I haven't seen enough of Williams to really analyze a fight stylewise. I would say this though, based upon Cleveland's reputation it's not hard see why team Patterson didn't want that fight. I'm sure if D'amato and company based things on more than just punching power.
The funny thing is that when Patterson actually began fighting the best opponents when he already was past his prime, he was able to hang with them apart from Liston and Ali. He beat Machen (whom he also ducked), Chuvalo, Bonavena, Cooper and in the eyes of most also Ellis and Quarry. Williams would have puncher's chance but he didn't have the ability to cut off the ring the way Liston did, nor Liston's chin nor his ability to fight inside. Patterson would go down at least twice but I think he woud capture the decision
That's just stupid. Liston beat Patterson with two things: range and power. Williams arguably had more of each. Oh, and that crap about Patterson outfighting Williams on the inside? You obviously have never seen the two fight, so your opinion is moot.
I never said Patterson would outfight Williams on inside but keep making shit up if that helps you winning arguments. Seems to me you need it. Btw do you even have your own opinion or are you afraid of actually making a pick? Patterson had no defense against Sonny inside but Williams would not destroy him there as quickly. Thus Patterson's usual in-and-out tactics coul earn him enough points to win.