I think This is where it started

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by Anthony, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. Sir Dice N Slice

    Sir Dice N Slice Scrub

    Nov 19, 2003
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    Shut the fuck up
  2. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> sorry i dont use spell check on a message board

    *me yawning again* [/b][/quote]
    Jeezus christ ... please tell me you don't have to spell check "TWO" ? :rolleyes:
  3. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    My wife is a beautiful black woman that looks mostly black but is obviously mixed ... as a child nappy headed ignorant mother fuckers used to beat her up cause she had long nice grade of hair and light skin ..... today those dogs all want to hit on her and sisters all want to look like her.

    I'm sure your wife is beautiful Petre, but are you saying she is pretty because she has light skin and straight hair? That is a distubing remark. [/b][/quote]
    No she got picked on by blacks growing up because of it . :cheek:
  4. Muzse

    Muzse "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 8, 2003
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    Mrs. Thurston Howell III.


  5. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> The thing is how do we actually know that Petre is actually married to a sister?  How do we really know this.  I think that Petre really wants to be black.  That's why he hooked up with the nappy dugout.  I ain't made at you though.  I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    :D :D :D

    For the record BD ...... I'm mixed and so is my wife ... "WeMy wife is a beautiful black woman that looks mostly black but is obviously mixed ... as a child nappy headed ignorant mother fuckers used to beat her up cause she had long nice grade of hair and light skin ..... today those dogs all want to hit on her and sisters all want to look like her.

    But maybe I'm making it all up ... :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    Somehow I doubt that. Black women these days are a lot more racially conscious and many proudly wear they hair natural or "nappy" as you put it. I know that not all Black women buy into if you don't have long straight hair you're less attractive crap that has been pushed on them for over a century. Certainly ain't a fact that all Black women or Black people in general want to be light-skinned or see that as superior either. I know that a lot of people go to salons or straight outdoors to try to darken their skin but outside of Michael Jackson's self-hating ass I don't know any Black people who have made an attempt to lighten their skin. Shit my wife is pretty dam fair-skinned herself and told me she had to fight a lot due to her complexion but she's real about it and doesn't think she's better than her darker-skinned sistas. And if she did it's fair to say she wouldn't be my wife.

    Anyway sorry to butt into yall's argument. Just had to get that out there. Carry on. [/b][/quote]
    exactly, today you wont find many dark woman whos gonna say they wish they where lighter, all i see is lighter woman trying to get a tan[/b][/quote]
    No offense guys but I think both of you are on crack :shaneUD12Oscar:

    Go visit the beauty parlors sometime where most every black chick is getting her hair pressed or poisoned straight . Wearing colored contacts ... making their hair blonde .... extensions :vom:

    Pleease :YeahRight:

    My wife has natural long wavy hair and golden eyes .... black chics all the time ask her where and how she gets her hair done and if she's got contacts in. Where she gets her extensions done ... :D

    And .... Dogs are panting over her ass while she brushes their dumb ass off all day long. :teh angry:

    I NEVER said EVERY Black women in America .... and the trend towards natural is finally coming along thank god .... but it's still very prevalent from a huge percentage of sisters on the street to Oprah to idols like Beyonce.

    More black dudes than ever are going for white chicks (And I have ABSOLUTELY no problem with that) and thus black chicks look for ways to be more attractive in that regard as well.

    Me ... I'm all for no racial lines or stereo types . Be your own damn person whatever that may be and be proud of it .

    But , in the context of what I said about my wife , it's 100% true ... it's not opinion, she lived & lives it , so she should know.

    Hell .... you yourself said it BoxerPuncher , basically agreeing with me .... "Shit my wife is pretty dam fair-skinned herself and told me she had to fight a lot due to her complexion" My wife went through the same persecution by her own people because of her looks. Never said she thinks she's better than most people (She is though , but not cause of her looks) and she's as grounded as they come which is one of the many reasons why I love her.

    Bottom line .... she no longer gets persecuted for her looks though many blacks automatically assume she thinks she's better than them. [/b][/quote]
    With all due respect I really can't speak for who you come into contact with. I don't know where the hell you live. But I rarely in my travels see a Black women with some blue or green contacts or blonde hair. Not saying it's not out there cause I know it is but I hardly see it in this metroplolis. Thank God. Now hair extensions is a diffferent story but I have no problem with them if they're not overdone and are done tastefully.

    And you suggest that Black women are dying to obtain a look more like White women. Well what about the fact that many White women are going to doctors to have a procedure done to add fullness to their lips. And many more would do so if they saw it as affordable. Or that when they step foot in the Carribbean Islands many can't wait to have their hair put in cornrows. So if anything isn'tit safe to say it goes both ways.

    Hey I'm the first one to admit that we(Black people) have a wat to go in terms of racial pride but I know that women are by and large much further along then are men. Not just in terms of acknowledging themselves and their features as attractive but also in the fact that they are most fond of Black men of a darker hue as opposed to many Black guys. But overall it takes more thana year or two to overcome brainwashing that has taken place for hundreds of years. [/b][/quote]
    I'm not disagreeing with you BP ... I just said growing up my wife , like your's got picked on cause of her looks .... but not any more. Now these girls want to look like her ... and she doesn't look white.

    Hell , white girls want to look like her too :D And I suppose she was frowned on by them too , but never beaten up over her looks .

    Those are the trials and tribulations of growing up a halfbreed in that time in America. I got picked on for my looks too ... called everything from Don Hoe , to a Camel Jockey to a the N word . :D

    Today .... my girls are the most popular kids in school and their looks are the shiznit . (Did I use that right ? :D )

    Different times .... we're finally coming out of the dark ages. :lol:
  6. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Mrs. Thurston Howell III.


    [​IMG] [/b][/quote]
    NICE PIC Musze :)

    Sade is a little lean in the ass and legs though , but beautiful none the less.

    I wish I could show you a pic of my wife (That'd shut your ass up for good :D ) ... but she'd kill me if I posted her pic on the net :eek:ntome:
  7. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> i have never in my life seen a black woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, i rarely see a black woman with blonde hair, thats kinda out right now, and i grew up in dc, the blackest city in the country, well it was at the time i was there, and live in atl now [/b][/quote]
    Shit Mass ..... Beyounce goes around bleached 90% of the time . :D
  8. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I haven't gone through the 35 pages "however" I will comment anyway...

    Bleeder...It's simply retarded to criticize Bigdawg for his brief NFL career or his attempt to become an entrepreneur. Either you're picking on that because you have no ammo or you're seriously jealous. Neither are worthy of criticism...hell...I wish I could say I'd made it to the NFL...even for a brief period of time.

    Secondly, where's the shame in Rahrah's attending Notre Dame on a football scholarship with an eye on going pro? Again, very few can say they have the talent to make it as far as he has AND have the potential to go farther.

    Bigdawg and Rahrah...It's not cool to tease the Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot for once delivering pizza. All of us weren't born with tons of cash (except Thurston Howell III (Petre)) so you know how shit gets when you have to do what you've got to do to literally put food on the table.

    The Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot did what he had to do to support himself and now he's past that and has gone on to bigger and better things. No shame in that. He managed to come up a bit.

    Some of us fell short of our goal to make it to The Show, whilst other talentless bastards only got as close as their NFL Season Pass allowed them to.

    Also...if anyone wants to tease the Bleeding Canadian of being short...remember...at 5'6" he's as tall as Tom Cruise and pretty much the same height as Mel Gibson. :D

    Finally...regarding Boxerdog's kids...I said what I had to say early on. Knowing Bigdawg, he wasn't seriously clowning the kids...merely poking fun at Boxer. But that's just my take on things. [/b][/quote]
    If you didn't read it, then feel free to make an idiot of yourself by replying, mucilage. :D

    This was target practice. At first it DID bother me that these two knuckleheads lacked the brains to refrain from speaking about someone else's kids, but then I thought I might as well go upside their heads for the entertainment value. That's been pretty much the score for the past 10-15pages that you didn't read. I can understand why you didn't though. It must be tough having to change your Depends every 20 minutes...you keep losing your place. :D

    Well, I wish I could hang around, but I have work to do. I'll post for a while tonight if the Forrest Gump Twinz want me to pimpslap their knuckleheadzzzzzzz. :D
  9. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>I'm baaack. Just had to go take care some business. Rah you know where we went. The speazie where we always go on the weekend.

    I see that the lil dude is still angry. The question is why? Why is he so bitter. Why get mad at guys that are taller then him. Why be mad at us cause we don't have to shop at baby gap. Why? The one thing I've learned about fightworld is that we have posters all kinds. We have our black posters. Hell we even have our black sell-out posters. We have our white posters and even our white racist posters (Fattout "if this were the 1800's I'd own you"). We have our hispanic posters. We have our Asain posters and middle eastern posters. We have male and female posters. A female poster with big rump shaker and hooters for days. We have an ex-washed up professional athlete poster and cats that claim they have big cheese type of posters. And then we have 1 midget poster. Who is taking his lil anger problem out on us. Dude don't be mad at us cause we can fit into regular size clothes. Don't be mad. Can you guys picture the lil dude with his lil fingers typing on his lil key board, looking at lil monitor with his lil legs swinging from the chair cause you know that his lil legs which are attached to his lil ankles and his lil feet can't touch the floor and his lil face all red with lil sweat drippin from lil 4head. He got the nerve to talk about crashing a car. Once again mad because he can only drive a lil tri-cycle. Come on lil guy let it go. Just face it you'll never be regular size. I'll Holla 5000[/b][/quote]
    I don't claim , I do have big cheese


  10. Muzse

    Muzse "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 8, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I haven't gone through the 35 pages "however" I will comment anyway...

    Bleeder...It's simply retarded to criticize Bigdawg for his brief NFL career or his attempt to become an entrepreneur. Either you're picking on that because you have no ammo or you're seriously jealous. Neither are worthy of criticism...hell...I wish I could say I'd made it to the NFL...even for a brief period of time.

    Secondly, where's the shame in Rahrah's attending Notre Dame on a football scholarship with an eye on going pro? Again, very few can say they have the talent to make it as far as he has AND have the potential to go farther.

    Bigdawg and Rahrah...It's not cool to tease the Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot for once delivering pizza. All of us weren't born with tons of cash (except Thurston Howell III (Petre)) so you know how shit gets when you have to do what you've got to do to literally put food on the table.

    The Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot did what he had to do to support himself and now he's past that and has gone on to bigger and better things. No shame in that. He managed to come up a bit.

    Some of us fell short of our goal to make it to The Show, whilst other talentless bastards only got as close as their NFL Season Pass allowed them to.

    Also...if anyone wants to tease the Bleeding Canadian of being short...remember...at 5'6" he's as tall as Tom Cruise and pretty much the same height as Mel Gibson. :D

    Finally...regarding Boxerdog's kids...I said what I had to say early on. Knowing Bigdawg, he wasn't seriously clowning the kids...merely poking fun at Boxer. But that's just my take on things. [/b][/quote]
    If you didn't read it, then feel free to make an idiot of yourself by replying, mucilage. :D

    This was target practice. At first it DID bother me that these two knuckleheads lacked the brains to refrain from speaking about someone else's kids, but then I thought I might as well go upside their heads for the entertainment value. That's been pretty much the score for the past 10-15pages that you didn't read. I can understand why you didn't though. It must be tough having to change your Depends every 20 minutes...you keep losing your place. :D

    Well, I wish I could hang around, but I have work to do. I'll post for a while tonight if the Forrest Gump Twinz want me to pimpslap their knuckleheadzzzzzzz. :D [/b][/quote]
    Jealously has brought you thus far Bleeding Ass Faggot, stupidity will carry you the rest of the way home.

    Both of you spouted Caca...though you're used to eating it, not spewing it. :D
  11. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Why is that you always want to see me and someone else fight. You gotta beef with me? I'm still tryin to feel out your angle.

    But anyways I would get put in jail for steppin on midget. Can you guys see it a lil dude swinin his lil hands and lil arms. Once he realizes that he couldn't touch me he would then start kickin his lil legs and lil feet at me. The dude could only reach my shins. That wouldn't be fair. Hell I would have to match him up against my 3 y/o daughter that why he could fight someone his own height. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    In case you haven't heard ... midget tossing is illegal now :huh:


  12. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> That movie shit didn't work out. I guess that's what happens when you take a 3 y/o baby to the movie. She was in there talken loud. Not to mention I thought that it was gonna be a cartoon. Oh well.

    I see that lil guy is still swingin from my nut sack. Dude not only will I not sell you the soap but once the body wash gets figured out you can't have none of that as well. All products at Sparke Tech have height requirements. We only sell to full grown people. Now if you think that you are tall enough I will give you a quick test. Lil guy if you are still eating in a high chair guess what your ass is not full-grown. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    At 6:12 you said you were going to the show .... At 7:19 you were back ??? :wacko:


    Way to go Dad :lol: .... don't wanna spend too much time with the kids and spoil them :D
  13. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>damn that shit was funny

    put his ass in a pizza box might of been the funniest shit i heard

    had me dieing

    i never knew a lil person could bring so much joy to my life

    could you imagin his lil ass using the product

    his lil 92 pound ass would be bouncing off the walls


    i step on lil people like you[/b][/quote]
    GOOO RAH RAH GOO!!! :headb:

  14. REEDsART


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Where was all this SAPPY,SENTIMENTAL,"Keith Sweat" Ass Shit,when REED's Newborn Child(LESS than a Month Old @ the Time)Got DISSED???? :wacko:

    MOST of U Motherfuckers that R Acting OFFENDED,Sat on the Sidelines,Filing your Fucking Nails,SPECTATING,when REED's Youngest Child Got Thrown Under the Bus...

    Now U're ALL on Some Ol' Dirty Bastard,"Wu Tang is 4 the Children" Shit??? :wacko:

    Whatever :YeahRight: ...

    REED DOESN'T have a Fucking VAGINA btwn his Legs like Boxerdog Apparently Does,so REED Handled HIS OWN Fucking Business,when his Child Got Dissed...

    REED Didn't ASK 4,Nor EXPECT Any "Help",when his Child Got Dissed,but Upon Hearing the REACTION of Some of U Motherfuckers(2 what BIGDAWG Did),REED Can't Help but Wonder where All these "Morals" & "GOOD Character Traits" were,Then???? :wacko:

    What BIGDAWG Said was Foul(He's a Grown Ass Man & he's Standing by what he Said,Bottom Line),but it's NOT Like BOXERDOG was Some Innocent Bystander,that Got Caught N the Crossfire...That Cat INSTIGATED a WHOLE BUNCH of Shit on this Site,UNDENIABLY...EVERYfuckingTIME Boxerdog Got N 2 a "Pissing Match",it was Cause HE STARTED the Shit...

    That's a Fucking FACT...

    So SPARE REED this OVERSATURATED "Feel Good" Crap,OK???...Especially Since NONE Of U Motherfuckers had an OUNCE of Sentiment 2 Offer REED,when the SAME Fucking Thing Happened 2 him...

    REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote]
    Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I was the first person to thrash Runt Queef for attacking your kid. At least you stated that BigDawg was wrong. Check back. As soon as I heard that he capped on your kid, I stood up and said what a piece of shit he was. [/b][/quote]
    REED DOESN'T Recall U Doing that @ All,BUDDY...& Even if U DID,was it 35 Pages Worth of "Payback"??? :wacko: ...

    CLEARLY,there's MORE "@ Stake" N THIS Case 4 U...Perhaps U have an AXE 2 Grind w/BIGDAWG or Perhaps U & BOXERDOG R Close,but the FACT REMAINS,U DIDN'T Attack wRONg KING w/ANYWHERE NEAR the SAME Level of INTENSITY,that U're Attacking BIGDAWG w/....

    That's All REED is Saying...

    REED Recalls U Telling him that HE AND wRONg were BOTH WRONG...From REED's Perspective,U Stayed NEUTRAL...But N THIS Instance,U're Practically IGNORING Boxerdog's INSTIGATING Nature...Clearly NOT Being NEUTRAL...

    & Honestly,Dissing a Cat 4 NOT Being N the NFL 4 Very Loooooooooooooong REEKs of JEALOUSY,Dog...Shit,LESS than 1% of the Population is FORTUNATE Enough 2 Play Professional Sports Even 1 Year,let Alone a Couple Years...

    EVERY Man's 1st DREAM 4 their OWN Son & Themselves,is that he Can 1 Day Become a Professional Athlete...

    Yet U're Making it Seem like ANYBODY Could've Played 2 Year's N the NFL??? :wacko: ...

    Shit,1 of REED's CLOSEST Friends has Been N a 10 Year TAILSPIN,Cause he Placed Every Fiber of his Being N 2 Becoming a Pro Football Player...When that Didn't happen,he was CRUSHED...

    From where REED is Sitting,BIGDAWG is BLESSED...Went to a Division I College on a Scholarship,Got DRAFTED N 2 the NFL(Just Ask him about Some of the Paycheck Stubs he's Seen)& NOW,he's Got a Good Job AND he's a Partner N his Own Business...

    Barely 30 Years Old & U OWN(NOT Leasing or Making Payments On,but OWN)Property???...How is that a BAD Thing???...

    REED :Calvin Brock:
  15. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I haven't gone through the 35 pages "however" I will comment anyway...

    Bleeder...It's simply retarded to criticize Bigdawg for his brief NFL career or his attempt to become an entrepreneur.  Either you're picking on that because you have no ammo or you're seriously jealous.  Neither are worthy of criticism...hell...I wish I could say I'd made it to the NFL...even for a brief period of time.

    Secondly, where's the shame in Rahrah's attending Notre Dame on a football scholarship with an eye on going pro?  Again, very few can say they have the talent to make it as far as he has AND have the potential to go farther.

    Bigdawg and Rahrah...It's not cool to tease the Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot for once delivering pizza.  All of us weren't born with tons of cash (except Thurston Howell III (Petre)) so you know how shit gets when you have to do what you've got to do to literally put food on the table.

    The Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot did what he had to do to support himself and now he's past that and has gone on to bigger and better things.  No shame in that. He managed to come up a bit. 

    Some of us fell short of our goal to make it to The Show, whilst other talentless bastards only got as close as their NFL Season Pass allowed them to.

    Also...if anyone wants to tease the Bleeding Canadian of being short...remember...at 5'6" he's as tall as Tom Cruise and pretty much the same height as Mel Gibson.  :D

    Finally...regarding Boxerdog's kids...I said what I had to say early on.  Knowing Bigdawg, he wasn't seriously clowning the kids...merely poking fun at Boxer.  But that's just my take on things. [/b][/quote]
    If you didn't read it, then feel free to make an idiot of yourself by replying, mucilage. :D

    This was target practice. At first it DID bother me that these two knuckleheads lacked the brains to refrain from speaking about someone else's kids, but then I thought I might as well go upside their heads for the entertainment value. That's been pretty much the score for the past 10-15pages that you didn't read. I can understand why you didn't though. It must be tough having to change your Depends every 20 minutes...you keep losing your place. :D

    Well, I wish I could hang around, but I have work to do. I'll post for a while tonight if the Forrest Gump Twinz want me to pimpslap their knuckleheadzzzzzzz. :D [/b][/quote]
    Jealously has brought you thus far Bleeding Ass Faggot, stupidity will carry you the rest of the way home.

    Both of you spouted Caca...though you're used to eating it, not spewing it. :D [/b][/quote]
    Teach those nippleheads how to insult and spell correctly. Your recent incongruous ramblings are semi-decent. These young braindead clods could learn from a festering turd like yourself. :D
  16. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> how tall is buddy?
    unless he under 5 feet tall, he isn't a midget. [/b][/quote]
    Well, back at secondsout he claimed to be 5 foot 7 and about 230 pounds.

    He also claimed to be 200-0 in street fights and that he used to beat up all the prisoners at the old Kingston jail.

    :D :YeahRight: :D [/b][/quote]
    Geez...at least make the lies believable, penizbreath! :D

    I never claimed to be 230. Highest I ever got was 215 and that was some hefty weightlifting and power eating. Never claimed to be unbeaten in streetfights either. I won some and lost some. That was a lifetime ago, thank God. :D

    Never went to the Kingston jail either. :D [/b][/quote]
    Oh, sure change your story now. :YeahRight:

    I forget exactally what you said you weighed, but I don't forget your stories about how you were a wing chung expert and you were the badass in the tough prison town of Kingston, Ontario.

    And what about that one time you fought that big black guy and beat his ass so bad he shook your hand the day after. :D :D

    You was so full of shit that still remember that to this day. :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]
    I seem to recall about a year ago in a work out thread Buddy telling everyone he was 5'8" and around 180lbs trying to get into the 160's .

    BTW Isn't BigDawg like 5'9" (or was that 5'11" :( Memory fails ) ? :wacko:

    Hardly one to be calling anyone a midget , but I can see why you'd pick on little people and kids :D
  17. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Where was all this SAPPY,SENTIMENTAL,"Keith Sweat" Ass Shit,when REED's Newborn Child(LESS than a Month Old @ the Time)Got DISSED???? :wacko:

    MOST of U Motherfuckers that R Acting OFFENDED,Sat on the Sidelines,Filing your Fucking Nails,SPECTATING,when REED's Youngest Child Got Thrown Under the Bus...

    Now U're ALL on Some Ol' Dirty Bastard,"Wu Tang is 4 the Children" Shit??? :wacko:

    Whatever :YeahRight: ...

    REED DOESN'T have a Fucking VAGINA btwn his Legs like Boxerdog Apparently Does,so REED Handled HIS OWN Fucking Business,when his Child Got Dissed...

    REED Didn't ASK 4,Nor EXPECT Any "Help",when his Child Got Dissed,but Upon Hearing the REACTION of Some of U Motherfuckers(2 what BIGDAWG Did),REED Can't Help but Wonder where All these "Morals" & "GOOD Character Traits" were,Then???? :wacko:

    What BIGDAWG Said was Foul(He's a Grown Ass Man & he's Standing by what he Said,Bottom Line),but it's NOT Like BOXERDOG was Some Innocent Bystander,that Got Caught N the Crossfire...That Cat INSTIGATED a WHOLE BUNCH of Shit on this Site,UNDENIABLY...EVERYfuckingTIME Boxerdog Got N 2 a "Pissing Match",it was Cause HE STARTED the Shit...

    That's a Fucking FACT...

    So SPARE REED this OVERSATURATED "Feel Good" Crap,OK???...Especially Since NONE Of U Motherfuckers had an OUNCE of Sentiment 2 Offer REED,when the SAME Fucking Thing Happened 2 him...

    REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote]
    Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I was the first person to thrash Runt Queef for attacking your kid. At least you stated that BigDawg was wrong. Check back. As soon as I heard that he capped on your kid, I stood up and said what a piece of shit he was. [/b][/quote]
    REED DOESN'T Recall U Doing that @ All,BUDDY...& Even if U DID,was it 35 Pages Worth of "Payback"??? :wacko: ...

    CLEARLY,there's MORE "@ Stake" N THIS Case 4 U...Perhaps U have an AXE 2 Grind w/BIGDAWG or Perhaps U & BOXERDOG R Close,but the FACT REMAINS,U DIDN'T Attack wRONg KING w/ANYWHERE NEAR the SAME Level of INTENSITY,that U're Attacking BIGDAWG w/....

    That's All REED is Saying...

    REED Recalls U Telling him that HE AND wRONg were BOTH WRONG...From REED's Perspective,U Stayed NEUTRAL...But N THIS Instance,U're Practically IGNORING Boxerdog's INSTIGATING Nature...Clearly NOT Being NEUTRAL...

    & Honestly,Dissing a Cat 4 NOT Being N the NFL 4 Very Loooooooooooooong REEKs of JEALOUSY,Dog...Shit,LESS than 1% of the Population is FORTUNATE Enough 2 Play Professional Sports Even 1 Year,let Alone a Couple Years...

    EVERY Man's 1st DREAM 4 their OWN Son & Themselves,is that he Can 1 Day Become a Professional Athlete...

    Yet U're Making it Seem like ANYBODY Could've Played 2 Year's N the NFL??? :wacko: ...

    Shit,1 of REED's CLOSEST Friends has Been N a 10 Year TAILSPIN,Cause he Placed Every Fiber of his Being N 2 Becoming a Pro Football Player...When that Didn't happen,he was CRUSHED...

    From where REED is Sitting,BIGDAWG is BLESSED...Went to a Division I College on a Scholarship,Got DRAFTED N 2 the NFL(Just Ask him about Some of the Paycheck Stubs he's Seen)& NOW,he's Got a Good Job AND he's a Partner N his Own Business...

    Barely 30 Years Old & U OWN(NOT Leasing or Making Payments On,but OWN)Property???...How is that a BAD Thing???...

    REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote]
    Again, I'm raising the bullshit flag. Anybody with half a brain knows that I busted Runt Queef much longer than these simpletons. I gave it with no vaseline to these chumps for only a few days. Runt Queef got MONTHS of crap from me, both before AND after he talked shit about your kid. Anybody who thinks that I didn't put Runt Queef in a mental hospital is either:
    a)Full of shit and being purposely selective with their memory
    b)Freebasing Sparkebars. :D

    The truth is, Runt Queef got so many assholes ripped by me that his family now uses him to strain their spaghetti. :D
  18. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> people in his stature are in...short supply [/b][/quote]
    Stealing jokes from cartoons now :D
  19. Sir Dice N Slice

    Sir Dice N Slice Scrub

    Nov 19, 2003
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  20. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Small animal repair technician
    Within driving distance of a Pizza Hut
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Where was all this SAPPY,SENTIMENTAL,"Keith Sweat" Ass Shit,when REED's Newborn Child(LESS than a Month Old @ the Time)Got DISSED???? :wacko:

    MOST of U Motherfuckers that R Acting OFFENDED,Sat on the Sidelines,Filing your Fucking Nails,SPECTATING,when REED's Youngest Child Got Thrown Under the Bus...

    Now U're ALL on Some Ol' Dirty Bastard,"Wu Tang is 4 the Children" Shit??? :wacko:

    Whatever :YeahRight: ...

    REED DOESN'T have a Fucking VAGINA btwn his Legs like Boxerdog Apparently Does,so REED Handled HIS OWN Fucking Business,when his Child Got Dissed...

    REED Didn't ASK 4,Nor EXPECT Any "Help",when his Child Got Dissed,but Upon Hearing the REACTION of Some of U Motherfuckers(2 what BIGDAWG Did),REED Can't Help but Wonder where All these "Morals" & "GOOD Character Traits" were,Then???? :wacko:

    What BIGDAWG Said was Foul(He's a Grown Ass Man & he's Standing by what he Said,Bottom Line),but it's NOT Like BOXERDOG was Some Innocent Bystander,that Got Caught N the Crossfire...That Cat INSTIGATED a WHOLE BUNCH of Shit on this Site,UNDENIABLY...EVERYfuckingTIME Boxerdog Got N 2 a "Pissing Match",it was Cause HE STARTED the Shit...

    That's a Fucking FACT...

    So SPARE REED this OVERSATURATED "Feel Good" Crap,OK???...Especially Since NONE Of U Motherfuckers had an OUNCE of Sentiment 2 Offer REED,when the SAME Fucking Thing Happened 2 him...

    REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote]
    Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I was the first person to thrash Runt Queef for attacking your kid. At least you stated that BigDawg was wrong. Check back. As soon as I heard that he capped on your kid, I stood up and said what a piece of shit he was. [/b][/quote]
    REED DOESN'T Recall U Doing that @ All,BUDDY...& Even if U DID,was it 35 Pages Worth of "Payback"??? :wacko: ...

    CLEARLY,there's MORE "@ Stake" N THIS Case 4 U...Perhaps U have an AXE 2 Grind w/BIGDAWG or Perhaps U & BOXERDOG R Close,but the FACT REMAINS,U DIDN'T Attack wRONg KING w/ANYWHERE NEAR the SAME Level of INTENSITY,that U're Attacking BIGDAWG w/....

    That's All REED is Saying...

    REED Recalls U Telling him that HE AND wRONg were BOTH WRONG...From REED's Perspective,U Stayed NEUTRAL...But N THIS Instance,U're Practically IGNORING Boxerdog's INSTIGATING Nature...Clearly NOT Being NEUTRAL...

    & Honestly,Dissing a Cat 4 NOT Being N the NFL 4 Very Loooooooooooooong REEKs of JEALOUSY,Dog...Shit,LESS than 1% of the Population is FORTUNATE Enough 2 Play Professional Sports Even 1 Year,let Alone a Couple Years...

    EVERY Man's 1st DREAM 4 their OWN Son & Themselves,is that he Can 1 Day Become a Professional Athlete...

    Yet U're Making it Seem like ANYBODY Could've Played 2 Year's N the NFL??? :wacko: ...

    Shit,1 of REED's CLOSEST Friends has Been N a 10 Year TAILSPIN,Cause he Placed Every Fiber of his Being N 2 Becoming a Pro Football Player...When that Didn't happen,he was CRUSHED...

    From where REED is Sitting,BIGDAWG is BLESSED...Went to a Division I College on a Scholarship,Got DRAFTED N 2 the NFL(Just Ask him about Some of the Paycheck Stubs he's Seen)& NOW,he's Got a Good Job AND he's a Partner N his Own Business...

    Barely 30 Years Old & U OWN(NOT Leasing or Making Payments On,but OWN)Property???...How is that a BAD Thing???...

    REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote]
    I couldn't care less about football. European, American, or Canadian. I have never watched any of them with much interest unless it's the playoffs and there's a party happening. Hell, I don't even watch HOCKEY...which is considered blasphemous in Canada. So it should come as no small surprise that I don't much view bigdawg's short career as much other than cannon fodder. :D
  21. Sir Dice N Slice

    Sir Dice N Slice Scrub

    Nov 19, 2003
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    He likes cabbage, only not when it comes into contact with filing cabinets
  22. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Yeah right lil guy is not 5'7" tall. He's more like 2'7" tall. I'm 5'9 and I'm about 3 or 4 feet taller then the micro moderator. The dude still shops at Babies R Us. Yo lil guy when you go there can you pick up some oneies for my son as well. I know ya'll still wear the same size. However he has hit a growth spurt so maybe not. Up in the sky there's bird, no wait a plane, naw hell no that's the mini moderator. Dawg, cats is whuppin your ass all over the place. I kinda feel sorry for you. Funny that you still claim that I rode the bench when I clearly provided proof that I didn't. Now I will admit when I was in the league my shit was very limited well yeah I guess one could say I rode the bench but still I have some action photos of me doing my shit. Hell I can't believe you haven't attacked me getting my helmet knocked the fuk off. But then again that would discredit your idea that I was a scrub. I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    HEY ! My memory is still good .... 5'9" :Calvin Brock:
  23. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Small animal repair technician
    Within driving distance of a Pizza Hut
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> [​IMG]

    Buddy Rydell [/b][/quote]
    Slice and Dice. If I'm a vegetable, then that's a full head of cabbage, isn't it? :D

    That's a lot better than the drug-riddled shithead that you jerk off to every night. His mouldering body only had a couple of clumps left after he listened to one of his own records, tried to remember the lyrics, then realized that it wasn't worth it and blew his own head off with a shotgun.

    Get over it! :D
  24. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I haven't gone through the 35 pages "however" I will comment anyway...

    Bleeder...It's simply retarded to criticize Bigdawg for his brief NFL career or his attempt to become an entrepreneur. Either you're picking on that because you have no ammo or you're seriously jealous. Neither are worthy of criticism...hell...I wish I could say I'd made it to the NFL...even for a brief period of time.

    Secondly, where's the shame in Rahrah's attending Notre Dame on a football scholarship with an eye on going pro? Again, very few can say they have the talent to make it as far as he has AND have the potential to go farther.

    Bigdawg and Rahrah...It's not cool to tease the Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot for once delivering pizza. All of us weren't born with tons of cash (except Thurston Howell III (Petre)) so you know how shit gets when you have to do what you've got to do to literally put food on the table.

    The Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot did what he had to do to support himself and now he's past that and has gone on to bigger and better things. No shame in that. He managed to come up a bit.

    Some of us fell short of our goal to make it to The Show, whilst other talentless bastards only got as close as their NFL Season Pass allowed them to.

    Also...if anyone wants to tease the Bleeding Canadian of being short...remember...at 5'6" he's as tall as Tom Cruise and pretty much the same height as Mel Gibson. :D

    Finally...regarding Boxerdog's kids...I said what I had to say early on. Knowing Bigdawg, he wasn't seriously clowning the kids...merely poking fun at Boxer. But that's just my take on things. [/b][/quote]
    I worked for my money you card board box housed old coot! :stick:

    My middle class parents never gave me anything but a proper upbringing . :headb:

    Now go find a plastic bag ... it's gonna rain soon :muzse: :D
  25. REEDsART


    Jun 15, 2003
    Likes Received:
    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Where was all this SAPPY,SENTIMENTAL,"Keith Sweat" Ass Shit,when REED's Newborn Child(LESS than a Month Old @ the Time)Got DISSED???? :wacko:

    MOST of U Motherfuckers that R Acting OFFENDED,Sat on the Sidelines,Filing your Fucking Nails,SPECTATING,when REED's Youngest Child Got Thrown Under the Bus...

    Now U're ALL on Some Ol' Dirty Bastard,"Wu Tang is 4 the Children" Shit??? :wacko:

    Whatever :YeahRight: ...

    REED DOESN'T have a Fucking VAGINA btwn his Legs like Boxerdog Apparently Does,so REED Handled HIS OWN Fucking Business,when his Child Got Dissed...

    REED Didn't ASK 4,Nor EXPECT Any "Help",when his Child Got Dissed,but Upon Hearing the REACTION of Some of U Motherfuckers(2 what BIGDAWG Did),REED Can't Help but Wonder where All these "Morals" & "GOOD Character Traits" were,Then???? :wacko:

    What BIGDAWG Said was Foul(He's a Grown Ass Man & he's Standing by what he Said,Bottom Line),but it's NOT Like BOXERDOG was Some Innocent Bystander,that Got Caught N the Crossfire...That Cat INSTIGATED a WHOLE BUNCH of Shit on this Site,UNDENIABLY...EVERYfuckingTIME Boxerdog Got N 2 a "Pissing Match",it was Cause HE STARTED the Shit...

    That's a Fucking FACT...

    So SPARE REED this OVERSATURATED "Feel Good" Crap,OK???...Especially Since NONE Of U Motherfuckers had an OUNCE of Sentiment 2 Offer REED,when the SAME Fucking Thing Happened 2 him...

    REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote]
    Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I was the first person to thrash Runt Queef for attacking your kid. At least you stated that BigDawg was wrong. Check back. As soon as I heard that he capped on your kid, I stood up and said what a piece of shit he was. [/b][/quote]
    REED DOESN'T Recall U Doing that @ All,BUDDY...& Even if U DID,was it 35 Pages Worth of "Payback"??? :wacko: ...

    CLEARLY,there's MORE "@ Stake" N THIS Case 4 U...Perhaps U have an AXE 2 Grind w/BIGDAWG or Perhaps U & BOXERDOG R Close,but the FACT REMAINS,U DIDN'T Attack wRONg KING w/ANYWHERE NEAR the SAME Level of INTENSITY,that U're Attacking BIGDAWG w/....

    That's All REED is Saying...

    REED Recalls U Telling him that HE AND wRONg were BOTH WRONG...From REED's Perspective,U Stayed NEUTRAL...But N THIS Instance,U're Practically IGNORING Boxerdog's INSTIGATING Nature...Clearly NOT Being NEUTRAL...

    & Honestly,Dissing a Cat 4 NOT Being N the NFL 4 Very Loooooooooooooong REEKs of JEALOUSY,Dog...Shit,LESS than 1% of the Population is FORTUNATE Enough 2 Play Professional Sports Even 1 Year,let Alone a Couple Years...

    EVERY Man's 1st DREAM 4 their OWN Son & Themselves,is that he Can 1 Day Become a Professional Athlete...

    Yet U're Making it Seem like ANYBODY Could've Played 2 Year's N the NFL??? :wacko: ...

    Shit,1 of REED's CLOSEST Friends has Been N a 10 Year TAILSPIN,Cause he Placed Every Fiber of his Being N 2 Becoming a Pro Football Player...When that Didn't happen,he was CRUSHED...

    From where REED is Sitting,BIGDAWG is BLESSED...Went to a Division I College on a Scholarship,Got DRAFTED N 2 the NFL(Just Ask him about Some of the Paycheck Stubs he's Seen)& NOW,he's Got a Good Job AND he's a Partner N his Own Business...

    Barely 30 Years Old & U OWN(NOT Leasing or Making Payments On,but OWN)Property???...How is that a BAD Thing???...

    REED :Calvin Brock: [/b][/quote]
    Again, I'm raising the bullshit flag. Anybody with half a brain knows that I busted Runt Queef much longer than these simpletons. I gave it with no vaseline to these chumps for only a few days. Runt Queef got MONTHS of crap from me, both before AND after he talked shit about your kid. Anybody who thinks that I didn't put Runt Queef in a mental hospital is either:
    a)Full of shit and being purposely selective with their memory
    b)Freebasing Sparkebars. :D

    The truth is, Runt Queef got so many assholes ripped by me that his family now uses him to strain their spaghetti. :D [/b][/quote]
    U're MISSING the Point,BUDDY...

    U WEREN'T Dissing wRONg BECAUSE of what he Said about REED's Child...U were Dissing him 4 YOUR OWN PERSONAL Reasons,UNrelated 2 REED,or REED's Child...

    REED's Child Really had NATHAN 2 Do w/WHY U were Dissing wRONg King :huh:

    As U Said,u were Talking Shit about him PRIOR 2 his Incident w/REED AND AFTER...REED was Neither HERE,Nor THERE,N YOUR Run-Ins w/wRONg...U have "History" w/Him,Obviously...

    N THIS Case,U're Making it Seem like THE ONLY Reason U're Getting @ BIGDAWG is BECAUSE he Talked Shit about Boxerdog's Children...

    That's BULLSHIT...

    U DIDN'T Attack wRONg,N the Name of REED's Children,w/the SAME Level of VIGOR that U're Attacking Bigdawg 4 DISSING Boxerdog's Children...

    REED :Calvin Brock:
  26. oooh jackie lad

    oooh jackie lad Leap-Amateur

    Nov 30, 2002
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    The next person to post in this thread, after this one is a GAYLORD.
  27. Muzse

    Muzse "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 8, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> I haven't gone through the 35 pages "however" I will comment anyway...

    Bleeder...It's simply retarded to criticize Bigdawg for his brief NFL career or his attempt to become an entrepreneur. Either you're picking on that because you have no ammo or you're seriously jealous. Neither are worthy of criticism...hell...I wish I could say I'd made it to the NFL...even for a brief period of time.

    Secondly, where's the shame in Rahrah's attending Notre Dame on a football scholarship with an eye on going pro? Again, very few can say they have the talent to make it as far as he has AND have the potential to go farther.

    Bigdawg and Rahrah...It's not cool to tease the Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot for once delivering pizza. All of us weren't born with tons of cash (except Thurston Howell III (Petre)) so you know how shit gets when you have to do what you've got to do to literally put food on the table.

    The Bleeding Canadian Ass Faggot did what he had to do to support himself and now he's past that and has gone on to bigger and better things. No shame in that. He managed to come up a bit.

    Some of us fell short of our goal to make it to The Show, whilst other talentless bastards only got as close as their NFL Season Pass allowed them to.

    Also...if anyone wants to tease the Bleeding Canadian of being short...remember...at 5'6" he's as tall as Tom Cruise and pretty much the same height as Mel Gibson. :D

    Finally...regarding Boxerdog's kids...I said what I had to say early on. Knowing Bigdawg, he wasn't seriously clowning the kids...merely poking fun at Boxer. But that's just my take on things. [/b][/quote]
    I worked for my money you card board box housed old coot! :stick:

    My middle class parents never gave me anything but a proper upbringing . :headb:

    Now go find a plastic bag ... it's gonna rain soon :muzse: :D [/b][/quote]

    Petre...you were born with a silver spoon up your ass.
  28. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    THE END :shaneUD12Oscar:

    Godfather ... you ARE the godfather of the longest thread in Fightworld history . :lol: :lol: :lol:

    You can send donations to Rah Rah (He needs new pom poms now) BigDawg (Spark bars aren't taking off like they planned just yet and he didn't even buy his kid some popcorn as they ran in and out of the movie which is probably why the kid was crying ) and Buddy ... (those jokes musta cost a fortune :D :headb: )

    Thanks for the laughs :lol: :lol: :lol:
  29. REEDsART


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Everyone is racist to some extent. [/b][/quote]
    agREED. [/b][/quote]
    agREED agREED

    REED :Calvin Brock:
  30. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Hey Musze .... you know I love you .... :)

    Here ... let me buy you a rain coat



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