He's not good enough to have a thread like this. What's the point of it? Unless you're talking about Demetrius Andrade...in which case it's only slightly more interesting.
Calzaghe - Loss, 12 - Zip Tarver - Loss, 7 - 5 Roy - Roy hasn't fought a strong willed aggressor since Johnson a fair while ago,...so I find it hard to gauge any scenario between him and Andrade, I really cant predict this one. Hopkins - Loss, 10 - 2, with 2 points deducted from Hopkins which makes the score closer. Dawson - Loss, 12 - Zip, perhaps Chad is stunned or flustered a little bit during the fight. Arabham - Win, 7 - 5 (Realistically),.. Arabham tucked up in a ball doing fuck all, with the understanding that Sauerland will look after him when it goes the distance. Pavlik - Loss, 7 - 5, I know Pavlik looks like dogshit at the moment but styles make fights, Pavlik can handle heat, he'll land too many clean punches and slip too many clean shots not to be awarded a victory in a very brutal fight. Taylor - Loss, 9 - 3, If Jermaine boxes to the best of his ability, the score may even be wider, he's an underrated counter-puncher with underrated hand speed, he might get flustered a little bit late, and those will be the first couple of rounds or so Andrade wins. Lacy - Win, 8 - 4, Andrade would tower over him, and monster him for most of the fight, Jeff's career is over,...against strong opposition, it's all down hill from here on out, he's done.
the real question is whether double L would prefer a romantic weekend in cancun with andrade or a months worth of blue magic.
Calz beats him wide on points. Tarver beats him close on points. RJ even now is still too fast for him and wins a UD. Hopkins schools him for a wide UD. Dawson schools him for a wide UD. He beats Abraham by UD. Him and Pav is a pick em. He beats the living shit outta the shell of Lacy and stops him. Taylor beats him by close decision.
I wont argue about all your picks, except one.... you cant possibly be serious about Lacy! Andrade would beat the shit outta the current version of Lacy!
and you think i'm a troll. i see from this thread that andrade is highly undr-rated, even by some posters who's opinion i respect (~20 % of those who replied). for one thing, there's no way tarver could beat andrade. none. everyone here got that one wrong. secondly, andrade would have a good chance at punishing hopkins for his stink to the point he'd resort to taylor mode. thirdly, lacy's only chance is by ko - he's not koing andrade - in fact, lacy is the one guy here i'd predict andrade to ko. booty is now under-rated at the expense of andrade's under-rating. for some reason that's how people have chosen to interpret their fight, despite booty's obvious skills, speed and vast experience.
Andrade would have about as much chance against Hopkins as your hero JL Castillo would have against a prime Duran.
dude. hopkins is so over-rated. he has a genius match maker and for the most part feasts on gus much smaller than him. hopkins might be in the top 10 if refs did their job and enforced rules.
what's your point? our goal here isn't equity or justice. so wtf does castillo and odh have to do with hopkins fightin 90% of his career two weight classes below where he belonged. at least odh had a foray into 160 and fought plenty of guys bigger than him.
Andrade is a cross between Carlos Scrubdomir and Antonio Margarito,..it's that Baldomir bit that restrains him, it's why he'll fall short of any greatness,... .... I mean if this was 2006, he'd be the stuff of kings as Fraud groupies can attest to, but watching Andrade really draws to focus those bits extra that allows Margarito to suceed.
andrade doesn't have the physical advantages that tony does - there's plenty of 6'+ super middleweights. not so many @ 147.
Well,.. I can't name one supermiddleweight larger than Andrade,.. he dwarfed Kessler and Bute,.. and that's never happenned before,.. Margarito comparitively in his division is a runt,.. he wouldn't even be the 3rd biggest,..
I was half-joking (L12 to "Others"? C'mon X ::). I like Andrade, just having fun at Double L's expense.
This thread shouldn't exist until Andrade wins a big fight. He cannot seem to do that so I'm not holding my breath.
last friday's fight wasn't big? Booty was highly touted and a champion and heavily favored to win. but i do agree that andrade needs some more significant wins. love to see him fight Green or Miranda. A guy like that. Or the winner of Lacy/Taylor. and with his strength and aggression he'd be a handful for old azz Sloppy, and probably KO RJJ.
Apart from the fight played at LLVision, Andrade had no chance whatsoever against Kessler. Because of that, I have hard time seeing him being a "handful" for an even better fighter whose style is even worse for him
Calzaghe- loss ud Tarver- win sd RJJ- win ud Hokins- loss ud Dawson- loss ud Abraham- loss ud Pavlik- loss ud Taylor- loss ud Lacy- win tko
how is his style worse for him? he'll fight inside - at least for a round or two until he feels the upper-cut. then he'll tie up. but he throws more punches and is more likely to trade which is what Andrade was trying to lure Bute into doing all night.
Nope. Kessler was there in front of Andrade all night. Kessler actually had a style which Andrade could hope for, the Dane was just too accurate, too sharp, too quick and too good. Calzaghe on the other hand moves much more, is much faster than Kessler and slips punches better. It would be a shutout
disagree. andrade is an infighter first and foremost which is why Kessler's amateur 1-2 style was so effective. Andrade can chase Soppy to the ropes all night with no problem, given his determination and iron chin.
... and eat a ton of punches in the process. Yes, it's what Andrade does best, but he also loses A LOT of rounds doing it.