Does anybody have a link to watch it? Don't have cable at the moment. Be highly appreciated if some one could help out, peace!
Rooting hard for Roy Jones to take Calzaghe to school. My brain tells me that Calzaghe takes a close but clear decision. Lets hope I'm wrong.
I saw it and here are my thoughts... Calzaghe... Rewatch Mayweather-Hatton 24/7, extract the humor of Hatton...toss in a bit of Kelly Pavlik's Youngstown, Ohio story and you've got the Calzaghe portion. Spent time talking about Joe's relationship with Enzo, from a working class family, coal mining town (industry has gone)...didn't learn anything. Joe made me laugh when he said that this fight he'll have to concentrate on throwing hard punches rather than "slapping" his way to victory like he did against Hopkins. This is the correct mindset when facing a guy KO'd as badly as Roy has been. This tells me that Joe knows that even if he's trailing in the fight, he knows one punch can change the landscape. note: There will be guys calling Calzaghe's girlfriend "hot" but be wary. Teri Hatcher has a "phat" ass compared to Joe's anorexic girlfriend. Jones... Very sad. Very much reminds me of Muhammad Ali circa 1978. Roy was shown clowning and dancing more than actually putting in work. His new "happy and friendly" routine comes off as phony. Roy actually made a great point at the end...he said, "if I lose, nobody cares. If he loses, everybody cares. Now who has the pressure on him?" As much as I'd like to see Roy win, in the pit of my stomach I can't see it. It's not as much as the two knockouts as it is the 3rd fight with Tarver. If Roy had shown the desire to win at all costs in the 12th round instead of going the distance I could give him the benefit of the doubt. At this age and stage of his career, I don't see him making an honest effort to win over the last 6 or 7 rounds.
I watched it this morning, but it cut off with about 10 minutes to go. When I went to reload I got an error message, presumably HBO was in the process of taking it down. As for the 20 minutes I saw... eh. It was alright. Not anywhere nearly as good as Floyd/Hatton 24/7, but also nowhere near as dull as Oscar's portions of Floyd/DLH 24/7.
You can download it here. Or watch it here: <object width="432" height="351"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="432" height="351"></embed></object>
I don't care what anyone says, and I know it will probably be awful, but I can't f'n wait for this fight. ::
I'm looking forward to it, but it's most likely wishful thinking on my part that Roy might be able to pull off the upset (just like Manny-DLH).
The first episode was BORING to say the least... and I don't really see that changing, save for some fabricated "bad blood" that might pop up between episodes 1 & 2. They should not have done a 24/7. The stories of these two can be told in one simple Countdown show. I realize they do this to push the interest of the casual fan, but there is really nothing here to spark anyone's interest. Floyd-Hatton was pretty damn good TV. It had friends of mine talking about that fight for 4 weeks leading up to the event. This one was a snoozer, and I don't see that changing.
completely agREED with that part. It's almost like they're doing it for the exact oppposite reasons as Floyd-DLH, Floyd-Hatton and now Pac-DLH. Those three fights were sold out within minutes, with the purpose of 24/7 to generate interest and ramp up PPV sales. This 24/7 is almost to convince people to buy tickets to the fight, but at the prices they set, it's not gonna happen. Nor do I think that PPV sales will be enhanced any by this series. In a way, it's almost HBO paying homage to Roy for long and meritorious service, perhaps to atone for the way they kicked him out of the plane a few years ago. Still, a damn expensive going away party, and unless it ridiculously surpasses Jones-Tito in PPV sales, I'm not sure the investment can be justified.
I think it was more of a shot than a tribute. They highlighted his KO losses a lot. That's not a selling point.
Well, I meant the 3-part series as a whole. I don't imagine the entire 90 minutes being allotted to Roy stretched out on the canvas... unless of course they're trying to foreshadow what they believe will happen next week ::
They could have glossed over the losses, but they didn't. That's why I think it was a shot at Jones. Watch how they gloss over the DLH/Pacquaio fight and compare it to this 24/7.
Well I suppose most blind Roy apologists will see it that way. But that's not how it really was. The fact that you're the only one in the thread/on the board crying about it should make that much clear.
if it doesn't crack 300,000, then it's HBO's all-time biggest loser for the amount being invested, and even less justification for a 24/7 series.
well we'll see how much difference 24/7 actually makes because without it I'm sure this fight wouldn't do much more than what hopkins pavlik did. calzaghe is nobody here and no one gives a fuck about him apparently. how much does it cost hbo to make 24/7 anyhow?