That is about the only sensible move for him now. Nobody wants to see Hopkins and him again and Kessler should get some Ws under his belt before a rematch
I thin Calzaghe could beat him if he trained defending takedowns for three months or so. Calz is a super-gifted athlete
joe doesnt need to fear Dawson. Dawson is lathargic. He looks good against Tarver, but he looked like shit against an active Johnson. And Joe is much more Active than Johnson.
:atu:Shut the f*ck up! Calzaghe could train defending takedowns for the rest of his life, he would still die within seconds. MMA ain't boxing.
sensible? in what way? a non ppv fight. would do poorly at the gate. calzaghe has clearly declined from even 3 fights ago when he fought kessler. he'd get paid about half as much as he made for his past two fights for an opponent who would be twice as difficult. we have different views on the meaning of sensible.
If his EGO Allows him to Do So PEACEFULLY, Calzaghe Should just RETIRE... Even a WIN Over Dawson WON'T Elevate Calzaghe's Status MUCH Higher than it Already is.... U've EARNED it, Joe.... REED:cheer:
Chad Dawson is an overhyped joke IMO. He's got no world class power. I'd support him though just because I hate Calzaghe.
I don´t know. To beat a SECOND top 3 contender at a weight, who is under 35, would do wonders for Calzaghe. :: I can´t believe how much credit he gets for beating THIS Roy Jones, delusional fans I guess. ::
I think Dawson will nap Calzaghe's tail as he sprints out the door, no way is Calzaghe down for that... I suppose if Jermaine looks spectacular against Lacy and garners up enough interest, why not Hopkins sr?
Maybe it is no coincidence that Jones fans pay respect to Calzaghe. After all, Roy wasn't very well known for fighting the second bests of divisions either..
Actually I'm not sure he does. He might commit to more punches, but when Jones throws a right hand and means it, I reckon it's got more sting than So-so Chad's.
Calzaghe fights Dawson.........Calzaghe beats Dawson......Dawson is written off as being it worth it?......Calzaghe wont be taking any less than he's been paid for this Calzaghe-Dawson PPV? I think the most likely outcome is a homecoming.......Dawson is a possibility, but only all british encounter vs Carl Froch would be more sellable over here at least....Froch would have to impress vs Pascal to get HBO interested
didn't joe say in the post-fight interview that this would probably be his last fight? citing hopkins, kessler and rjj as adequate to encure his legacy?
yeah, but before the fight he was DEFINITELY going to he doesn't sound to sure........i think it will depend on the offers
He should retire, he is in a no win situation. Chad was impressive against Tarver but he was awful against Johnson and lost IMO. So if Joe does beat him it would read " over rated Dawson destroyed by Calzaghe"
I think the risk vs reward ratio just isn't there for Joe. It wouldn't surprise me at all of Joe just retired.
I was joking with my brother, but would a fight at 168 with Oscar shock anyone? Oscar beats Manny and calls Joe out at 168. :dunno:
There is still Erdei's belt and title to deal with along with Dawson. It's not just Dawson. Why do you think HBO and ESPN2 want fans to not recognize the sanctioning bodies? It's so that THEY end up getting to tell the fans who and what to believe in. Right now, Erdei has the lineal title and the WBO belt. For Joe to truly clean out the division, he needs to get Erdei's claim out of the way. Only Hopkins has completely unified. Calz needs to repeat this feat and then he can get out. Dawson and Erdei are what is in his way.
:laughing: Erdei isn't in anyone's way. If you came across him and asked him, he'd step to the left or right to remain that way as well.
Erdei is the biggest joke in boxing. People always ask Zsolt Erdei,when he´ll step back up to the level of Julio Gonzalez. That´s the ceiling he created for himself, fighting somebody as good as Jugo again. :doh: