Well he is unlike me and every other sport then too :: There were times Roy didn't even see him on one side because he had one eye, how exactly is he sending a message then?
Skills is confidence, Mav. You gain confidence with experience. When you lose it, you're half a man. That's what Jones is now. You have a hurt Calzaghe in front of you on wobbly knees and the best you can do is shake your ass and stick out your tongue? :: WTF is that all about?
If his skills were still there, he could have connected alot more, especially at a stationary object.
I gotta give credit to you fellas who are here eating crow, I didn't think that would happen. That being said, Calzaghe fought a foolish fight. He will probably go down as one of the most hated fighters in history. He should retire unless he is taking on Glen Johnson. I suspect he will retire. He gave Roy much respect after the fight and Roy did drop him in the opening round. The amount of showboating Joe was doing I'd expect out of the drunken master.
my problem with the showboating in the 12th round is that Roy was already beaten up, close to being stopped, and trailing by like 10 points...why be a cunt and rub it in where does it stop....what if he KO'd Roy and Roy was out cold with doctors over him, then Calzaghe showboated? :: not only that, it was an old Roy who he was the heavy favourite against......that's like one of us being in a fight with a little child and instead of just whooping them with some dignity we started showboating like this ---> :mj:
Joe wouldn't be clowning if it was Glen Johnson, because he would be coming after him anyway... Point being if you don't open up on the guy you get demoralized thouroughly and take shots/slaps anyway.
Lucky for Roy that Joe was so much more interested in an ego stroking attempt at out Jonesing Jones than in actually fighting an effective fight. He could have been slapped out in 6, no question. And lucky for Joe that Roy is so shot that he could have fought in any style no matter how tactically poor and still won with plenty to spare.
Honestly, and as much as I like Joe the fighter I would agree that there is little to like about Joe the person, I think Joe should be given some credit for effectively stopping after the 7th round. Jones was almost blind and was a sitting duck, and Joe stopped throwing hurtful punches and coasted to the line. You could see that he really didn't want to hurt Roy any more... MTF
Well he's become a bit less repellent in the last year or so I think. Getting the credit he deserves seems to have mellowed him a bit....doesn't seem so insecure and try hard.
i was shouting at the tele last night.....i thought Joe took the showboating a little too far......and i don't think he meant it in bad taste, because he does genuinely have a lot of respect for Joe....but he ended up making a mockery of his own victory ....anyways, just started watching the HBO coverage....about 4 rounds in.....Kellerman was far to eager to dismiss Calzaghe.....he was very quick to point out that Joe was slow and nothing more than a washed up trinidad.......truth is, Calzaghe takes a round or two to get warmed up and to suss his opponent out round 3 was masterful......Jones was still a threat, and say what you want about how faded Jones has become....he still has very quick hands.....the way Joe avoided some of his shots was incredible
Bigdawg ... who beats Roy besides Calzaghe at that weight? The only guy that would worry me is Dawson. Roy aint what he used to be , but Calzaghe took a very dangerous older dog out that still could dominate most of the pound at that weight.
I take it you disagree ? I think Calzaghe isn't being given enough credit for taking Roy completely out of his game.
Skills and confidence are not the same. You could have all the skills/talent in the world if your afraid of getting hit and knocked out then your nothing.
Huh? Does it matter if one eye was closed or not? I'm welling to bet Roy could still see out of the other eye and was fully aware that he was getting mocked. Thats the point. What point were you trying to make saying Roy had one eye closed? I'm pretty sure he was still able to see Joe at least from what i saw.
Roy could still beat some marginal contenders at 175 but its no surprise that plenty of british posters were ragging on Joe for picking on RJ rather than taking a Pavlik fight, say, a few months ago...RJ can't pull the trigger, even a fat shot tito had his moments. It was lewis-tyson. However, like lewis, Calzaghe at least can make an argument for taking the fight based on the fact that hopkins and jones were near contemporaries, its a nice postscript to his career after taking on two of the best young pretenders in lacy and kessler. he should retire now, but if he fights on however, dawson should be next.
agREED The recent wins don't erase his years of fighting mandatory challengers in his home town. But at least he had the courage to step it up and not just rest on his undefeated record. Although Roy and Bernard are well past their best they are still solid wins, and Joe came to the U.S for both fights.
Yes it does matter especially when a person says Joe was doing it to for Jones' sake. There were a few times he stuck his face out there and Jones ran into him without knowing he was doing that because he was on his blind side with his arms up, so let's not pretend he wasn't trying to show off for his fans and himself, it is preposterous.
Do I disagree that Chad Dawson is the only other light heavyweight today that beats Roy? Yes and by a considerable margin... though I'd love to see your list of top 175 lb. fighters today's version of Roy can beat. Joe gets credit for pitching a near shutout, but the fact is that Roy's shot. It's been evident since 2004, yet thinly disguised in his three comeback wins. But I'm sure that more than a few who picked Calzaghe to win did so because... we believed Roy was shot going into the fight. It's for that reason that I didn't even bother to order the fight last night, and also the reason why I picked against him for the first time in his career.
If he could fight like against Tito/Hanshaw again i wouldn't completely rule out his chances against the guys ranked under him and maybe Zsolt Erdei who has probably a taylormade style for Roy. 1. Calzaghe 2. Hopkins 3. Dawson 4. Tarver 5. Erdei 6. Johnson 7. Garay 8. RJJ 9. Diaconu 10. Brähmer/Woods... ?? whoever who'S even there at 175 below top 8/9?? Cloud probably beats him, too but there's nothing fanboyish about ranking Roy in the top 10, right NOW.
Running into him :laughing:, fighters run into each other all the time blind or not. Their is absolutely no way you can tell if it's cause he's blind or if it's a fight and it happens on a regular bases. Joe was taunting cause he felt comfortable enough in the fight to do so. He probably was trying to show off to his fans but so what? When you taunt someone the first and only person your trying to fuck with is your opponent. I'll bet anything Roy from a mental standpoint was bothered by that shit. That was probably Joe's plan all along. Whatever though, I'm tired of rewriting pretty much everything I've posted already. Believe what you want and I'll believe what I want. It's all opinions anyway.
:doh: calzaghe didnt prove much at light heavy. i guess it depends on what you mean by most because theres at least a dozen guys at lightheavy who would certainly have beaten calzaghe
:dunno: he's been undefeated for almost 20 years.....he's fought all styles....and some very good fighters.....how can you be sure that anyone would DEFINITELY beat him....let alone 'at least a dozen'
REED is Speaking HISTORICALLY... Calzaghe Would've BEATEN "All-Time" Lightheavy Cats like Marvin Johnson, Saad Muhammad, Victor Galindez, etc...Those Guys ALL Appear on Lightheavy Lists.... If U Posted a Top 20-30 All-Time Lightheavy Ranking, REED would Pick Calzaghe to Beat MOST of them...He'd Lose to Pretty Much ALL of the ELITE Guys, but that's about It... REED:hammert: