:: I was thinking the same. I wonder how many subscription they still have when it's been so long since they had a new "members only" interview. What a joke of a website.
IT was really sad for me to see Roy get beat in the fashion he did. I really don't want to see him take anymore punishment. Please Roy, let it go... You had one helluva career and you can retire now healthy and with all facilities intact. Its scary because he's really starting to sound like Holyfield in terms of his excuses.
"Anymore excuses tonight Roy?!!!" -Tarver This has to be one of the most pathetic attempts by a fighter to dismiss a loss, and to give no credit to the guy who beat him. RJJ is a cancer on the pancrease of this sport.
yes. because that was an obvious joke. i think ODH's point was, he won the fight, and he's being asked for an excuse. Ha ha ha ha ha. Bad Oysters. RJJ is a bitch. Sorry to say. I was rooting for him but there's just too much bitch in him.
The excuse was pathetic and i haven't read a single RJJ fan (other then in jest) back it up. Roy got beat soundly but he certainly didn't fight like a bitch. A lot of other fighters would have used the eye as an excuse to quit, especially older fighters who have already made their money and have nothing to lose.
To be fair to Roy, he did show heart. He didn't come close to quitting, at no point did he even look like he wanted to quit, despite basically being humiliated.
he "DID" quit. that's the point. where is the heart in covering up the whole fight, throwing no punches, and not trying to win. after about the 4th round, he'd basically conceded defeat (quit).
Nah, he tried to fight a lot more than he did against Tarver, but just couldn't pull the trigger. Tarver was a pathetic performance, against Calzaghe it was just a washed up fighter going through the motions, doing what he could. Bernard actually tried to quit against Joe, Roy didn't. He might not have gone hell for leather, but that's just not part of his makeup as a fighter. He tried to do what he knows, but it didn't work.
I thought Roy showed a lot of balls on Saturday... I'm with MWS. His body language never indicated to me that he didn't want to win anymore.
Roy fought like a beta the entire Calzaghe fight, never came forward effectively, and never put together a string of punches at all. If he had balls he would have thrown combinations instead of putting up the earmuffs and backing up and throwing one punch at a time.
No he didn't at least in the fight with those guys he was trying to set stuff up. Like he went to the body and he broke Prince's ribs in that fight, threw uppercuts, and hooks. All he did against Joe was try to sneak the the little right hand in, that Joe saw a mile away. Roy pretty much head hunted all night and when things didn't work, he didn't try nothing else really. Even when he had chances from Joe that had his hands down and sticking his chin out.
LOL, I know the difference, but like I said Roy didn't even try to goto the body. Not saying that would of won him the fight but it could been effective for him to slow Joe down to set other things up. After Joe knew Roy wasn't doing anything different, is when he dropped his hands and was toying with him.
I don't know why some peple are so shocked that he blames his corner. I remember after the third Tarver fight he claimed he was worried that people would credit his father for the win. He said he actually thought that during the fight. as far as the fight last Saturday I think Roy did prepare as much as he could but just like the Tarver fight once he got in there he was so reluctant to throw anything. I think part of it is how shot he is but also has to do with his attitude. He knew Joe would be the busier fighter so he had to rely on countering. But he hardly did that. Sure Joe didn't really let him for most of the fight. But at times Joe wold drop the hands and actually put his own face right in front of him. Joe would wait for Roy to do anything and just proceeded to slap the shit out of him.
good point. rjj has never lost and not offered up a ridiculous excuse and given his opponent no credit.
.....well it was shoddy cutsman work....i aint no cut expert but i didn't even see them apply any grease to that gash.....but that's Roy's fault for not putting an experienced cuts man in his corner....just cos he has never been cut before he got complacent ....but Roy can't blame the whole loss on this......never mind about the shots he didn't see once he was cut, he didn't see the left hand that caused it in the first place as well as many other shots
They probably called your providers phone, you don't pay for one. You're pathetic, all that shit you talked before the fight and now you have the nerve to come at me? It must hurt you inside for me to disect your boy's lack of performance against Joe C.:boohoo:
Jones is shot Calzaghe pulled him through. Calzaghe could have knocked him out but carried him to the end. It would be terrible for calzaghe to end his career beating a shot former champ. he should go out with a cherry on top against a young current champ.