I have no problem with Obama being president. As long as he answers for the ayers thing. As far as all the other stuff you posted, make a new thread about it. Its a good discussion. :clap:
Obama has addressed his relationship with Ayers. He did so again, eloquently in an interview on FOX news just 2 days ago. Though all his detractors saw the interview, they would still keep coming back with the classic "he needs to address the issue" ::. Personally, he should not have borthered. With American presidents' history of involvement in terorrism, Obama is in good company and his relationship with Ayers is redundant. But of course America dont mind their presidents being involved in terorr but they take a dim view of Obama's relationship with Ayers ::. Barack Obama is different, we know.
IF what you say is true, why would you be against people actually trying to get all the info about the next president? Why cant people actually learn from their supposed mistakes? Since you hate america so much and all you do is talk about how bad we are, why do you get mad at americans trying to know everything posible about the current canditates?
You are complaining about trying to get all the information about Obama. If its okay for other presidents, it should be okay for Obama right?
So you have no problem with people asking Obama about these issues? Good. I dont either. End of discussion.
Ayers , Rezko , Pritzker , Brzenski .... and so on. People want to pretend like Wright is the only one that's been brought up when the truth is , as I have said. Obama has a long list of very questionable associates and choices.
None of them are as questionable as Osama Bin Laden...an associate of both George W and his father, yet Republicans would have you believe that Bush (both of them) are far better Presidents than Obama could ever be.
I agree ... none are as questionable as the ties to the Bin Ladens or Saudis in general. As for whether or not the 2 BUllSHits would be better than Obama ... I always wonder why people want to compare shit with more shit , like this makes the other shit less shitty. :shit:
Most people, if you've lived long enough, travelled and met lots of people have acquired questionable associations. I have a couple childhood friends that have since gone into crime: One was involved in fraud The other involved in robbery and narcotics Does that mean that I lack judgement? I'm not lik ethat and have never been and neither did I know that these guys would eventually go that route. I cannot be held responsible for the actions of these guys when they did them. If you dig deep enough....NONE of the political candidates and former candidates would be squeeky clean in their associations.
Obama's are past, present and future associations , none of which he denounces for their actions ... even this latest "I outraged and appalled" nonsense , you have to be a total moron not to see through.
Bush went to Bin Ladin's home and made speeches with him? Bush's daughter and Osama's daughters went to the same school together? Bush served on the same board with Osama? Where are the connections between bush's father, bush and Bin Ladin?
The person u voted for is your non-answer ... we know U r a weasel Mr PetreTG.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o> <o></o> Courage is <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:City><st1lace>ur</st1lace></st1:City> bane.<o></o> <o></o> You see how easy it is for u to be propagandise, abuse, debase and mouth off with reckless abandon from the comfort of ur armchair about politicians when u can't even publicly fess up to who u voted for?<o></o> <o> </o> Methinks the politicians and public figures u abuse here 24/7 would be laughing at u now, don’t u? :: <o></o>
Another limp wristed attack on me by RockOn ... I'm touched. :: Little do you realize , the answer to your questioning my integrity was your mistake all along , as you were mistaken thinking I voted for any piece of shit. Feel free to modify your argument now. :clap:
Rock on didn't get it. He was hoping he could malign me for voting for any of the past frauds. Now he will modify his attack because he cannot say I was fooled into voting for one of the past scumbags
Interesting perspective on Obama ... I'd say it nails most of my very real concerns with Obama. Ones many seem to want to simply overlook that some (like myself) here keep trying to point out. :doh: --------------------------------- BARACK HAS , . . . CHARISMA ! Date: Friday, 16 May 2008, 2:40 a.m. KEN BLACKWELL COLUMNIST FOR THE NEW YORK SUN The sun will darken over our great land if Obama is elected . Ken Blackwell - Columnist for the New York Sun It's an amazing time to be alive in America . We're in a year of firsts in this Presidential election : the first viable woman candidate ; the first viable African-American candidate ; and , a candidate who is the first front-running freedom fighter over 70. The next President of America will be a first . We won't truly be in an election of firsts , however , until we judge every candidate by where they stand . We won't arrive where we should be until we no longer talk about skin color or gender. Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field , we need to stop talking about his Race , and start talking about his Policies and his Politics . The reality is this : Though the Democrats will not have a nominee until August , unless Hillary Clinton drops out , Mr. Obama is now the frontrunner , and its time America takes a closer and deeper look at "him" . Some pundits are calling him the next John F. Kennedy . He's not . He's the next George McGovern . And it's time people learned the facts. [McGOVERN HAD EXTREME LEFTIST VIEWS] Because the truth is that Mr. Obama is the single most Liberal Senator in the entire U. S. Senate . He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy , Bernie Sanders , or Mrs. Clinton . Never in my life have I seen a presidential frontrunner whose rhetoric is so far removed from his record . Walter Mondale promised to raise our taxes , and he lost . George McGovern promised military weakness, and he lost. Michael Dukakis promised a liberal Domestic agenda , and he lost . Yet Mr. Obama is promising all those things , and he's not behind in The Polls . Why ? Because The Press has dealt with him as if he were in a beauty pageant . Mr. Obama talks about getting past Party , getting past Red and Blue , to lead the United States of America . But let's look at the more defined strokes of " who " he is underneath this superficial, "beauty." Start with National Security , since the President's most important Duties are as commander-in-chief . Over the Summer , Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan , a Nation armed with nuclear weapons ; meeting 'without pre-conditions' with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust ; and Kim Jong II , who is murdering and starving his people , but emphasized that the Nuclear option was 'off the table' against Terrorists - something no sitting President has ever taken 'off the Table' since we created Nuclear weapons in the 1940's. Even Democrats who have worked in National Security condemned All of those remarks . Mr. Obama is a Foreign-policy "novice" who would put Our national security 'at risk' . Next , consider Economic Policy . For all its faults , our Health Care system is The strongest in the World . And Free Trade agreements , created by Bill Clinton as well as President Bush , have made more goods More affordable so that even people of 'modest' means can live a Life that no one imagined a Generation ago . Yet - Mr. Obama promises to Raise Taxes on, " the rich " . How to fix Social Security ? Raise Taxes . How to fix Medicare ? Raise Taxes . Prescription drugs ? Raise Taxes . 'Free' College ? Raise Taxes . Socialize Medicine ? Raise Taxes . His Solution to Everything is to have "government" take it over . Big Brother on steroids , funded by - Your Paycheck . Finally , look at the Social issues . Mr. Obama had the audacity to open a stadium rally by saying , " All praise and glory to God ! " but says that Christian Leaders speaking for life and Marriage have hijacked - " hijacked " - Christianity . He is Pro-partial Birth abortion , and promises to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will Rule Any Restrictions on it UnConstitutional . He espouses the abortion Views of Margaret Sanger , one of the early advocates of Racial cleansing . His spiritual leaders endorse Homosexual marriage , and he Is moving in That direction . In Illinois , he refused to vote against a State-wide ban - "ban" - on All handguns in the State . These are radical left , Hollywood , and San Francisco Values , not Middle - America values . The real Mr. Obama is an easy target for the General Election . Mrs. Clinton is a far Tougher opponent . But Mr. Obama 'could' Win if People don't start Looking behind his veneer and flowery speeches . His vision of "bringing America together" means saying that Those who Disagree with his Agenda for America are "hijackers or warmongers" . Uniting the Country means adopting his Liberal Agenda and abandoning Any 'conflicting' beliefs . But right now everyone is talking about how eloquent a speaker he is and - yes - they're talking about his Race . Those should Never be the Factors on which We base our Choice for President . Mr. Obama's radical Agenda sets him far Outside the American mainstream , to the Left of Mrs. Clinton . It's time to talk about the real Barack Obama . In an election of Firsts , let's first Make Sure we elect the Person who is Qualified to Be our President in a Nuclear age during a Global, Civilizational War. Kind of scary, wouldn't you think ? According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is : The anti-christ will be a man , in his 40s , of MUSLIM descent , who will deceive the Nations with persuasive language , and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.... the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and World Peace , and when he is in power , will destroy everything . Is it OBAMA ? ? I STRONGLY URGE each one of You to re-post this as many times as you can ! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media Outlet. . . do it ! If you think I am crazy , I'm sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the "unknown" candidate .
Actually the "religion" or "decent" of THE anti-Christ, is never revealed. Most scholars think he will be european since he will head the 10 nations and that does make sense, but I am leaning toward Obama.
The article makes some excellent points, but the ending is gonna kill the message. And where exactly in the bible does it say the Anti-Christ is a 40 year old Muslim man? I'm no bible scholar, but I don't remember anything like that written anywhere in the bible. It's a shame that the nonsense in that article is gonna overshadow the great points made. TFK
The worst thing you can do if you want to be elected is have firm, detailed policies. The best thing you can do is have cheesy platitudes and generalised policy "visions".
The Article was bullshit from the first lines when McCain is labeled a freedom fighter. BULLSHIT Only a stupid american could be taught to believe that a man is a die hard muslim AND attended a radical christian church for many years.:doh: TEAM AMERICA: BELIEVES ANYTHING Petre TFK You guys have sounded on the article, what do you think about McCain being a freedom fighter?opcorn: