The option at the time wasn't Lewis or Holyfield. There was no set opponent when Bowe decided to dump the belt. Lewis was the mandatory at the time for the undisputed belt...and after originally balking, came out and publicly stated he'd accept $3 million for the fight even though Maloney was against it. He wanted a 75/25 split. Either way, Bowe stood to gain a lot more from the fight than Lewis...and certainly more than he made against Dokes or Ferguson.
Good post. And I am not remotely surprised that Esk was unable to properly respond to this post. He is not a fan of those pesky facts. ::
Reading comprehension appears to be beyond him. I even explained it a second time in basic, childlike language, and it appears that he is still non-plussed. :: Beyond any assistance I can think of, frankly...
The thing is about Lennox Lewis now interviews, he's always giving it all that and comes across as the big 'I Am' and he makes out he could take any heavyweight in boxing history. :nono:
Sadly, although Lennox was a great fighter, he is also a complete bollock-head. Remember all that fake 'big-up!', faux Jamaican shit he used to come out with in his post fight interviews? :doh:
Frankly, I always rather wished he'd make his damn mind up- he was half English, half Canadian and half Jamaican, depending on his mood. Do the math, Lennox, you big dipshit!! ::
Lewis was born in England, moved to Canada at age 12, learned to box under Arnie Boehm, won gold for Canada in '88, went back to England to fight professionally, made the trek to the States to seek bigger game, now lives in Miami. His mother is fully Jamaican. So Lewis can be a RastaBritCanAmerican! :clap:
Lewis was asked this question once. He said "I'm a citizen of the world!" :: I think that's alright but really, who's gonna cheer for you? You can only pick one.
Grant was seen as a much more formidable opponent then Ruiz i was raped in 19 seconds. Are you really going to dare and try to claim that Ruiz back then was seen as a better opponent then Grant ??. Ruiz knew his place he never ever seriously tried to get a fight with Lewis because he knew what would happen to him.
Talk to me about the Grant vs Golota fight right before the Grant vs Lewis fight. Did you still think Grant was a formidable opponent after that? The thing with Ruiz is that Lewis would have kept the titles unified had he fought Ruiz. If they were both as easy as you suggest, then why not fight the guy that keeps the belts unified? Lewis never fought Ruiz although he had multiple opportunities to do so. You can excuse him for that but in a historical sense, it will hurt his legacy. He never made it into the ring with Byrd or Bowe and i'm sure you will excuse him but again he will be penalized for it.
I dunno about Bowe and Holyfield being that evenly matched. They made for exciting fights, but I thought Bowe clearly got the edge head-to-head. His 2 wins were a lot more definitive and convincing than Holyfield's razor-thin win over a chubby Bowe.
Since we're on the subject of Golota, how exactly did Ruiz fare against the Foul Pole? Ruiz was dropped against him as well...only he went on to barely win a decision that considered by many to be controversial at the time. And this was after a three year retirement, and five years after Grant stopped him.
More Formidable then Ruiz. Ruiz was known as nothing more then a guy who got destroyed in 19 seconds by Tua at the time. Who threw a belt in the thrash to avoid fighting Lewis ? I really dont givbe a fuck about Lewis vs Byrd . Byrd got his ass kicked by a lesser Lewis clone twice.. the suggestion that Lewis somehow feared Ruiz :laughing: or Byrd :: is laughable.
A lot of opinion but not a lot of credible facts. Lewis never faced Ruiz, Byrd or Bowe. This will greately affect his legacy. Ruiz fought everyone out there. Byrd fought everyone out there. Holyfield fought everyone out there. Lewis didn't. He avoided a lot of fighters and that will count against him legacy wise. You can reply to me with another bunch of opinions but it will do nothing to change the facts.
Well since you want to talk about facts I think the fact that Lewis tried to fight Bowe but Bowe avoided it will put that negative in Bowe's corner, not Lewis'. Also, many people including me were happy Lewis never wasted his time slapping Ruiz' & Byrd's names on his resume'. He chose instead to face Tyson and Vitali, much more intriguing fights than a hugger and a midget with no power. Neither Byrd or Ruiz had a chance against Lewis, and that may be an opinion but it's about as close to a fact as you can get in boxing.
Not defending Bowe, but he was the champ. Of course Lewis tried to fight him. Had the situation been reversed then you would have a point.
So how did the fight between Ruiz and Byrd go?:: A fact is that Lewis already signed to fight Ruiz after Grant. Ruiz' camp backed away so Lewis had to take on Botha instead .
thank you! :bears: facts Lennox ducked Ruiz Lennoz Ducked Byrd Lennox ducked Bowe Lennox ducked Tyson until he found out Mike was on drugs and could barely function Lennox actually lost to Ray Mercer but they Robbed Mercer He went life and death with Zeljio mavcrovision
Actually it was Tyson and Bowe who both relinquished their WBC titles to avoid Lewis. Bowe publically threw it in a garbage can on tv, and Tyson paid $4 million AND gave up his title to avoid Lewis in 1996 when Lewis was his mandatory.