great post. I believe I'd like to hear an explanation from that "informed" writer about his prediction and thoughts.
I was at the fight! With the thousands of other Roy Jones fans who were sorely disappointed. But I'm willing to show my face. RJJ is finished. And for the third time in my life, I learn the lesson of not falling in love with the fighter. With Roy done and Floyd gone, I think it's safe to say I'll never love again :(.
I heard your voicemail last night on Zach's phone. FUKK YOU! LOL. I saw Joon at the fight - he used to be my good luck charm so I was real psyched to see him. Psyche.
hahahahahahahaha. Joon is shot, just like Roy. I'd fire his ass like I did in 2007. At least you got to see Roy in action one more time. I'm hoping to catch Tito's last fight in 2009. Cupey
dsimon writes: EVerybody is so hard on Kenneth... even the pimply faced kid we know and love as Aaron!! I don't see that Kenneth has any special means to ascertain whether JOnes is shot or not. We all know he is now... unless you believe him that he got put off his gameplan. :kidcool: Yeah thats it!! rematch. :: Listen basically if Jones was shot he was going to lose and he was shot. If he had his speed and wits he would have been fighting int he middle of the ring with Joe.
There is no need to be bitter. You were wrong. Very Wrong. Many of us told you this was a bad stupid uninformed take. But groupies will be groupies, and though Roy's dick may be away from your mouth now, I'm sure if he fights Hopkins or someone else, you'll be back to telling us about Roy's "intangibles" and how they will be the difference in the fight.
Why would I be bitter? I've already seen Jones take a couple naps in my day so I knew another loss wouldn't hurt - which was why I felt so emboldened. But I was wrong. Your attempts at a pissing match lame. Try harder.
haha. how was i your good luck charm besides from hopkins-tarver? i picked cotto over mosley and calzaghe over jones! anyways, did you see DMC last night sitting behind the press auxilary? jones getting his ass kicked was sad to see. i was supposed to go see jones-tito but had a family emergency, but instead, went to this one anyways since i've never seen roy fight live. i immediately left the building after the 12th round and didn't even wait to hear the decision or go to the post-fight conference.
We moved ourselves down to where the Judah family was sitting. I don't understand why they sat them right next to Ernie Johnson's family. You can imagine what that was like. Pretty funny. Tarver-Hopkins was the only fight where I really stuck my ass out there like that. But yeah, I kinda realized by the middle rounds that there would be no miraculous comeback. The cut basically sealed it. Jones reminded me a bit of Holyfield last night; still fighting except with a rubber band and a couple pebbles. I really hope he retires after this but I fear he won't. Didn't stick around for the post-fight presser either. Calzaghe's got some tough decisions to make in the coming weeks. If he's smart, he'll hang 'em up.
that judah fight sucked. i had my ipod on throughout the undercard. truth be told, the card i went to in AC the night before was far more entertaining. :: shit, who would've thought that terrance cauthen vs. shamone alvarez would turn out to be a good scrap? haha
Posting a pitcure of someone being hung is really out of line. People shouldn't have to feel unfomrotable reading an internet boxing forum.