I actually like Vic for a lot of the same reason that so many people hate him. Fighters should have a certain amount of cuntiness to them. Whoops, can't say cunt - but anyway, Vic's arrogance is well-placed because the way he fight matches it. You gotta love a guy who vehemently protests a lopsided win just because it was a decision instead of a knockout. that said, I still laughed all the way to the bank when Nonito knocked him out last year, a result in which I parlayed w/ Wlad beating Brewster for what was my most profitable ever boxing wager.
Oh you can Jake, but you'll have to call Mijares a wetback in your very next post to be fair and balanced.
Then you squandered your winnings by betting on Viv against Witter. :: I've never liked Darchinyan. In fact, I'd give Arce the edge in having more boxing skill than Vic. If Vic is getting the snot beaten out of him, I think he quits before getting KO'd. Guys like Vic are more prone to quitting than a guy like Arce.
I picked Mijares to beat Arce. Recognize. My record has improved. I no longer pick with my heart. Also, does anyone else think there should be a Mijares/Munoz rematch?
i agree. Arce has some skills. he's a good body-puncher and as RJJ pointed out during broadcast can turn his shots over well and trick his opponents with timing. He'd beat Vic easily I think. Easily. Vic has almost no skills. All he does is load up.
Arce wouldn't hear the end of round six vs Darchinyan. He wants none of him and thats pretty obvious.
:atu: Vic is the most over-rated puncher in the game. If Arce wants no part of him it's because of money, and nothing else.
I didn't read what he wrote. I guess putting up the results of a poll done by someone else constitutes a blog entry. It's about as original as a lot of his other "reports".
If I didnt know who they were it would look like some Arab beat up some hapless Puerto Rican my dear Panchita, even though he looks a little bit like a Mexican :crafty:.
From now on I'm listening to Free Ike on boxing (see below) Mijares is a skilless statue. What a scrub. The smelly rat faced fella, is a smaller and stinkier version of Hasbeen Hamed and he telegraphed punches and couldn't miss Mijares which is Spanish for "eater of leather."
how did Mijares school Arce so easily if he's such crap? is Arce really that terrible? This is the perfect chance for Arce to redeem himself if he has the nads - fight Vic.