REED and cdogg, Floyd is a better fighter than Hatton. Pound for pound or otherwise. More talented, more skilled, more versatile etc. That's beyond dispute. However, he didn't JUST beat Hatton with skill. In fact a big part of his beating hatton was down to him outmuscling hatton. He didn't just look bigger than hatton, he SEEMED the bigger, stronger fighter in there. He was pushing hatton around, and roughing him up with elbows/forearms etc. So size/strength played a real role in that fight, not just skill.
Floyd weighed less on fight night then Hatton. So not only is Floyd much better but he is stronger then Hatton.
Mosley started his career at 135 and Floyd started at 130. Don't forget...Mosley wasn't the one bitching it was Floyd. Obviously, the De la Hoya fight was on the table that's why Mosley didn't/couldn't take the fight. So what if Marquez called out Floyd...Shane made a solid offer and Floyd turned it down. So which is worse? The bottom line, Marquez is a lower risk fight which is the only reason Floyd has any interest at all in it.
The longer floyd stays out not only would Pac's chances of beatinhg him increase, the chance he'd make him quit increase as well. Before we get to that... Let's see him get by Hatton first.
:: It's All Good that U HATE Floyd, Muzse, but U're Being RIDICULOUS Here, Dog...WHEN has Floyd EVER Given ANY Indication that he'd QUIT N a Fight???...Sure, REED Could See Manny Pac BEATING an Inactive Floyd, but Making him QUIT???.... REED::
its about money vs risk, obviously. if mayweather jr is being offered the same or more for a smaller guy then that is why he's considering the fight. I don't care to see the fight, personally. then again I'm not thrilled by the thought of mayweather jr vs mosley. I anticipate that being a dull fight. the fight I've been waiting for is mayweather jr vs cotto. remember him, that guy who beat mosley?
Well why don't you ask Arum why that fight hasn't been made and never will. It's not like Cotto wouldn't be ready and willing. So as much as you lick PBF's dick, you should be frustrated by him over the fact that he's too much of a coward to make "the fight [I've] been waiting for....."
Money aside, Floyd spent a great deal of time talking about legacy...I was one of the few who gave him a pass for the baldomir fight. A fight with Marquez is sheer cowardice whether the money is the same or equal. Lastly, do you REALLY think Floyd has any interest in fighting Cotto? Get real. Even if Cotto left Top Rank, unless Cotto ended up w/Golden Boy I can't believe Floyd would want anything to do with the kid. As far as risk/reward goes Cotto might as well line up behind Mosley. Floyd doesn't want any.
He IS bigger than Hatton,.. people just dont seem to get it,...some fighters handle cutting weight real well, others dont,... Paul Williams is your prime example,.. whereas on the other side of the scale, Arthur Arabham's tiny frame struggles to boil down to 160,.. this incompetent 'weight' system does not ensure that geometrically equal fighters are confined to the same divisions. It's amazing,.. You can look at two people, one person is shorter in height and reach, and less musclebroad, but according to most boxing fans, he's dah bigga mahn...... If there was an IQ test and you picked the smaller shape to be larger than the bigger shape the psychiatrist would classify you as a retard.
Agreed. It was a perfect example of Hatton's complete lack of skill. He can't fight inside and he certaintly can't fight outside. So all PBF had to do was deal with Hatton's holding on the inside with forearms and elbows like you said, wear him out on the inside, and then wait for one of Hatton's retarded hit, fall in and hold, and beat him to the punch, as he did with the left hook, and knock him out. It's also a testament to the fact that PBF was the bigger man that he managed to knock him out. PBF is known for a lot of things but punching power is not one of them. I think it was a combination of Hatton's making one mistake after another, and PBF's having the reflexes to catch him during one of his mid-distance punches followed by his falling in for a clinch (a leaping left jab of all things). Who the fuck throws that punch except for a complete hack with no idea what he's doing?
Mosley was a fucking huge Lightweight, he was shrinking down to make weight. Floyd actually went up from his amateur weight to start his career. JMM started as a 126 as well, so the Floyd picking on the smaller guy angle doesn't make much sense. Hell, it's pretty clear that Marquez probably hits harder and they're about the same height.
Seriously, you're just making Castillo look worse everytime you call Hatton a bum. That bum handled the hell out of your boy and made him stay that for the count, almost crying in pain.
We'll just have to Agree to DISagree, Brother Mex...U Already KNOW that REED Respects your Boxing Opinions, but N the Case of Floyd-Hatton, REED DIDN'T See Floyd "OutMuscling" him @ All...Hatton Spent the Vast MAJORITY of the Fight PRESSURING Floyd & Rarely Took a Backwards Step... & Floyd Does the Forearm/Elbow Thing to EVERYBODY...JL Castillo was MUCH Stronger than Floyd, yet Floyd did it Against Him as Well.... Difference of Opinion, Mate... REED:hammert:
The KO had NATHAN To Do w/Size... U JUST Said YOURSELF that Floyd's REFLEXES were a Factor...TIMING was Another...The FACT that Hatton LUNGED Face 1st Into Floyd's Gloves (& NEVER Saw the Shot that Hit him) is Yet ANOTHER... But Again, Size had NATHAN to Do w/the KO...Floyd Mayweather ISN'T a Big Welter or even a TRUE Welter...Not even Close.... REED:mj:
Sure thing REED. I agree, Hatton did what he usually does, pressured Floyd. Floyd more or less did what he usually does too, exploit openings, counter, jab, move a bit, use his forearms and elbows. I guess to put it simply, at times where Hatton "caught" Floyd, Floyd more than held his own, and looked like the bigger stronger fighter. Hatton couldn't outmuscle him, which is saying something, considering he outmuscled Tszyu - considered a very strong 140 pounder.
dsimon writes: I agree. Floyd was bigger and stronger. Teh fact is that Hatton could not effect Floyd physically because of the size difference. I think Muze's point dovetails here: the fact is Floyd is not afraid to be outfinessed by the likes of Hatton or Marquez. He will however seemingly stay away from the likes of cotto and Mosley. Like Neil I would LOVE nothing more than to see Floyd versus Cotto. Floyd will as said fight the little man for the same money though, its that little extra advantage Floyd wants in the ring.
People fail to realise just how good Marquez really is. The way he can adapt and figure out his opponent is just extraordinary... Like I said that doesn't mean he beats Floyd... but it definately is no easy fight for anyone... and would be very close.
Mayweather vs. Cotto or Mosley are acceptable....if Pacquiao beats Hatton then a Pac/May fight would also be acceptable.... Mayweather vs. Marquez is bullshit....and a Hatton rematch if he wins vs.Pac is also bullshit...not because Hat/May II is no good or a shitty matchup but we have already seen IT... best thing would be Cotto/Mosley/Mayweather/Hat-Pac winner....having fighting each other...let say... Cotto vs. Hatton Mosley vs. Mayweather or Mosley vs. Hatton Cotto vs. Mayweather winner fight each other....:hammert:
This fight might be competitive if Mayweather has to make 140something...forget about it MAYWEATHER WINS EASILY...
Even Though REED's Been Arguing AGAINST Floyd's "Size" Over Hatton, he'd QUITE Clearly have an EDGE N Size AND STRENGTH on JM Marquez (AND Age)... For the 1st Time EVER, JM would Face a Guy who Probably SURPASSES his Own Skill Level AND he'd B GIVING AWAY Size & Youth as Well... The Fight Wouldn't B "Easy" N the Sense that Floyd STOPS JM Early, but REED Wouldn't Expect him to Have Much Trouble N Route to Stopping him by the 6th or 7th...Like Others have Said, Manny Pac would have a MUCH Better Chance of Beating Floyd than JM EVER Would.... REED:hammert:
The man with the colosseum ribcage in your sig mate, has a nose that's been kindled with an axe split, an already horrifying addition to a Picasso classic, please put a woman there instead.