I know this thread will more than likely be slaughtered on here but does anyone else find it strange that Oscar did not put on that much weight before the fight?
It did seem strange. I know DLH was supposed to have been down at that weight very early, and DLH did look pretty thin, but still, he didn't look like he weighed less than Pac. Maybe HBO was up to some bullshit.
Muzse and I were talking about this the other day, and these were my exact thoughts as well. I know HBO customarily weighs in fighters after the weigh-in, but I don't honestly rememeber the last time DLH jumped on a scale for them. Usually, the report for Oscar and Cotto is, "... refused/declined to get on our scales." Now all of a sudden, this is the fight where he agrees and it just so happens he's lighter than Pac? My take was that no matter what he weighed, HBO's instructions were to ensure that he was "lighter" than Pac in efforts to minimize the size angle that everyone else was so furious over.
Jake that's what I've been saying. Oscar NEVER weighs in the day of the fight, ever. For whatever reason, he always declines. And suddenly he does now, and he's only 147 pounds? :atu: Sure. So did anyone actually SEE him weigh in at 147? No, I didn't think so ::
Or was he so confident he actually did weight in this time - it would certainly explain the look no his face after R1
In fairness on the 24/7 show they showed him on the scales about 5 days before the fight and he was at or around the welter limit. So it wasn't as if he dried himself out to make weight & had much extra muscle to rehydrate post weigh in.
Dude Oscar was clearly drained for the fight. It's amazing how people believe HBO lie about Oscars pre fight weight but at the same time believe Oscar when he is on the scales for the 24/7 show.
Maybe, but if he was drained he'd been drained for weeks, because he didn't cut much weight for the weigh in, that's all I'm saying.
I guess that is true I thought he looked in good shape for fight compared to the Forbes fight where he looked physically drained. IMO Oscar got old (older) over night. In a way I always expected this to happen with B-Hop but that guy is a freak.
I'm not making excuses - Pac is the man. 1. Dela is clearly shot 2. Don't get carried away thinking PAC destroyed a legit welter.
I'm not sure how legitimate Oscar weighing 147 the day of the fight is. However i do think he wasn't able to gain as much as he would have liked to overnight. Even Roach stated before the fight if he did only weigh 147 it would be better for them, as it meant Oscar's stomach shrank.
The last time DLH had allowed himself to be weighed on fight night was the first Mosley fight. He was 152 and Shane was 155.
what i don't get is how no one knew he was drained leading into the fight...if he was so light for weeks leading into the fight did he have a rather light training camp? was he sparring with complete stiffs? they would have noticed that he was missing a step
....anyone who doesn't think weight was the main factor in DLH's performance (or lack of) is simply in denial ....he got down too early and punished his body for too long
Yeah, bro, but fighters encounter this issue all the time...you imagine if fights got stopped every time a fighter is coming in too light or has taken off too much weight - or vice-versa (and much more common) is too high and has to cut? The show goes on. That's why they needed to get Pac outta there early...and that was the plan. They were counting on the size and supposed strength difference to be the equalizer. Peace.
I thought Delahoya was weight drained. Not to take credit away from Pacquiao because he did his thing regardless. But I noticed Delahoya's legs wobbled early in the fight. It wasn't after Pacquiao landed anything meaningful. Early in the fight Pacquiao was out working him but not as much as towards the end of the fight. Even when they clinched a few times in the middle of the ring Delahoya never seemed to be stronger man. He just seemed to get outmuscled by little Pacquiao way too easy and early in the fight. Maybe it was a combination of delahoya being weight drained and shot and of course Pacquiao overwhelmed him until they stoped it.
hmm nah, usually people cut weight up until the weigh in...so it's difficult to see how they'll really be effected till fight night after all the weights has come off and they've replenished after the weigh-in etc but DLH cut weight a while ago and the impact would have been seen in training and sparring...there would have been little difference between DLH in training a few weeks ago and fight night, if he was the same weight all along
Yeah, the general consensus among non-practitioners is always how great it is to cut weight and acclimate yourself to it. . The empirical evidence suggests the best way to make weight is to cut a lot right before the weigh-in and put it back on as quickly as you can. . I doubt there is a 'right' way for everyone, but thinking you can get 'used' to weighing 15 lbs less than you usually do for an extended amount of time while increasing your physical exertion is something I would expect far fewer to believe in if they tried it themselves.