At their best, Douglas wins. I felt that Douglas was pretty talented, but usually lazy and unmotivated. People often talked about Rahman being the same way, but I didn't really see it. Rahman had a very good jab, heavy hands, and strength, but I didn't see this terrific ability that he had that he was wasting. He had okay speed at best, shaky chin, shaky stamina, was too often off-balance after throwing, etc...Douglas was more fluid, definitely quicker, better balance, etc.. Rahman does have a better overall resume, but I still don't think he was the better fighter at his best.
Douglas's better skills allow him to take an early lead, but his lousy stamina starts to betray him and his chicken-heart starts looking for a way out. Rahman rallies in the later rounds and takes charge. Douglas is either stopped in the later rounds, or gets decked and then spends the rest of the fight just looking to survive and ends up on the wrong side of a decision.
good post and right on Douglas was a really good boxer.. Rahman is strong, has a good jab-right hand but not near as all around skilled
Douglas, even at his best, was woefully inconsistent. He had the better skills, but Rahman had the better punch output and power. Rahman did lose a couple of fights in his prime, but that was really from Rahman just being Rahman. He often traded with fighters he shouldn't have traded with, and he'd be probably better off trading with Douglas. I'd give him the edge.
I think that's probably what it comes down to. If both are at their very best i'd favor Douglas, but if you take the two "average" versions of both i'd give the edge to Rahman.
Good point(s). Average versions-slight edge to Rachman Best versions-I reckon Buster humiliates & probably stops him.