Stevie... by a lot. Nate's my boy, but he's rapidly becoming the most overrated fighter in recent boxing history (this thread has nothing to do with it, by the way).
no one's overrating campbell. many would suggest that he beats casamayor, pac and just about anyone in the 135 lb weight class. that's not a stretch by anyone's imagination. i certainly think he could beat those guys at 135 although it could easily be the other way around. now, if folks were to say that he would streamroll through the 140 pound weight class, that's a different story. anyhow, johnston wins on points.
well, if he's not overrated now, then he was grossly underrated prior to March. because prior to then, he wasn't a blip on anyone's radar Until he develops an established reign @ 135, his win over Diaz isn't really much more than, say Zab beating Spinks the 2nd time around - one night of finally putting it altogether in a career otherwise filled with disappointment,
Nate Campbell's inconsistent. I wouldn't be surprised if in his current form, he lost to the Stevie Johnston of 2003.