I'm a fan of Joe. He earned my respect after the Lacy fight. But I don't see how based on what we saw tonight, that any version of Joe would have beaten a Prime Roy. Would have been a gross mismatch IMO. I think young Roy would have stopped him in the late rounds.
Calzaghe started cold as usual and got dropped as he often does....but after that it was really humiliating for Jones the showboating was really heartless :: this fight is another example of Roy vs any good fighter who can apply calculated pressure
Where is the SSV? Six months of talking bullshit about RJJ is going to do to "Crapzagga." :atu: BITCHSLAPPED, MOTHERFUCKER!!!! :fightme: :atu: CALZAGHE FANS HOLLA 5000!!!!! artie: :hammert: artie:
You're crazy then. Calzaghe was hitting RJJ all night tonight. RJJ hardly touched Calzaghe. A young RJJ would've gotten hit a lot less and hit Calzaghe a lot more. Even this old shot up RJJ would've done a lot better if he could just get off and maybe land a little more. If it's true that a prime RJJ get's hit considerably less and lands considerably more often then you would have to favor him to win.
What's this bullshit talk about a prime RJJ against Calzaghe tonight? Calzaghe is 36 fucking years old. Do you think he's in HIS prime. When Roid was 36 they were peeling him off the canvas against Glengoffe Johnson. CALZAGHE FANS HOLLA 5000!!!! artie:
I think anyone would have rather seen Joe Calzaghe vs Chad Dawson but that's not the fight the promoters made. The promoters are smart and they made this fight because they knew they could get away with it. But now that is absolutely over. There is no such thing as another RJJ that any serious boxing fan will pay for. I am like you and wish everyone would have realized it earlier so that we had gotten a meaningful fight tonight but boxing just doesn't work that way.
It's more ridiculous to argue that this fight shows that Joe wouldn't have beaten Roy in his prime than to argue that it shows he would have.
I didnt say that I wouldn't favour a prime Roy to win, because I would, but Joe is old himself, and at least five years past his prime also. Joe would have lost to Roy, but he would have given him his toughest fight bar Hopkins. No doubt (and that was before this exhibition match tonight) MTF
I aree, but if he got that hurt over a shot he didn't see from a slo-mo Roy, imagine what the past could have brought.
The more I think about it, a prime Roy is just a huge favorite over Calzaghe. In 1996 while RJJ was still at 168 for example, it's a mismatch. In 2000 where Calzaghe was in his prime beating Sheika and RJJ was still amazing with wins over Harding and Johnson, you have to heavily and I mean HEAVILY favor RJJ. I would bet the farm on RJJ to win that fight. It makes me really sad to think about RJJ in the late 90's and early 2000's. What a great fighter he was. Boxing is in the shitter today with no great fighters like Roy was in his prime. I guess we still have Mayweather but no one at the higher weights.
Floyd is retired, and Floyd even on his best day wasnt as electric or exciting to watch as a young Roy. And Ive said time and time again, Roy's last "prime" performance was against Richard Hall in 2000. That was the last truly vintage Jones. Against Harmon, and Julio Gonzalez, he was already starting to slowly decline. I'd give Joe an outside chance vs the circa 2002 Jones, though I'd still favor Jones. The Jones that lit up Hall however would have wiped his ass with Joe for 12 rounds.
Was he???.... Either Way, a Poster Got his Panties N a Wad Cause Another Poster Called Roy-Hall Roy's LAST PRIME Performance & THEN CITED his FAILURE of a Drug Test, Due to Steroids... REED is Stating FACT when he Points Out that Richard Hall ALSO Failed a Test for Steroids, THE SAME NIGHT Roy WAXED him.... Not Really Sure what Rocky Gannon has to Do w/ANY Of that... REED:kidcool:
Well, I just think it's kinda nice for Roy that his decline began after he beat up a guy who was stopped by Mr. Tuesday Night (Fights) himself.
I missed the fight as usual. Still, I don't like Calzaghe's personality. He wasted his prime because he was too big of a coward to make the big fights and come out of his element and fight in america. It's also been reported that he's a prick and I believe it because he has a tendancy to showboat for no fucking reason. Why do that? He did it during the Kessler fight too and if anything I think that detracts from his performance and it looks unprofessional. What an ass. Too bad we'll never get to see him get stretched. At the same time I don't feel all that bad for RJJ either. He was an ass at times too, with his stupid demands and wasted a lot of good years too by taking advantage of a loophole in his HBO contract. Most don't know this but he was once my favorite fighter til he started boring me to death and not challenging himself.
jones-calzaghe HBO video online: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTIyNDIwMjg=.html thank china's permissive copyright laws. "intellectual property is theft."
Richard Hall ALSO was on roids...OH NO!!! And Roy was able to beat him up for 12 rounds, even though RICHARD HALL was on steroids!!! Amazingly impressive. I wonder if Roy could have beaten up REED on STEROIDS!!??
N REED's Opinion, Roy's Decline was BEFORE that... Somewhere N the Eric Harding-Derrick Harmon Range... REED:hammert:
YOU Tried to Portray a 1-Sided Perspective of that Bout when THE FACT Remains, Hall ALSO Tested Positive for Steroids... Which NEGATES the Perceived Advantage YOU were Talking about, Asshole... REED:hammert: