sense academic. He has a lot of natural talent but yes, he sucks. But he has fought at the top of the division. Margarito needs to add a top guy.... even a shitty one. Judah, Mosley, Cotto, whatever.
judahs movement would give margarito more problems than cintron did imo. then again judah probably doesnt have what he had prior to the beating cotto gave him.
How can you put Judah on the same level as Mosley and Cotto? The idea seems laughable. I doubt whether Judah could even beat Clottey.
Its an opinion. Whether its true or not is unknown/ Natural ability? :: Simon, on natural ability alone, Judah is a better fighter than Margarito and Cotto. WHat does that mean? Sweet fuck all. Mosley, Cotto...fine. But don't for a second add in Judah to that. Judah is a level below those guys. Like Cintron is.
I never said that. Jesus I must be writing a different language tonight. Well.... You and Mitchell both think I said something I didn't about Judah's ability, so I must be the one it err.... its just weird because when I read back the posts I don't really see anything so confusing about my opinion of Judah... and it is not particularly complimentary. For the record: Judah is, by virtue of having fought at the top of the division, not particularly good, having lost with few exceptions, however he is a good gate keeper. He is a good fight for a guy to take to get exposure to that level because: he has natural abilites that make him dangerous, the comp he has experience fighting, and the fact that it is a safe fight because he will inevitably fade. Judah is a waste of natural ability but he is a lot better than Cintron!
A top guy= somoene who has fought at the top of the division. I do not mean to imply Judah is as good as Cotto or Mosley only that they have a common feature in that all have fought at the elite level.
I don't know that you explained. Tam said he was shit and then you reply "Thats not true. Just on natural ability alone it is untrue, But Judah is shit, but he is A level shit that has fought good comp." Judah didn't look like he was on an "A level" against Carlos Baldomir or Rafael Pineda. Judah's looked bad and lost to boxers on different levels and in different ways. It's not just that he has a bad chin, it's that he has a weak constitution...he relents, he loses confidence, he get negative. He appeared to me like he might well have been on his way to a stoppage loss to Mayweather before the low blow. He was knocked out Cotto. He faded against Baldomir. He doesn't handle pressure well. The problem with Judah is that he isn't the same fighter from round one to round twelve. His level drops and against pressure he gets progressively worse, and the tougher his opponent makes it for him, the more he fades. Margarito is exactly the opposite. He's a slow starter, but he usually gets better as the rounds go on. It's not just talk about "talent" or "skill" or "athelticism" with Margarito and Judah. Margarito has the mindset of a real fighter and that's a big reason why I think he'll bring more to the ring against Cotto than Judah did.
A level talent does not make an A level fighter. Your discription of Judah having fought on an A level merely means he has getting his ass handed to him. I agree he'd be a good name on Margarito's resume' but even that is only because Judah has been, and still is, living off of his inaccurate reputation of being a quality fighter. He's just like Mayorga and Rahman in that sense. Big names who will forever catch people's attention no matter how many consecutive L's they have on their resume'.
And like those other names, he also talks a good game in the pre-fight and that's partly why the hype exceeds to talent/ability and why he gets more big fights than his results would suggest he deserves.