REED Thinks Nate Campbell will B 1 of those Guys that Actually IMPROVES After Becoming a Champion...N Other Words, we have YET to See THE BEST of Nate Campbell, N REED's Opinion... REED Questions Whether Guzman (& his LACK of Punching Power) can EARN Nate's Respect...If Guzman DOESN'T Do that, Nate will STOP him Late...The SAFE Pick is Nate by UD... As for the Other Bout, REED Doesn't Think Tim Bradley is a SPECIAL Fighter, but he's BETTER than Edner Cherry...Cherry's ORDINARY...If Bradley were to STOP Cherry, that would B Impressive, but REED is Expecting a UD... REED:hammert:
I really want to go with Nate in this one. Mainly because if he loses this fight, he's done. Golden Boy has decided to have their on lightweight tournament regardless of Nate having the majority of the belts. Nate has to keep winning to remain relevant. As long as he doesn't load up, blindly follow Guzman around and walk into counters, he'll should get the decision. Bradley-Cherry...I've always said Bradley is like Shane Mosley without the chin or punch. He'll win this fight (UD) , but I wouldn't be surprised to see Cherry buzz him once or twice.
Guzman and Bradley by UD, with the anticipation exceeding the action (or lack thereof) in both fights
that's a pretty bold prediction considering guzman hasn't had a significant KO since he moved up from 122. has he even scored a KO at 130?
He hasn't scored a KO since being at 122 for the last time (Sanchez in '04). Previous to that though he had fought sometimes at 126/130 and scored stoppages, though against very limited opposition. Peace.
Campbell by decision. To me the difference is mental - he is just as cocky and just as willing to get dirty as Guzman - and Campbell will get reckless and do what he has to do to win and bully Guzman around. He won't fall into a pattern once Guzman uses his feet and counters him - and that will be a major difference. Nate will get rough, target arms, shoulders, thighs, push Guzman...and show a higher workrate, hit the body, and hit him harder than pretty much anyone else has at 130...and that right hand's a big difference. I've always thought Guzman-Soto was a bit closer than most made it out to be....I think Campbell takes that to the next level. Campbell cannot afford to lose this one, and he knows it. I don't know that Guzman is as hungry. Campbell by close decision. Peace.
Agreed...I had it close. You shoulda been on here back then (not sure if you were)...there were quite a few folks declaring it was a 9-3 or 10-2 type blowout for Guzman. Peace.
because it was. Soto is a good fighter but Guzman made him look like a stiff. I still don't understand why some rank Soto so high. Based on what? potencial? the guy is not a prospect anymore. He is what he is - a decent contender and nothing more.
If he's just a decent contender and nothing more, then Guzman should have had an easy night's work with him. Instead he went tooth and nail with the guy and arguably lost.
I didn't score the fight, but that wasn't even close to a blowout. Guzman seemed to be the rightful winner from what I saw, but it was very close without a doubt.