Interesting. Now that you mention, he kinda looks a little Italian and Jewish. I guess he is an Italian Jew then :bears:
This is a hard one to pick. For those of you saying that GSP will dominate Serra on the ground, you may want to rethink that. Thats where Serra`s stregnth is. He`s a BJJ black belt with alot of international grappling experience. Serra is really not a striker. Im excited about this fight, Serra by RNC. Here`s one of his older grappling matches.
I'm been trying to tell these noobs but they won't listen.Serra has the most respected ground games in MMA,not even BJ Penn wanted any part of it when they fought and that's saying something.
Technically, Serra is LIGHTYEARS ahead of GSP on the ground, which is exactly what was said about Mayhem Miller when he fought GSP. While someone maybe much better technically, you've got to remember, this is a physical sport, and GSP is about 100x stronger and faster than Serra, and more flexible also.... In a straight grappling match, I dont think GSP could submit Serra, but you add in punches and elbows and the trademark GSP shoulder smashes on the ground, and he can soften up Serra to the point of having Matt make a mistake. I still think Georges will end it with strikes on the ground, but beating Serra into giving up a submission is also a possibilty....This fight has a chance at ending every possible way
This is exactly my line of thinking. Some of these MMA n00bs like beyond the grave tend to look at those too literally and simplistically.
You insinuated that I was a n00b, I've pulled a reversal and stated that actually, you're a noob. It's true that you're looking at things too black and white, cut and dry, simplistic like. By your logic, in boxing no boxer would KO a fighter than hit harder than them, and in MMA wrestlers would never get outwrestled, strikers would never get outstruck etc. Nobody is claiming that Pierre has technically better BJJ, but his big advantages in speed, power, size and explosiveness even things up and then some. BTG - how long have you been watching MMA?
I thought a St-Pierre win was a very easy pick to make, the first fight was the perfect definition of a fluke imo
:: MOST of the Fight was Spent ON the Ground & GSP DOMINATED Serra...U KNOW your Shit when it Comes to MMA, but U Got a Bit Tooooooo "High & Mighty" w/that "Noob" Shit, Dog... REED
for real bro....everyone has aint the only one around here who knows a lil bit about mma.....maybe keep your eyes and ears open a lil bit....its just a bunch of fucks talking shit, dont take it so seriously....
BTW, I think Penn is better on the ground than Serra, but why would he test it, when he was CLEARLY the better standup fighter at that time? Not to mention that he had the UFC brass clamoring for those highlight reel explosive KO's like the one he had on UNO
I'm not the one catching feelings.I'm just sitting back watching ya'll take everything I say to heart :: this is the internet and I know how to play the game,so you won't catch me getting offended on a forum.
U Basically SCOFFED @ the Notion of GSP Beating Serra on the Ground, MOCKINGLY Asked "Have U Ever Seen Serra Fight", when Peeps Suggested it & Then U Threw Out that "Noob Shit... Like REED Said, U DEFINITELY Know your Shit when it Comes to MMA...N Fact, REED'll GLADLY Admit he Knows ALOT LESS about the Sport than U Do, but U have this MMA "Elitist" Type of Attitude, Dog... It's Probably NOT Intentional on your Part, but it's There... REED
Very unintentional.I never scoffed at St Pierre beating Serra on the ground.I scoffed at the fact that St Pierre's Bjj is as good as Serra's.As for everything else I'm man enough to admit I was being a douche and if anybody was offended then I'm sorry.
I aint gonna go back and check, cuz I'm too lazy, but did someone really say that GSPs BJJ was as good as Serra's??? The ground game in MMA is so much more than BJJ....shit aint Abu Dhabi
I aint talking about getting offended.....talking about you always wanting to bicker like a woman on her rag.....::