I'd pick those much resented snow white polar bears in the heaviest division to slaughter all our favourite midgets...?
are the three I mentioned not currently in the same division? I'd fancy dawson to decisively beat either at any weight above twelve stone. and how dare you use the wonderful species of polar bears as a metaphor for talentless euro swine?
Hopkins fighting in a division?.. .. are you sure?.. .. I dont know what division your talking about?,....but it is awesome the way the he's revolutionised the sport by 'cracking' open 'secret' divisions that we never knew were there,..what an amazing, amazing man. Btw, why isn't Valuev a wonderful creature?...
That is correct. It is nothing more than a slogan these days. As actual championship titles have lost their status, p4p rankings are what promoters have come up with. There is no reasonable way to rank fighters p4p
Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. I put up a poll...and the majority :kick:your assertion! The Sly One has Spoken!!:kidcool:
What I meant was that, personally, I consider Marquez to be above Pacquiao...but that's likely not an opinion shared by the majority and I'm not interested enough in p4p lists to argue about it. But my personal opinion is that Calzaghe and Marquez are above Pacquiao.
Excellent list ! ray: You've matched my top 4 exactly. I think it's the only reasonable way to have your list, if you really consider everything.. what happens in the ring.. the way the fighters deal with oppoenents etc.. good job!
Sly one the poll you put up is not the question I was asking. I put up the proper poll BEFORE you did but it got deleted. After your crap poll has died out I will re-establish the one I made, and hopefully it will not be deleted again by you or one of your corrupt cronies. Thumbs way down
No, we are going to argue. I won't argue with you over Calzaghe but how no earth could you have Marquez above Pac when they just fought and Pac won? You must be giving Marquez a ton of credit for beating Casamayor. How else can you justify it? Has Casa really looked any good lately?
I personnally thought Pac should have lost, or at max got a draw against Marquez in the last fight, I guess that's how MK sees it. That'd be a good enough reason to rank Marquez over Pac, the Casamayor win is just icing on the cake. Now, I know you disagree with that assessment of the fight, so it's reasonnable to rank Pac over Marquez considering that. Anyway, as Roll with the punches would put it, "Pfp lists are for teenyboppers". ::
Please...you said QUITE CLEARLY than the majority would agree with you that Marquez won both Pacquaio fights. Well the results are clear...the majority DO NOT agree with you. :atu: No amount of criticism of the poll will change the emphatic results. Don't you DARE disagree with The Sly One again!!
Agreed on the pfp lists. I hate those things. That is why I didn't post one. I just do not agree about Pac/JMM.
Pacquiao won. I get it. The point I'm making is, if someone just watched the fights, and judged fighters off of what they saw in the ring, p4p discussions might be different. But people don't turn off their television sets before the official decisions are announced, so you have to argue about official decisions, no matter how much you disagree with them. And you have to take into account the majority's opinion, even if I don't think the majority of the majority have an opinion that's worth much. Most boxing opinion is a bunch of group-think anyways...influenced by red and green boxes on the internet and cheerleaders like Jim Lampley.
I quite clearly did not say what you are saying. I asked a question and posted a poll on it. You posted a different poll, and mine got deleted. Time will tell, Marquez is the better fighter. Hell, when is the last time Marquez got SHIT KICKED the way Morales beat up Pacman in teh 1st fight ?? What other top 5 or 10 p4p fighters have gotten shit kicked ? Marquez - no Calzaghe - hell no Hopkins - no DLH - only by Hopkins Pacman did get beat up though, not too long ago. And as I said, Marquez should have won the last fight and most unbiased observers will agree if they fight today that Marquez would win.
I agree with this, and don't get the obtuse stance people are taking in rating Marquez. It's not even that great of a stretch to argue that he could conceivably still be undefeated. To be honest, I'm not sure I ever had him losing a fight, although I watched the Chris John fight considerably after the fact, and perhaps from a biased viewpoint. For that matter, it's not an incredible stretch to have Hopkins slightly above Calzaghe, especially if you're among those who thought BHop won their fight (as quite a few believed to be the case, though not myself personally).
There was some in the media at the fight, like Brian Kenney, who had Hopkins winning as well. But going back to the point about what you see in the ring, Calzaghe looked like he was taking control, if not complete command, of the fight before Hopkins took that extended breather. It changed the entire trajectory of the fight, IMO, on what was a very questionable punch. I still had Calzaghe winning by decision, but not as clear and decisive as it might have been. Frankly, at one or two points on Saturday I thought Hopkins was about to test whether Estevez would allow him some time against Pavlik.
I thought the fight was close and that a lot was made of the "breather" when in truth it was just a big nothing. Anyway...I thought Calzaghe won, but in no way was it "clear". At least half of those rounds were swing rounds, IMO.
You thought that break at that late point in the fight, when Calzaghe just had 2 or 3 of his best rounds was nothing? Hopkins finished the round in better shape than he started it.
Exactly. It was much closer than many try to pretend. Many of the late rounds were close and Bernard did score the only KD of the fight.
Yes, thats exactly what I think. Im sorry, but a couple of minutes breather at that point in the fight isn't going to give a 43 year old man his second wind.
Okay, we disagree. How long was the actual break in the action? I thought it was more than a couple of minutes, but I don't know. He claimed foul - and got a rest - more than once in the late going of that fight...and I don't think it was just the punches that were the reason for it. At the very least, it seemed like a tennis "injury".