At their respective best at weltweight. I think Mayorga gets to him late. He'd mentally break down Cintron with his shenanigans of taking his shots for free on the chin and he would probably put him away late. Mayorga TKO 9
I dont even think it goes 9. The Forrest version of Mayorga mauls the frog and stops him within 6. Kerm would be unable to keep that version of Mayorga off of him, and Ricardo would just club him to death until Cintron quits. And I woulda said this prior to last night.
Mayorga sucks, he always did Cintron has always sucked as well Mayorga should be able to beat him though
Teddy Reid isn't quite as good as Mayorga, but Kermit handled him with ease. I think Cintron stops him late.
Mayorga takes Cintron best punches land some sloppy punches....pushes him aroujnd for a few rounds... that make Cintron heart dissipate... Mayorga by TKO 8
Yeah but in all seriousness who was Teddy Reid??... At 147 Mayorga hit harder than Margarito and had quicker hands, plus his punches came from odd angles. I don't see Cintron handling that too well.
Mayorga would laugh at Cintron's "power" shots and just walk in and maul him. Kermit would be crying like a little girl. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Ricardo pulled out his cock and pissed on him right there.
Mayorga's a skill less bum but at least he has heart. That's more than enough to for him to out last Kermit and win a decision on the cards.
At 147 Mayorga had a good chin, heavy hands, and above average handspeed. The combination of those 3 things would ensure that Kermit the frog wouldnt see the final bell.
People need to stop over-looking the fact that Cintron's displays of showing less than an impressive amount of heart came against a guy who had bricks in his hands !!!! Namely, Margarito. Every other fight he's been in, he's shown no quit in him and in fact has had some impressive knock-outs (the Mathysse KO probably being the best of them). He probably could've taken Feliciano and Estrada out easier than he did but I think he felt at that point he had something to prove and made it a point to engage them both in wars. And he got hit plenty in both of those fights, with everything not always going his way. But in the end he stopped both of them. I think Cintron's slate needs to be wiped clean in terms of his mental toughness in light of the findings regarding Margarito. I don't think there's any shame in folding against a guy who's hitting you with bricks. We'll see. In his last fight he certainly was hurt but got back up and fought on seemingly undiscouraged. I think this reputation he has as being mentally fragile could prove to be completely false afterall.
dude he looked mentally fragile in his lasdt fight he is one of these athletes than someone decided should be a boxer, like Michael Grant with a somewhat better chin
how did he look mentally fragile? what are you? a psychiatrist? judging from your posts I highly doubt it. he was knocked down, got up, and proceeded to fight with the same determination and will to win that he'd had prior to the knock-down. How is that mentally fragile?
If I sound like a broken record it's in response to the broken record claim that Cintron is mentally fragile, which besides against Margarito, he's shown no signs of. And Margarito, as we all know, was not fighting fair and was hitting Cintron with shots he'd never felt the likes of. All I'm saying is it remains to be seen how mentally tough Cintron is. The Margarito fights can be thrown out as evidence that he's mentally fragile. Take those away, and there's no evidence that he's mentally fragile. But nobody seems to be able to get that through their skulls or even entertain the possibility.
Ina ll honesty Double, they only have proof that Margarito illegally wrapped for the Mosley fight, they haven't yet proved any other fight, so we can't just assume, innocent til proven guilty. And even so Margarito never did use it against Mosley yeah...I know he was caught first...I get it. But don't just use that don't know for sure that he was cheating against Cintron.
So he didn't perceive Cotto to be the threat that Mosley posed, and didn't bother to load his gloves for that fight, but for Mosley, he found it necessary? Hindsight is 20/20. As far back as the Williams fight it's obvious something wasn't right with his gloves. My guess is Williams would've knocked him out had it not been for the loaded gloves.
THINK what you want, still not any evidence in sayinwhat you say. Say to base your arguement on something that has yet to be proven is kind of a bad decision in an arguement is it not?