Oh, that's so cold! :: LOK wouldn't support that. He would support Vitali shitting on Wlad's chest and then dipping his hands in it. ::::
This Could REVOLUTIONIZE Boxing as we Know it... CutMen will DITCH the COLD Compress for the More Effective URINE Compress... REED:hammert:
Yeah, I know some pitchers soak their fingers in pickle brine to toughen the skin....but this is a little different. ::
Yeah, the question I have is what happens if he's still fighting when junior's too old to produce that pure form of daddy's magic potion?
Yeah, after reading it I was sorta thinking this might've just been an elaborate way for Vitali to say he just pissed on Peter.
Talk about adding insult to injury. He earned the right to talk unlike Peter who talked all kinds of crap and didn't even try and then quit.
Honestly, that is some underrated smqack talk. That lunatic Peter deserves it. I hate fake smack like Tarver or ALI. They would talk a load and then stink out the joint usually. Vitali took the high road as Peter verbally masterbated and then he blasted him in the ring. I really wish an athlete would bring it up years later and talk about how bad he beat him and made him quit. Vitlai should call him every year and say"ah meester Peter du zu remembers when I beats your asses last year."
How pedophilic does that sound?? That is freaking weird if you ask me. Not just doing it....but TALKING about it. Remember those gay looking pics of Vitaly with Wlad??