<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> How do you know what my soap smells like if you haven't purchased it? By the way my baby bro don't have anything to do with my product. But I do have to thank him for hooking me up with the folks at ND and they are now buyers of Sparkebar. So that would be 1 organization that is line to buy our product. ND and the University of Wash. use the product. So that's 2 NCAA teams that use it. Jake has hooked me up with some boxers that like and use the product. I also have my NFL connections that use the prodcut which includes 2 NBA basktetball teams. We have it several local stores and gyms here in Washington State along with a company in Portland and Wyoming. When me and the family travel to Minnesota next month I have some people that want to put it in their stores. Like I said when we blow up the shit is gonna be huge. We are still in the crawling stages of our business. But if you know anything about business it usually takes 3-5 years for companies to really start making money. Us on the other hand have seen small returns. Not bad for a couple of hazzbeen athletes. By the way we've only been in business since Oct 2003. But believe me shorty the shit is starting to pickup steam. As far as the website is concerned it's pretty basic but we have to be selective when it comes to things like that. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] :: :: damn so if he is a hazzbeen athlete wih a real job caree and his own businees what does that make buddy :wacko: he claims to have went to school but ends up being a pizza delivery boy now i remember reading over possible degrees to major in but i dont recall that as being a choice :wacko: somethings not right oh no i almost forgot then he went back to school for his second degree why was that :wacko: so you can get extra houses on your route so people would have to tip you more you just show em you r degree to degrees one lousy job :wacko: someone must of fucked up pretty bad in life [/b][/quote] "Someone must of fucked up pretty bad in life"????? Do you even know how to string a sentence together? This is fucking priceless. :wub: Okay now, future college dropout, can you tell me WHY your sentence encapsulates your scholastic and athletic careers perfectly? You're a civil engineer, so let's see if you can figure out why your incompetence is embarrassingly highlighted in this one sentence that you have repeated a few times. Think hard. You're in college, and obviously someone else is writing your shit for you because you CAN'T be getting good grades when you can't even speak or type English properly. Holla, dropout! :5000: [/b][/quote] news flash this is the internet hahahahahhahahahahaha tell me this you have resorted to talkin about how i am typing on the net :: :: :: somebody is fishing for shit incase you havent noticed i dont use punctuation either that can be the material for your next joke hahahahaha holla [/b][/quote] runtrunt, you couldn't spell a paragraph correctly if you tried. I don't have to fish for shit when a mental incompetent like yourself just serves it up. So, any plans for driving the soapmobile in Formula 1? How exactly did you crash the ol'shitbox anyway? Were you giving a hummer to the driver? Did you forget to chew a Sparkebar before you got in the car and you just didn't have the "sparke"?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> i luv it his football jokes are shot his degree jokes are shot so now hes onto my grammar [/b][/quote] Oh no, I have many more football jokes and career jokes for you, but my challenge still stands. Can you figure out why that sentence described you perfectly?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> How do you know what my soap smells like if you haven't purchased it? By the way my baby bro don't have anything to do with my product. But I do have to thank him for hooking me up with the folks at ND and they are now buyers of Sparkebar. So that would be 1 organization that is line to buy our product. ND and the University of Wash. use the product. So that's 2 NCAA teams that use it. Jake has hooked me up with some boxers that like and use the product. I also have my NFL connections that use the prodcut which includes 2 NBA basktetball teams. We have it several local stores and gyms here in Washington State along with a company in Portland and Wyoming. When me and the family travel to Minnesota next month I have some people that want to put it in their stores. Like I said when we blow up the shit is gonna be huge. We are still in the crawling stages of our business. But if you know anything about business it usually takes 3-5 years for companies to really start making money. Us on the other hand have seen small returns. Not bad for a couple of hazzbeen athletes. By the way we've only been in business since Oct 2003. But believe me shorty the shit is starting to pickup steam. As far as the website is concerned it's pretty basic but we have to be selective when it comes to things like that. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] :: :: damn so if he is a hazzbeen athlete wih a real job caree and his own businees what does that make buddy :wacko: he claims to have went to school but ends up being a pizza delivery boy now i remember reading over possible degrees to major in but i dont recall that as being a choice :wacko: somethings not right oh no i almost forgot then he went back to school for his second degree why was that :wacko: so you can get extra houses on your route so people would have to tip you more you just show em you r degree to degrees one lousy job :wacko: someone must of fucked up pretty bad in life [/b][/quote] "Someone must of fucked up pretty bad in life"????? Do you even know how to string a sentence together? This is fucking priceless. :wub: Okay now, future college dropout, can you tell me WHY your sentence encapsulates your scholastic and athletic careers perfectly? You're a civil engineer, so let's see if you can figure out why your incompetence is embarrassingly highlighted in this one sentence that you have repeated a few times. Think hard. You're in college, and obviously someone else is writing your shit for you because you CAN'T be getting good grades when you can't even speak or type English properly. Holla, dropout! :5000: [/b][/quote] news flash this is the internet hahahahahhahahahahaha tell me this you have resorted to talkin about how i am typing on the net :: :: :: somebody is fishing for shit incase you havent noticed i dont use punctuation either that can be the material for your next joke hahahahaha holla [/b][/quote] runtrunt, you couldn't spell a paragraph correctly if you tried. I don't have to fish for shit when a mental incompetent like yourself just serves it up. So, any plans for driving the soapmobile in Formula 1? How exactly did you crash the ol'shitbox anyway? Were you giving a hummer to the driver? Did you forget to chew a Sparkebar before you got in the car and you just didn't have the "sparke"? [/b][/quote] *yawin through this one* lets think for a second naw i dont write many of my papers i usually get your momma to do them for me (damn his jokes are so lame i had to resort to a joke bout his momma) sorry that was lame even for your standards I couldnt spell a paragraph correctly if i tried :wacko: ooooook well my no spelling ass will get further in life then your spelling ass considering you only have made it to pizza delivery boy way to go webster your education has gotten you far :: :: ::
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> hahahahahhahahahaha dig a lil deeper buddy so you claim to be ALL educated and smart but why did you pick a career delivering pizza [/b][/quote] Now now, runtrunt. I don't claim to be ALL educated and smart. You're putting words into my mouth just like you put a dick in yours. How much did it cost you to fix the Sparkemobile? Have you paid it off yet? Maybe you can do celebrity endorsement commercials for Driver's Ed. "Hi! My name is rahrah. I am a colige athleet! I am the only player on the team with Down Syndrome! I am a living example of what hard werk, intellijunce, and perse....perev...pere....HARD WERK can acheeve! I am hear to promote Sparkebar! I use it and I experei...eckspere....FEEL THE SPARKE!!!!!"
damn it hurts you dont it well if you knew anything about engineering or finance you would know that those fields focus on math and science i am a math and science guy but even with that said i have gotten nothin lower then a B in all my english classes hahahahahahhaha i know either your grades were horrible or you never went to school what kind of grades do you need to deliver pizza?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> ill answer your challenge when you answer mine can you prove that you even went to college [/b][/quote] You mean scan one of my degrees? Why would I want to do that? So you can whiteout the name and have a friend stencil yours in? Get your own degree. Though I strongly suspect that you can't.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> hahahahahhahahahaha dig a lil deeper buddy so you claim to be ALL educated and smart but why did you pick a career delivering pizza [/b][/quote] Now now, runtrunt. I don't claim to be ALL educated and smart. You're putting words into my mouth just like you put a dick in yours. How much did it cost you to fix the Sparkemobile? Have you paid it off yet? Maybe you can do celebrity endorsement commercials for Driver's Ed. "Hi! My name is rahrah. I am a colige athleet! I am the only player on the team with Down Syndrome! I am a living example of what hard werk, intellijunce, and perse....perev...pere....HARD WERK can acheeve! I am hear to promote Sparkebar! I use it and I experei...eckspere....FEEL THE SPARKE!!!!!" [/b][/quote] hahahahahhahahahah that was good i was starting to get real bored with the previous lame posts but being the spokesperson for midgets, i mean little people, you know all about endorsements you have made great strides for your people now YALL are able to drive delivery cars al thanks to you, you have paved the way congrats
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> ill answer your challenge when you answer mine can you prove that you even went to college [/b][/quote] You mean scan one of my degrees? Why would I want to do that? So you can whiteout the name and have a friend stencil yours in? Get your own degree. Though I strongly suspect that you can't. [/b][/quote] *as I yawn again* why would i want a degree for driving pizza delivery boys in case you didnt know you didnt have to go to school for that you ahd to fail school for it but like i said before anyone can claim to be anything on the net all signs point to no college for you
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> damn it hurst you dont it well if you knew anything about engineering or finance you would know that those fields focus on math and science i am a math and science guy but even with that said i have gotten nothin lower then a B in all my english classes hahahahahahhaha i know either your grades were horrible or you never went to school what kind of grades do you need to deliver pizza? [/b][/quote] bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. If you never received anything lower than a B in English, then you wouldn't screw up so badly and so often when it comes to basic grammar...unless you are trying to convince us that you WANT to seem incredibly ignorant and moronic.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> this is getting fucking lame. At least Orion vs Bigdawh was funny. This is incredibly boring. [/b][/quote] i know im sorry bout that i forgot how this shit started buddy on a serious side note how did this start?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> damn it hurst you dont it well if you knew anything about engineering or finance you would know that those fields focus on math and science i am a math and science guy but even with that said i have gotten nothin lower then a B in all my english classes hahahahahahhaha i know either your grades were horrible or you never went to school what kind of grades do you need to deliver pizza? [/b][/quote] bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. If you never received anything lower than a B in English, then you wouldn't screw up so badly and so often when it comes to basic grammar...unless you are trying to convince us that you WANT to seem incredibly ignorant and moronic. [/b][/quote] now its just how i type on the net i am growing up in the IM era and i dont feel the need to have to change up cause this is a message board but either way it doesnt take a genius to see that engineering and finance are geared towards math and science
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> The white Canadian 2 short is still talken shit about what I have done. But has failed to mention the teams he's played on. As far as the article goes it was PM'd to me by a poster. No need for me to search for articles. But we all know that there are articles out there about me. But proves that a cat was ballen at the highest level. Are there any articles about you being a pizza boy? Midget becomes successful pizza boy. Midget makes remix of (I wish I was a lil bit taller). Are there any? By the way you mentioned that you weren't a delivery boy but was instead a server. As if that makes that job any better. What were you too short to drive the vehicles. Couldn't see over the dash board and reach the gas pedals. Nor could you reach peoples door bells. Hell and when you'd knock they couldn't see your lil ass the peep holes. That would ruin the 30 minutes of less thing. You know what I think. You wish you were me. You wish that you could have been a star in highschool that was wined and dined by all the major Univerisities. You wish that you did get a schlorship and played for a pac-10 powershouse who won the national championship who can type his name on google and find all sorts of articles about him. You wish that you did get drafted and play 2 measley years at the highest level possible. You wish that you were connected to a business that is about to blow the fuk up. Dawg if you wish you were me it's all good. You don't have to admit it here. But I know you do. That's why you have so much hatorism when it comes to my resume and accomplishments. You weren't talken this shit over the phone. As a matter of fact you were sayin how cool it was to be talken to an ex-pro athlete. I was like fuk another male groupie who wish he was me. But too bad 2 short you will never be me nor have the athletic ability that I have or had. Now you keep callen me a hasbeen. But inorder to be a hasbeen must mean at some point I must have been something. You on the other hand neverwas anything and never will be anything except a short midget who can't get on the roller coaster at the fair. With your lil toes, connected to lil feet, connected to your lil shins, connected to your lil knee caps, connected to your lil thighs, connected to your lil pelvic girdle, which contains a lil pee pee, connected to your lil abs, connected to your lil chect cavity, connected to your lil clavicles, connected to your lil traps, connected to your lil neck, connected to your lil double chin, connected to your lil mouth, connected to your lil nose and your lil eyes which comes together to make your lil head. Now you sit here and type with your lil fingers which are connected to your lil hands haten on my career who is a lil moderator that was a lil pizza boy who now is a lil teachers aid who sharpens lil pencils for lil 2nd graders. Get the fuk outta here lil man. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] This shit here was pretty funny though.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> this is getting fucking lame. At least Orion vs Bigdawh was funny. This is incredibly boring. [/b][/quote] i know im sorry bout that i forgot how this shit started buddy on a serious side note how did this start? [/b][/quote] Well....I felt like bugging someone and this board needed some excitement. Things have been dull lately. Someone needed to go upside your heads and... I also saw that whenever you or Bigdawg caps on someone, you both have to. I decided that it was time to dust off the old Smacktalk and have some fun, so here we are.
but when yu take classe like these in a semester Mechanics I Methods of Civil Eg Analysis Methods/Civil Eg Analysis La Calculus III Calculus III Tutorial General Physics II General Physics II Laborator General Physics II Tutorial some grammar will be lost but we never claim to be english majors there is a whole NOTHER department for that
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> this is getting fucking lame. At least Orion vs Bigdawh was funny. This is incredibly boring. [/b][/quote] i know im sorry bout that i forgot how this shit started buddy on a serious side note how did this start? [/b][/quote] Well....I felt like bugging someone and this board needed some excitement. Things have been dull lately. Someone needed to go upside your heads and... I also saw that whenever you or Bigdawg caps on someone, you both have to. I decided that it was time to dust off the old Smacktalk and have some fun, so here we are. [/b][/quote] i dont team up with my bro im not even on here enough but whateva but the only smack down was layed upon you i dont take the shit seriously enough i remember now how it started cause people was getting all mad over the net over some shit that was said hahahahahahahahahahahhaa i just thought it was funny how people were acting on here hahahahahha well i must thank you for the excitement it was very entertaining but honestly i am getting tired of it right now need petredish to come back
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> There there, rahrah. I was only teasing you...in a meanspirited way, but I'll be nice! [/b][/quote] never like my bro and i said much earlier this is what we do we jones no hard feelings i dont even know you
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> how you gonna clown someone for having a football career, even if it was somewhat brief, do you know how much people would give just to play 1 game at that level, even being on a college team, thats some shit you can never take away from someone [/b][/quote] Very true, Massa. Very true. Making your way to the bottom rung of the NFL (riding the bench), or getting a free certificate for playing college football...these are both impressive accomplishments if you actually did anything to deserve them. Of course, the brief dream of riding the bench and watching real athletes play is now over for one of these individuals...and he was the TALENTED one. Now runtrunt might actually get a degree. Of course, the D-minus posterchild won't be able to do anything with the degree because he has to be able to demonstrate the abilities listed on his laminated cardboard certificate from the "Notre Dame School Of Tire Retreading." When his employer sees that he is useless....well, there's always a lucrative career in soap salesmanship. But then again, Massacure...I'm not including you in this because this is a lesson suitable only for the Forrest Gump Twinz: HaZZbeen and Nevah-Nevah Wuzz! [/b][/quote] :wacko: Notre Dame is not Nebraska. There are no "easy" majors at ND. Save the rhetoric unless you know what you're talking about. [/b][/quote] :: he only wishes his degree held as much weight as mine only somebody claiming to go to school would say something that ignorant [/b][/quote] runtrunt, Irish98 is trying to save you from a beating by drawing my fire off your nearly-bitchslapped-to-death nevah-WUZ ass. Now Irish98 is saying that you can't take an easy degree at Notre Dame, but HERE YOU ARE! It's probably because Irish98 would never think of actually taking easy courses. You, on the other hand, have no choice. [/b][/quote] I'm not trying to save anybody. You're talking about a ND degree as if it's worthless. :huh: That couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not saying it's the best school in the country but most of the students work their asses off, especially athletes. It's not easy keeping your grades up while having to practice and hit the weightroom all the time. ND doesn't joke about keeping your grades up. Ask Julius Jones. [/b][/quote] I'm not saying an ND degree is worthless. I'm saying THESE GUYS'S homemade cardboard certificates are worthless. Remember the controversy with those athletes who were put through but didn't really achieve the grades accorded to them? You might be a bit naive if you think that it doesn't still happen. Now I won't say that that definitely happened with hazzbeen and runtrunt....but only the Forrest Gump Twinz know for sure. [/b][/quote] rahrah just said that he's an engineering major. You called it a worthless degree which means that my engineering degree from ND is also worthless according to you. :huh: Like I said, you shouldn't talk shit unless you know what you're talking about. I never said that athletes don't get put through college like Andy Katzenmoyer. But, again, ND is not Nebraska or Ohio St. The chances of an athlete getting through without having to work is less likely at ND than most universities. Engineering? Forget about it. No one gets through engineering by slacking off unless they're brilliant.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> [/b][/quote] :wacko: petredish is that you now i see where the resentment comes from towards ugly babies being an ugly baby
Looks like this thread is coming to an end soon. This was enough venting to last the rest of the year.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Looks like this thread is coming to an end soon. This was enough venting to last the rest of the year. [/b][/quote] doubt that once capt save a ho and bigdawg come back itll start back up
What shall we talk about while we wait then? Weather here is horrible, funny thing is, it started off really sunny.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> What shall we talk about while we wait then? Weather here is horrible, funny thing is, it started off really sunny. [/b][/quote] its a pretty nice day here from the looks of things havent been outside yet though
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> The thing is how do we actually know that Petre is actually married to a sister? How do we really know this. I think that Petre really wants to be black. That's why he hooked up with the nappy dugout. I ain't made at you though. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote] For the record BD ...... I'm mixed and so is my wife ... "WeMy wife is a beautiful black woman that looks mostly black but is obviously mixed ... as a child nappy headed ignorant mother fuckers used to beat her up cause she had long nice grade of hair and light skin ..... today those dogs all want to hit on her and sisters all want to look like her. But maybe I'm making it all up ... :YeahRight: [/b][/quote] Somehow I doubt that. Black women these days are a lot more racially conscious and many proudly wear they hair natural or "nappy" as you put it. I know that not all Black women buy into if you don't have long straight hair you're less attractive crap that has been pushed on them for over a century. Certainly ain't a fact that all Black women or Black people in general want to be light-skinned or see that as superior either. I know that a lot of people go to salons or straight outdoors to try to darken their skin but outside of Michael Jackson's self-hating ass I don't know any Black people who have made an attempt to lighten their skin. Shit my wife is pretty dam fair-skinned herself and told me she had to fight a lot due to her complexion but she's real about it and doesn't think she's better than her darker-skinned sistas. And if she did it's fair to say she wouldn't be my wife. Anyway sorry to butt into yall's argument. Just had to get that out there. Carry on. [/b][/quote] exactly, today you wont find many dark woman whos gonna say they wish they where lighter, all i see is lighter woman trying to get a tan[/b][/quote] No offense guys but I think both of you are on crack :shaneUD12Oscar: Go visit the beauty parlors sometime where most every black chick is getting her hair pressed or poisoned straight . Wearing colored contacts ... making their hair blonde .... extensions :vom: Pleease :YeahRight: My wife has natural long wavy hair and golden eyes .... black chics all the time ask her where and how she gets her hair done and if she's got contacts in. Where she gets her extensions done ... And .... Dogs are panting over her ass while she brushes their dumb ass off all day long. :teh angry: I NEVER said EVERY Black women in America .... and the trend towards natural is finally coming along thank god .... but it's still very prevalent from a huge percentage of sisters on the street to Oprah to idols like Beyonce. More black dudes than ever are going for white chicks (And I have ABSOLUTELY no problem with that) and thus black chicks look for ways to be more attractive in that regard as well. Me ... I'm all for no racial lines or stereo types . Be your own damn person whatever that may be and be proud of it . But , in the context of what I said about my wife , it's 100% true ... it's not opinion, she lived & lives it , so she should know. Hell .... you yourself said it BoxerPuncher , basically agreeing with me .... "Shit my wife is pretty dam fair-skinned herself and told me she had to fight a lot due to her complexion" My wife went through the same persecution by her own people because of her looks. Never said she thinks she's better than most people (She is though , but not cause of her looks) and she's as grounded as they come which is one of the many reasons why I love her. Bottom line .... she no longer gets persecuted for her looks though many blacks automatically assume she thinks she's better than them. [/b][/quote] With all due respect I really can't speak for who you come into contact with. I don't know where the hell you live. But I rarely in my travels see a Black women with some blue or green contacts or blonde hair. Not saying it's not out there cause I know it is but I hardly see it in this metropis. Thank God. Now hair extensions is a diffferent story but I have no problem with them if they're not overdone and are done tastefully. And you suggest that Black women are dying to obtain a look more like White women. Well what about the fact that many White women are going to doctors to have a procedure done to add fullness to their lips. And many more would do so if they saw it as affordable. Or that when they step foot in the Carribbean Islands many can't wait to have their hair put in cornrows. So if anything isn'tit safe to say it goes both ways. Hey I'm the first one to admit that we(Black people) have a wat to go in terms of racial pride but I know that women are by and large much further along then are men. Not just in terms of acknowledging themselves and their features as attractive but also in the fact that they are most fond of Black men of a darker hue as opposed to many Black guys. But overall it takes more thana year or two to overcome brainwashing that has taken place for hundreds of years.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> What shall we talk about while we wait then? Weather here is horrible, funny thing is, it started off really sunny. [/b][/quote] its a pretty nice day here from the looks of things havent been outside yet though [/b][/quote] Played a bit of footie, then it started pissing down and I had to bring the washing in. Pain in the ass. Seriously, never plan your day around English weather, it will only end in tears.