Its better for Oscar to look like this now, when he has time to adjust to the weight, than at the weigh in. Oscar should be fine. I dunno how you all expected him to look.
How much can oscar weigh in for the fight? Last I heard he cant be above 147 fightnight. Is this correct?
Pretty much every fighter is. Also their training camp "went great, one of the best ever". (that is unless they lose)
:: I always love that.. no matter how good they feel before the fight.. if they lose it was a bad camp
Wait until you see him in person, you will see how puny this guy really is. That is exactly one of the factors Freddie told me he is banking on, and it was a month ago I saw him at the press conference in Houston. They guy got too light way too soon, and he will have to eat very little to maintain it and there goes his strength. I like Manny in this fight after 6. If Manny makes it past six where Oscar will be his most dangerous, Oscar will realize he is an almost billionaire and not a fighter anymore when Manny turns up the heat, and Pacquiao should take over and begin to dominate.
agREED... Even if DeLa IS Weak @ the Lower Weight, he's Giving his Body Time to ADJUST to it...So By Fightnight, he'll B ACCLIMATED...SMART on his Part... Personally, DeLa Looks to B in GOOD Shape to REED...The BLACK EYE Makes him Look WORSE than he Really is... REED:hammert:
Yep... & Nacho Beristain is THE NEW "Best Trainer" DeLa's EVER Had...& He's TEACHING DeLa Things he's "NEVER Learned B 4".... If DeLa EVER Gets Tired of Using the "Golden Boy" Moniker", "Broken Record" would CERTAINLY B Appropriate... REED:boohoo:
That SOUNDS Good on Paper, StingerKarl, but w/All DUE Respect, REED Can't See It Happening... Manny Pac has ONE Style of Fighting...AGGRESSIVELY...Manny's ALWAYS Relatively CLOSE to his Opponent, Looking to Make CONTACT... The ONLY Way Manny Makes it PAST Round 6 is if DeLa CARRIES him...& the ONLY Way DeLa can CARRY him is if Manny Fights PASSIVELY, which ISN'T N Manny's Make-up... Manny's Going to B MANNY...He's Going to BRING the Fight to DeLa, FORCE an Uptempo Pace Early & Find himself KO'ed by the 6th Round (Or EARLIER)... NOT Because DeLa is BETTER, but Because he's BIGGER... If DeLa's Running on a LIMITED Energy Tank, he'll KNOW This Better than Anybody & WHENEVER he Wants to Take the Little Man OUT, he Will... REED WISHES Manny Would & COULD Win, but he WON'T...There's a REASON they have Weight Classes... REED:hammert:
Unfortunately I agree. Manny looked surprisingly solid and strong at 135, more so than I expected, but there comes a point where too much is too much. I can't imagine manny at higher than 135, despite him looking strong there. One has to remember, a large portion of Manny's career was at FLYWEIGHT. He is just not big enough to beat Oscar.
REED: Roach told me and two other boxing writers in Houston that Ivan "Iron Boy" Calderon humiliated Oscar in sparring last year in Puerto Rico. Roach said that Oscar was so frustrated he couldn't make contact with Calderon that he was practically in tears, and Calderon staggered him on several occasions when he caught Oscar lunging in, Oscar ran right into his shots and Calderon slid off, untouched. He thinks that if the flyweight champion had such an easy time with Oscar, Manny will crunch him. I understand your argument about Manny slugging, but the team told me and Manny himself told me that wasn't necessarily going to be the case. He wouldn't discuss specifics with me, but when I told him I knew he was going to have Manny sliding around the guy moving to his right double and triple jabbing, and then catching Oscar coming in as he is just going to take one step forward with his left and let 'em rip with a straight left and follow up right hook,and then slide back out again jabbing, he told me "Man you klnow my strategy!" and then walked away. Don't look for Manny to walk in and trade with this guy much the first half of the fight as they are banking on Oscar tiring badly.
Karl that's pretty irrelevant. Do you think if they actually fought that Calderon would win? Of course he wouldn't, Oscar would KO him in the first round. Spadafora beat Mayweather in sparring, etc etc etc, by and large it means very little.
if ODH can consistently make 140 as someone suggested, he could become the P4P #1 fighter once again. I can't think of anyone at 140 who could beat ODH. Even at his late age.
I'm just telling you all what Freddie told us is all. Roach said that Calderon beat the guy up, and I think he convinced Arum to take the fight largely based upon what he saw Calderon do to Oscar in the gym, and Manny was 146 1/2 in the ring for the Diaz fight, so Roach thinks Manny will do a job on the guy.
is that fossil dundee being paid strictly as another angle to talk about on 24-7? boring ass delahoya needs all the help he can get
He looks just fine to me , except for the black eye. How do you guys expect him to look? The best he can be at that weight is to get there sooner than later and get comfortable with it. There's no such thing as being in the area of the weight he'll need to be , too soon. Hitting his training peak is another story. THAT he wants to time for the fight and if he's still busy trying to make weight , he's not hitting his peak at that weight. That he's in the ballpark and getting in shape is what counts. I'll bet he looks as sharp as ever of his comeback fights because obviously he's serious about being in shape. A fat slow DLH at this stage is more to worry about that drains himself to make weight the week of the fight.
Yeah...Pacquiao is going to box/outbox DE LA HOYA....::..move to his right..jab.jab.jab.:: right... What is he going to do about DLH jab?? DLH can win this fight whichever way he wants..he can be aggressive...or just stand back and counter the shit out of Pacquiao... 5'6"...67" reach vs. 5'10"...73" reach..