PARADOX Ku Klux Klan Support Obama, Jews Do Not Jewish pensioners in Florida are publicly slamming Obama for his Middle Eastern policy, while KKK members are publicly lobbying for him.
I already covered this fact in the Daily Obamanation and a few of Sly's threads. Apparently the racists hate women more than people of color or other ethnicities. :kidcool:
The KKK already spoke out and said that this pic was a fake. I'll provide the link when i get a moment. Nevertheless, your point about bigots preferring Ethnic minorities to women seems to be true for certain people...Utah, for example, voted overwhelmingly for Obama over Clinton.
It's one of the many points you conveniently skipped over. Then again ... that'd be most of the points when it comes to Obama because I can't recall any you actually addressed.
Exactly...they want his head! Still they better get used to the idea that he will be their PRESIDENT! ::