Only because he got knocked down several times and knocked out in round 4 face down:atu:Great Result. :kidcool:
Never even heard of him until today. Some South Africans are hard to get footage of. especially an obscure guy like him.
That's for sure. I remember seeing Cassius Baloyi, who he's now the mandatory for, down in San Jose a decade ago and outside of the Medina fight that's the last time I saw him. It doesn't look like Funeka has fought outside of South Africa.
Baloyi is actually 1 of them that there is footage of. I have his fights with Phillip Ndou and Botile. Then of course he fought Medina the first time on ESPN. Compared to Funeka, Baloyi is actually a bigger name there. ::
Morales did say he wanted to fight Raheem again...another outing like this one and erhaps El Terrible will entertain a rematch when he returns next year. ::
All African fighters are hard to get footage of, in my experience. For example, the one fight I have of a Funeka, unfortunately not Ali, is Lucky Funeka w4 over Phakamisa Magxwalisa. This fight isn't even shown on boxrec which is pretty rare these days. Cassius Baloyi was on CKSN so there are other fights of his in addition to the ones mentioned (Toledo fight, for sure). Like Valdosta said, he is an exception.
Racist. I made Margarito, and Cotto, with both fair and accurate attributes, and let them rip on Fight night 3 to see who will win later this month,.. and Margarito beat the shit out of him,... / mind you,.. Margarito's accuracey and defence was ...quite supernaturally queer really??,... he didnt there ..:notallthere: and Cotto didn't wanna throw any punches, he just stood still with his guard up :notallthere:.
:: My thoughts exactly when I heard about the outcome. And yeah - African fighters can be a pain to obtain footage on...but usually well-worth it when you do.
I gave Margarito the 'lethal uppercuts' trait,.. and Cotto the "hook master" trait, I gave Cotto a 20 point speed advantage,.. a fair power advantage,.. and made them look pretty accurate in appearance,.. and I wanted to get excited, but Cotto just froze and hid in his shell, while Margarito wailed away with very accurate shots which offended me,..(I wish there was a way to alter this)... it seems that although both had 'power' styles, the animation with the better stamina (Margarito) will always beat another computer powered opponent,..--- my electronic amatuer open, is now off,...- I was planning on quoting your alias to give the messageboard some vital updates.
"Margarito wailed away with very accurate shots" That simulator sucks....there is nothing accurate about Margarito... Miguel Cotto is going to make another one of your boys QUIT on the 26th...Y ESO TE TIENE AJITAO...:fightme::crafty:
Raheem protests loss! Through his lawyer Stuart Campbell, world rated lightweight Zahir Raheem has filed an official protest of his July 5th stoppage loss to Ali Funeka. The bout was sanctioned by the IBF as a world title eliminator. The protest centers around what the Raheem camp says was a punch after the bell that was mishandled by referee Ernie Sharif. "I heard the bell and took my eye off of him for a split second and he hit me," said Raheem. "Even though I had been down before in the fight, that was the first time I was really hurt." Bobby Dobbs, who represented Raheem's promoter Tony Holden at ringside, added "When Zahir went down the referee acted very strangely. Instead of counting or waving the fight off, he sent Funeka to the neutral corner and started trying to help Raheem up.When Zahir got up and was still wobbling, he then waved off the fight. I think the referee may have been afraid to disqualify Funeka or penalize him because of the hostile environment of the crowd. He may have been worried about his safety." Raheem and his team are looking for the bout result to be changed to a no decision and an immediate rematch ordered within 60 days. :laughing::laughing: This evil referee, how dare he stopped the fight without a count on the 4th knockdown in four rounds and just tried to steady Raheem. This is outrageous. I think to plead his case the fight needs to be made public in the USA. :crafty::crafty:
Yeah I wouldnt mind seeing Raheem splattered on the canvas... Maybe Versus or ESPN would show a rematch :dunno:
Finally, a video... The punch was clearly after the bell, but Raheem was in the midst of punching himself, and got caught in between shots.
Guess he should have stuck to his patented technique of doing everything in the world to not get hit, which included clinching for at least two and a half minutes of every rd.